# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is generated by wxPython's PI generator. Do not edit by hand. # # The *.pyi files are used by PyCharm and other development tools to provide # more information, such as PEP 484 type hints, than it is able to glean from # introspection of extension types and methods. They are not intended to be # imported, executed or used for any other purpose other than providing info # to the tools. If you don't use use a tool that makes use of .pyi files then # you can safely ignore this file. # # See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/ # https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html # # Copyright: (c) 2020 by Total Control Software # License: wxWindows License #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- begin-_propgrid --# import wx #-- end-_propgrid --# #-- begin-propgriddefs --# PG_LABEL = "@!" PG_LABEL_STRING = PG_LABEL PG_NULL_BITMAP = wx.NullBitmap PG_COLOUR_BLACK = wx.BLACK PG_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = wx.Size(-1, -1) PG_INVALID_VALUE = 0 PG_BASE_OCT = 0 PG_BASE_DEC = 0 PG_BASE_HEX = 0 PG_BASE_HEXL = 0 PG_PREFIX_NONE = 0 PG_PREFIX_0x = 0 PG_PREFIX_DOLLAR_SIGN = 0 PG_DONT_RECURSE = 0 PG_KEEP_STRUCTURE = 0 PG_RECURSE = 0 PG_INC_ATTRIBUTES = 0 PG_RECURSE_STARTS = 0 PG_FORCE = 0 PG_SORT_TOP_LEVEL_ONLY = 0 PG_FULL_VALUE = 0 PG_REPORT_ERROR = 0 PG_PROPERTY_SPECIFIC = 0 PG_EDITABLE_VALUE = 0 PG_COMPOSITE_FRAGMENT = 0 PG_UNEDITABLE_COMPOSITE_FRAGMENT = 0 PG_VALUE_IS_CURRENT = 0 PG_PROGRAMMATIC_VALUE = 0 PG_SETVAL_REFRESH_EDITOR = 0 PG_SETVAL_AGGREGATED = 0 PG_SETVAL_FROM_PARENT = 0 PG_SETVAL_BY_USER = 0 #-- end-propgriddefs --# #-- begin-propgridproperty --# PG_PROP_MAX = 0 PG_PROP_PARENTAL_FLAGS = 0 PG_STRING_STORED_FLAGS = 0 PG_PROP_MODIFIED = 0 PG_PROP_DISABLED = 0 PG_PROP_HIDDEN = 0 PG_PROP_CUSTOMIMAGE = 0 PG_PROP_NOEDITOR = 0 PG_PROP_COLLAPSED = 0 PG_PROP_INVALID_VALUE = 0 PG_PROP_WAS_MODIFIED = 0 PG_PROP_AGGREGATE = 0 PG_PROP_CHILDREN_ARE_COPIES = 0 PG_PROP_PROPERTY = 0 PG_PROP_CATEGORY = 0 PG_PROP_MISC_PARENT = 0 PG_PROP_READONLY = 0 PG_PROP_COMPOSED_VALUE = 0 PG_PROP_USES_COMMON_VALUE = 0 PG_PROP_AUTO_UNSPECIFIED = 0 PG_PROP_CLASS_SPECIFIC_1 = 0 PG_PROP_CLASS_SPECIFIC_2 = 0 PG_PROP_BEING_DELETED = 0 class PGPaintData(object): """ Contains information related to property's OnCustomPaint. """ m_parent = property(None, None) m_choiceItem = property(None, None) m_drawnWidth = property(None, None) m_drawnHeight = property(None, None) # end of class PGPaintData class PGCellRenderer(wx.RefCounter): """ PGCellRenderer() Base class for wxPropertyGrid cell renderers. """ Selected = 0 ChoicePopup = 0 Control = 0 Disabled = 0 DontUseCellFgCol = 0 DontUseCellBgCol = 0 DontUseCellColours = 0 def __init__(self): """ PGCellRenderer() Base class for wxPropertyGrid cell renderers. """ def Render(self, dc, rect, propertyGrid, property, column, item, flags): """ Render(dc, rect, propertyGrid, property, column, item, flags) -> bool Returns true if rendered something in the foreground (text or bitmap). """ def GetImageSize(self, property, column, item): """ GetImageSize(property, column, item) -> wx.Size Returns size of the image in front of the editable area. """ def DrawCaptionSelectionRect(self, dc, x, y, w, h): """ DrawCaptionSelectionRect(dc, x, y, w, h) Paints property category selection rectangle. """ def DrawText(self, dc, rect, imageWidth, text): """ DrawText(dc, rect, imageWidth, text) Utility to draw vertically centered text. """ def DrawEditorValue(self, dc, rect, xOffset, text, property, editor): """ DrawEditorValue(dc, rect, xOffset, text, property, editor) Utility to draw editor's value, or vertically aligned text if editor is NULL. """ def PreDrawCell(self, dc, rect, cell, flags): """ PreDrawCell(dc, rect, cell, flags) -> int Utility to render cell bitmap and set text colour plus bg brush colour. """ def PostDrawCell(self, dc, propGrid, cell, flags): """ PostDrawCell(dc, propGrid, cell, flags) Utility to be called after drawing is done, to revert whatever changes PreDrawCell() did. """ # end of class PGCellRenderer class PGDefaultRenderer(PGCellRenderer): """ Default cell renderer, that can handles the common scenarios. """ def Render(self, dc, rect, propertyGrid, property, column, item, flags): """ Render(dc, rect, propertyGrid, property, column, item, flags) -> bool Returns true if rendered something in the foreground (text or bitmap. """ def GetImageSize(self, property, column, item): """ GetImageSize(property, column, item) -> wx.Size Returns size of the image in front of the editable area. """ # end of class PGDefaultRenderer class PGCellData(wx.RefCounter): """ PGCellData() """ def __init__(self): """ PGCellData() """ def SetText(self, text): """ SetText(text) """ def SetBitmap(self, bitmap): """ SetBitmap(bitmap) """ def SetFgCol(self, col): """ SetFgCol(col) """ def SetBgCol(self, col): """ SetBgCol(col) """ def SetFont(self, font): """ SetFont(font) """ # end of class PGCellData class PGCell(wx.Object): """ PGCell() PGCell(other) PGCell(text, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, fgCol=wx.NullColour, bgCol=wx.NullColour) Base class for wxPropertyGrid cell information. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PGCell() PGCell(other) PGCell(text, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, fgCol=wx.NullColour, bgCol=wx.NullColour) Base class for wxPropertyGrid cell information. """ def GetData(self): """ GetData() -> PGCellData """ def HasText(self): """ HasText() -> bool Returns true if this cell has custom text stored within. """ def SetEmptyData(self): """ SetEmptyData() Sets empty but valid data to this cell object. """ def MergeFrom(self, srcCell): """ MergeFrom(srcCell) Merges valid data from srcCell into this. """ def SetText(self, text): """ SetText(text) """ def SetBitmap(self, bitmap): """ SetBitmap(bitmap) """ def SetFgCol(self, col): """ SetFgCol(col) """ def SetFont(self, font): """ SetFont(font) Sets font of the cell. """ def SetBgCol(self, col): """ SetBgCol(col) """ def GetText(self): """ GetText() -> String """ def GetBitmap(self): """ GetBitmap() -> wx.Bitmap """ def GetFgCol(self): """ GetFgCol() -> wx.Colour """ def GetFont(self): """ GetFont() -> wx.Font Returns font of the cell. """ def GetBgCol(self): """ GetBgCol() -> wx.Colour """ BgCol = property(None, None) Bitmap = property(None, None) Data = property(None, None) FgCol = property(None, None) Font = property(None, None) Text = property(None, None) # end of class PGCell class PGAttributeStorage(object): """ PGAttributeStorage() wxPGAttributeStorage is somewhat optimized storage for key=variant pairs (i.e. """ def __init__(self): """ PGAttributeStorage() wxPGAttributeStorage is somewhat optimized storage for key=variant pairs (i.e. """ def Set(self, name, value): """ Set(name, value) """ def GetCount(self): """ GetCount() -> unsignedint """ def FindValue(self, name): """ FindValue(name) -> PGVariant """ Count = property(None, None) # end of class PGAttributeStorage class PGProperty(wx.Object): """ PGProperty() PGProperty(label, name) wxPGProperty is base class for all wxPropertyGrid properties and as such it is not intended to be instantiated directly. """ m_clientData = property(None, None) def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def DoGetValue(self): """ DoGetValue() -> PGVariant Override this to return something else than m_value as the value. """ def ValidateValue(self, value, validationInfo): """ ValidateValue(value, validationInfo) -> bool Implement this function in derived class to check the value. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def IntToValue(self, number, argFlags=0): """ IntToValue(number, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def SetValueFromString(self, text, flags=PG_PROGRAMMATIC_VALUE): """ SetValueFromString(text, flags=PG_PROGRAMMATIC_VALUE) -> bool Converts string to a value, and if successful, calls SetValue() on it. """ def SetValueFromInt(self, value, flags=0): """ SetValueFromInt(value, flags=0) -> bool Converts integer to a value, and if successful, calls SetValue() on it. """ def OnMeasureImage(self, item=-1): """ OnMeasureImage(item=-1) -> wx.Size Returns size of the custom painted image in front of property. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Events received by editor widgets are processed here. """ def ChildChanged(self, thisValue, childIndex, childValue): """ ChildChanged(thisValue, childIndex, childValue) -> PGVariant Called after value of a child property has been altered. """ def DoGetEditorClass(self): """ DoGetEditorClass() -> PGEditor Returns pointer to an instance of used editor. """ def DoGetValidator(self): """ DoGetValidator() -> wx.Validator Returns pointer to the wxValidator that should be used with the editor of this property (NULL for no validator). """ def OnCustomPaint(self, dc, rect, paintdata): """ OnCustomPaint(dc, rect, paintdata) Override to paint an image in front of the property value text or drop-down list item (but only if wxPGProperty::OnMeasureImage is overridden as well). """ def GetCellRenderer(self, column): """ GetCellRenderer(column) -> PGCellRenderer Returns used wxPGCellRenderer instance for given property column (label=0, value=1). """ def GetChoiceSelection(self): """ GetChoiceSelection() -> int Returns which choice is currently selected. """ def RefreshChildren(self): """ RefreshChildren() Refresh values of child properties. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def DoGetAttribute(self, name): """ DoGetAttribute(name) -> PGVariant Returns value of an attribute. """ def GetEditorDialog(self): """ GetEditorDialog() -> PGEditorDialogAdapter Returns instance of a new wxPGEditorDialogAdapter instance, which is used when user presses the (optional) button next to the editor control;. """ def OnValidationFailure(self, pendingValue): """ OnValidationFailure(pendingValue) Called whenever validation has failed with given pending value. """ def AddChoice(self, label, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE): """ AddChoice(label, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) -> int Append a new choice to property's list of choices. """ def AddPrivateChild(self, prop): """ AddPrivateChild(prop) Adds a private child property. """ def AdaptListToValue(self, list, value): """ AdaptListToValue(list, value) Adapts list variant into proper value using consecutive ChildChanged() calls. """ def AppendChild(self, childProperty): """ AppendChild(childProperty) -> PGProperty Use this member function to add independent (i.e. """ def AreAllChildrenSpecified(self, pendingList=None): """ AreAllChildrenSpecified(pendingList=None) -> bool Determines, recursively, if all children are not unspecified. """ def AreChildrenComponents(self): """ AreChildrenComponents() -> bool Returns true if children of this property are component values (for instance, points size, face name, and is_underlined are component values of a font). """ def ChangeFlag(self, flag, set): """ ChangeFlag(flag, set) Sets or clears given property flag. """ def DeleteChildren(self): """ DeleteChildren() Deletes children of the property. """ def DeleteChoice(self, index): """ DeleteChoice(index) Removes entry from property's wxPGChoices and editor control (if it is active). """ def Enable(self, enable=True): """ Enable(enable=True) Enables or disables the property. """ def EnableCommonValue(self, enable=True): """ EnableCommonValue(enable=True) Call to enable or disable usage of common value (integer value that can be selected for properties instead of their normal values) for this property. """ def GenerateComposedValue(self): """ GenerateComposedValue() -> String Composes text from values of child properties. """ def GetLabel(self): """ GetLabel() -> String Returns property's label. """ def GetAttribute(self, *args, **kw): """ GetAttribute(name) -> PGVariant GetAttribute(name, defVal) -> String Returns property attribute value, null variant if not found. """ def GetAttributeAsLong(self, name, defVal): """ GetAttributeAsLong(name, defVal) -> long Returns named attribute, as long, if found. """ def GetAttributeAsDouble(self, name, defVal): """ GetAttributeAsDouble(name, defVal) -> double Returns named attribute, as double, if found. """ def GetAttributes(self): """ GetAttributes() -> PyObject Returns map-like storage of property's attributes. """ def GetAttributesAsList(self): """ GetAttributesAsList() -> PGVariant Returns attributes as list wxVariant. """ def GetColumnEditor(self, column): """ GetColumnEditor(column) -> PGEditor Returns editor used for given column. """ def GetBaseName(self): """ GetBaseName() -> String Returns property's base name (i.e. """ def GetCell(self, column): """ GetCell(column) -> PGCell Returns wxPGCell of given column, creating one if necessary. """ def GetOrCreateCell(self, column): """ GetOrCreateCell(column) -> PGCell Returns wxPGCell of given column, creating one if necessary. """ def GetChildCount(self): """ GetChildCount() -> unsignedint Returns number of child properties. """ def GetChildrenHeight(self, lh, iMax=-1): """ GetChildrenHeight(lh, iMax=-1) -> int Returns height of children, recursively, and by taking expanded/collapsed status into account. """ def GetChoices(self): """ GetChoices() -> PGChoices Returns read-only reference to property's list of choices. """ def GetClientData(self): """ GetClientData() -> ClientData Gets managed client object of a property. """ def GetDefaultValue(self): """ GetDefaultValue() -> PGVariant Returns property's default value. """ def GetCommonValue(self): """ GetCommonValue() -> int Returns common value selected for this property. """ def GetDepth(self): """ GetDepth() -> unsignedint """ def GetDisplayedCommonValueCount(self): """ GetDisplayedCommonValueCount() -> int Return number of displayed common values for this property. """ def GetDisplayedString(self): """ GetDisplayedString() -> String Returns property's displayed text. """ def GetEditorClass(self): """ GetEditorClass() -> PGEditor Returns wxPGEditor that will be used and created when property becomes selected. """ def GetHintText(self): """ GetHintText() -> String Returns property's hint text (shown in empty value cell). """ def GetGrid(self): """ GetGrid() -> PropertyGrid Returns property grid where property lies. """ def GetGridIfDisplayed(self): """ GetGridIfDisplayed() -> PropertyGrid Returns owner wxPropertyGrid, but only if one is currently on a page displaying this property. """ def GetHelpString(self): """ GetHelpString() -> String Returns property's help or description text. """ def GetFlagsAsString(self, flagsMask): """ GetFlagsAsString(flagsMask) -> String Gets flags as a'|' delimited string. """ def GetIndexInParent(self): """ GetIndexInParent() -> unsignedint Returns position in parent's array. """ def GetLastVisibleSubItem(self): """ GetLastVisibleSubItem() -> PGProperty Returns last visible child property, recursively. """ def GetMainParent(self): """ GetMainParent() -> PGProperty Returns highest level non-category, non-root parent. """ def GetMaxLength(self): """ GetMaxLength() -> int Returns maximum allowed length of the text the user can enter in the property text editor. """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns property's name with all (non-category, non-root) parents. """ def GetParent(self): """ GetParent() -> PGProperty Return parent of property. """ def GetPropertyByName(self, name): """ GetPropertyByName(name) -> PGProperty Returns (direct) child property with given name (or NULL if not found). """ def GetValidator(self): """ GetValidator() -> wx.Validator Gets assignable version of property's validator. """ def GetValue(self): """ GetValue() -> PGVariant Returns property's value. """ def GetValueImage(self): """ GetValueImage() -> wx.Bitmap Returns bitmap that appears next to value text. """ def GetValueAsString(self, argFlags=0): """ GetValueAsString(argFlags=0) -> String Returns text representation of property's value. """ def GetValueType(self): """ GetValueType() -> String Returns value type used by this property. """ def GetY(self): """ GetY() -> int Returns coordinate to the top y of the property. """ def GetImageOffset(self, imageWidth): """ GetImageOffset(imageWidth) -> int Converts image width into full image offset, with margins. """ def GetItemAtY(self, y): """ GetItemAtY(y) -> PGProperty Returns property at given virtual y coordinate. """ def HasFlag(self, flag): """ HasFlag(flag) -> bool Returns true if property has given flag set. """ def HasFlagsExact(self, flags): """ HasFlagsExact(flags) -> bool Returns true if property has all given flags set. """ def HasVisibleChildren(self): """ HasVisibleChildren() -> bool Returns true if property has even one visible child. """ def Hide(self, hide, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ Hide(hide, flags=PG_RECURSE) -> bool Hides or reveals the property. """ def Index(self, p): """ Index(p) -> int Returns index of given child property. """ def InsertChild(self, index, childProperty): """ InsertChild(index, childProperty) -> PGProperty Use this member function to add independent (i.e. """ def InsertChoice(self, label, index, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE): """ InsertChoice(label, index, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) -> int Inserts a new choice to property's list of choices. """ def IsCategory(self): """ IsCategory() -> bool Returns true if this property is actually a wxPropertyCategory. """ def IsEnabled(self): """ IsEnabled() -> bool Returns true if property is enabled. """ def IsExpanded(self): """ IsExpanded() -> bool Returns true if property has visible children. """ def IsRoot(self): """ IsRoot() -> bool Returns true if this property is actually a wxRootProperty. """ def IsSubProperty(self): """ IsSubProperty() -> bool Returns true if this is a sub-property. """ def IsSomeParent(self, candidateParent): """ IsSomeParent(candidateParent) -> bool Returns true if candidateParent is some parent of this property. """ def IsTextEditable(self): """ IsTextEditable() -> bool Returns true if property has editable wxTextCtrl when selected. """ def IsValueUnspecified(self): """ IsValueUnspecified() -> bool Returns true if property's value is considered unspecified. """ def IsVisible(self): """ IsVisible() -> bool Returns true if all parents expanded. """ def Item(self, i): """ Item(i) -> PGProperty Returns child property at index i. """ def Last(self): """ Last() -> PGProperty Returns last sub-property. """ def RecreateEditor(self): """ RecreateEditor() -> bool If property's editor is created this forces its recreation. """ def RefreshEditor(self): """ RefreshEditor() If property's editor is active, then update it's value. """ def SetAttribute(self, name, value): """ SetAttribute(name, value) Sets an attribute for this property. """ def SetAutoUnspecified(self, enable=True): """ SetAutoUnspecified(enable=True) Set if user can change the property's value to unspecified by modifying the value of the editor control (usually by clearing it). """ def SetBackgroundColour(self, colour, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ SetBackgroundColour(colour, flags=PG_RECURSE) Sets property's background colour. """ def SetEditor(self, *args, **kw): """ SetEditor(editor) SetEditor(editorName) Sets editor for a property. """ def SetCell(self, column, cell): """ SetCell(column, cell) Sets cell information for given column. """ def SetCommonValue(self, commonValue): """ SetCommonValue(commonValue) Sets common value selected for this property. """ def SetChoices(self, choices): """ SetChoices(choices) -> bool Sets new set of choices for the property. """ def SetClientData(self, data): """ SetClientData(data) Sets client object of a property. """ def SetChoiceSelection(self, newValue): """ SetChoiceSelection(newValue) Sets selected choice and changes property value. """ def SetDefaultValue(self, value): """ SetDefaultValue(value) Set default value of a property. """ def SetExpanded(self, expanded): """ SetExpanded(expanded) """ def SetFlagsFromString(self, str): """ SetFlagsFromString(str) Sets flags from a '|' delimited string. """ def SetFlagRecursively(self, flag, set): """ SetFlagRecursively(flag, set) Sets or clears given property flag, recursively. """ def SetHelpString(self, helpString): """ SetHelpString(helpString) Sets property's help string, which is shown, for example, in wxPropertyGridManager's description text box. """ def SetLabel(self, label): """ SetLabel(label) Sets property's label. """ def SetMaxLength(self, maxLen): """ SetMaxLength(maxLen) -> bool Set maximum length of the text the user can enter in the text editor. """ def SetModifiedStatus(self, modified): """ SetModifiedStatus(modified) Sets property's "is it modified?" flag. """ def SetName(self, newName): """ SetName(newName) Sets new (base) name for property. """ def SetParentalType(self, flag): """ SetParentalType(flag) Changes what sort of parent this property is for its children. """ def SetTextColour(self, colour, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ SetTextColour(colour, flags=PG_RECURSE) Sets property's text colour. """ def SetDefaultColours(self, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ SetDefaultColours(flags=PG_RECURSE) Sets property's default text and background colours. """ def SetValidator(self, validator): """ SetValidator(validator) Sets wxValidator for a property. """ def SetValue(self, value, pList=None, flags=PG_SETVAL_REFRESH_EDITOR): """ SetValue(value, pList=None, flags=PG_SETVAL_REFRESH_EDITOR) Call this to set value of the property. """ def SetValueImage(self, bmp): """ SetValueImage(bmp) Set wxBitmap in front of the value. """ def SetValueInEvent(self, value): """ SetValueInEvent(value) Call this function in OnEvent(), OnButtonClick() etc. """ def SetValueToUnspecified(self): """ SetValueToUnspecified() Sets property's value to unspecified (i.e. """ def SetWasModified(self, set=True): """ SetWasModified(set=True) Call with false in OnSetValue() to cancel value changes after all (i.e. """ def UpdateParentValues(self): """ UpdateParentValues() -> PGProperty Updates composed values of parent non-category properties, recursively. """ def UsesAutoUnspecified(self): """ UsesAutoUnspecified() -> bool Returns true if containing grid uses wxPG_EX_AUTO_UNSPECIFIED_VALUES. """ m_value = property(None, None) def SetAttributes(self, attributes): """ Set the property's attributes from a Python dictionary. """ def GetClientObject(self, n): """ Alias for :meth:`GetClientData` """ def SetClientObject(self, n, data): """ Alias for :meth:`SetClientData` """ def wxPGProperty(self, *args, **kw): """ """ # end of class PGProperty class PropertyCategory(PGProperty): """ PropertyCategory() PropertyCategory(label, name=PG_LABEL) Category (caption) property. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PropertyCategory() PropertyCategory(label, name=PG_LABEL) Category (caption) property. """ def GetTextExtent(self, wnd, font): """ GetTextExtent(wnd, font) -> int """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def GetValueAsString(self, argFlags=0): """ GetValueAsString(argFlags=0) -> String Returns text representation of property's value. """ ValueAsString = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyCategory class PGChoiceEntry(PGCell): """ PGChoiceEntry() PGChoiceEntry(other) PGChoiceEntry(label, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) Data of a single wxPGChoices choice. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PGChoiceEntry() PGChoiceEntry(other) PGChoiceEntry(label, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) Data of a single wxPGChoices choice. """ def SetValue(self, value): """ SetValue(value) """ def GetValue(self): """ GetValue() -> int """ Value = property(None, None) # end of class PGChoiceEntry class PGChoicesData(wx.RefCounter): """ PGChoicesData() """ def __init__(self): """ PGChoicesData() """ def CopyDataFrom(self, data): """ CopyDataFrom(data) """ def Insert(self, index, item): """ Insert(index, item) -> PGChoiceEntry """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() """ def GetCount(self): """ GetCount() -> unsignedint """ def Item(self, i): """ Item(i) -> PGChoiceEntry """ Count = property(None, None) # end of class PGChoicesData class PGChoices(object): """ PGChoices() PGChoices(a) PGChoices(labels, values=[]) PGChoices(data) Helper class for managing choices of wxPropertyGrid properties. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PGChoices() PGChoices(a) PGChoices(labels, values=[]) PGChoices(data) Helper class for managing choices of wxPropertyGrid properties. """ def Add(self, *args, **kw): """ Add(arr, arrint) Add(label, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) -> PGChoiceEntry Add(label, bitmap, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) -> PGChoiceEntry Add(entry) -> PGChoiceEntry This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. """ def AddAsSorted(self, label, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE): """ AddAsSorted(label, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) -> PGChoiceEntry Adds a single item, sorted. """ def Assign(self, a): """ Assign(a) Assigns choices data, using reference counting. """ def AssignData(self, data): """ AssignData(data) Assigns data from another set of choices. """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() Deletes all items. """ def Copy(self): """ Copy() -> PGChoices Returns a real copy of the choices. """ def EnsureData(self): """ EnsureData() """ def GetId(self): """ GetId() -> IntPtr Gets a unsigned number identifying this list. """ def GetLabel(self, ind): """ GetLabel(ind) -> String Returns label of item. """ def GetCount(self): """ GetCount() -> unsignedint Returns number of items. """ def GetValue(self, ind): """ GetValue(ind) -> int Returns value of item. """ def GetValuesForStrings(self, strings): """ GetValuesForStrings(strings) -> ArrayInt Returns array of values matching the given strings. """ def GetIndicesForStrings(self, strings, unmatched=None): """ GetIndicesForStrings(strings, unmatched=None) -> ArrayInt Returns array of indices matching given strings. """ def Index(self, *args, **kw): """ Index(label) -> int Index(val) -> int Returns index of item with given label. """ def Insert(self, *args, **kw): """ Insert(label, index, value=PG_INVALID_VALUE) -> PGChoiceEntry Insert(entry, index) -> PGChoiceEntry Inserts a single item. """ def IsOk(self): """ IsOk() -> bool Returns false if this is a constant empty set of choices, which should not be modified. """ def Item(self, i): """ Item(i) -> PGChoiceEntry Returns item at given index. """ def RemoveAt(self, nIndex, count=1): """ RemoveAt(nIndex, count=1) Removes count items starting at position nIndex. """ def Set(self, labels, values=[]): """ Set(labels, values=[]) This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. """ def AllocExclusive(self): """ AllocExclusive() Creates exclusive copy of current choices. """ def GetData(self): """ GetData() -> PGChoicesData Returns data, increases refcount. """ def GetDataPtr(self): """ GetDataPtr() -> PGChoicesData Returns plain data ptr - no refcounting stuff is done. """ def ExtractData(self): """ ExtractData() -> PGChoicesData Changes ownership of data to you. """ def GetLabels(self): """ GetLabels() -> ArrayString Returns array of choice labels. """ def __getitem__(self, index): """ Returns a reference to a :class:PGChoiceEntry using Python list syntax. """ def __len__(self): """ """ Count = property(None, None) Data = property(None, None) DataPtr = property(None, None) Id = property(None, None) Labels = property(None, None) # end of class PGChoices PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None PG_ATTR_DEFAULT_VALUE = u"DefaultValue" PG_ATTR_MIN = u"Min" PG_ATTR_MAX = u"Max" PG_ATTR_UNITS = u"Units" PG_ATTR_HINT = u"Hint" PG_ATTR_INLINE_HELP = PG_ATTR_HINT PG_ATTR_AUTOCOMPLETE = u"AutoComplete" PG_BOOL_USE_CHECKBOX = u"UseCheckbox" PG_BOOL_USE_DOUBLE_CLICK_CYCLING = u"UseDClickCycling" PG_FLOAT_PRECISION = u"Precision" PG_STRING_PASSWORD = u"Password" PG_UINT_BASE = u"Base" PG_UINT_PREFIX = u"Prefix" PG_FILE_WILDCARD = u"Wildcard" PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH = u"ShowFullPath" PG_FILE_SHOW_RELATIVE_PATH = u"ShowRelativePath" PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH = u"InitialPath" PG_FILE_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_DIALOG_TITLE = u"DialogTitle" PG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE = u"DialogStyle" PG_DIR_DIALOG_MESSAGE = u"DialogMessage" PG_ARRAY_DELIMITER = u"Delimiter" PG_DATE_FORMAT = u"DateFormat" PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE = u"PickerStyle" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP = u"Step" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP = u"Wrap" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION = u"MotionSpin" PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTIONSPIN = PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION PG_ATTR_MULTICHOICE_USERSTRINGMODE= u"UserStringMode" PG_COLOUR_ALLOW_CUSTOM = u"AllowCustom" PG_COLOUR_HAS_ALPHA = u"HasAlpha" NullProperty = None PGChoicesEmptyData = None #-- end-propgridproperty --# #-- begin-propgrideditors --# class PGWindowList(object): """ PGWindowList(primary, secondary=None) Contains a list of editor windows returned by CreateControls. """ def __init__(self, primary, secondary=None): """ PGWindowList(primary, secondary=None) Contains a list of editor windows returned by CreateControls. """ def SetSecondary(self, secondary): """ SetSecondary(secondary) """ def GetPrimary(self): """ GetPrimary() -> wx.Window Gets window of primary editor. """ def GetSecondary(self): """ GetSecondary() -> wx.Window Gets window of secondary editor. """ Primary = property(None, None) Secondary = property(None, None) # end of class PGWindowList class PGEditor(wx.Object): """ PGEditor() Base class for custom wxPropertyGrid editors. """ def __init__(self): """ PGEditor() Base class for custom wxPropertyGrid editors. """ m_clientData = property(None, None) def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ def UpdateControl(self, property, ctrl): """ UpdateControl(property, ctrl) Loads value from property to the control. """ def DrawValue(self, dc, rect, property, text): """ DrawValue(dc, rect, property, text) Draws value for given property. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Handles events. """ def GetValueFromControl(self, property, ctrl): """ GetValueFromControl(property, ctrl) -> (bool, variant) Returns value from control, via parameter variant. """ def SetValueToUnspecified(self, property, ctrl): """ SetValueToUnspecified(property, ctrl) Sets value in control to unspecified. """ def SetControlAppearance(self, pg, property, ctrl, appearance, oldAppearance, unspecified): """ SetControlAppearance(pg, property, ctrl, appearance, oldAppearance, unspecified) Called by property grid to set new appearance for the control. """ def SetControlStringValue(self, property, ctrl, txt): """ SetControlStringValue(property, ctrl, txt) Sets control's value specifically from string. """ def SetControlIntValue(self, property, ctrl, value): """ SetControlIntValue(property, ctrl, value) Sets control's value specifically from int (applies to choice etc.). """ def InsertItem(self, ctrl, label, index): """ InsertItem(ctrl, label, index) -> int Inserts item to existing control. """ def DeleteItem(self, ctrl, index): """ DeleteItem(ctrl, index) Deletes item from existing control. """ def OnFocus(self, property, wnd): """ OnFocus(property, wnd) Extra processing when control gains focus. """ def CanContainCustomImage(self): """ CanContainCustomImage() -> bool Returns true if control itself can contain the custom image. """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGEditor class PGTextCtrlEditor(PGEditor): """ PGTextCtrlEditor() """ def __init__(self): """ PGTextCtrlEditor() """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ def UpdateControl(self, property, ctrl): """ UpdateControl(property, ctrl) Loads value from property to the control. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Handles events. """ def GetValueFromControl(self, variant, property, ctrl): """ GetValueFromControl(variant, property, ctrl) -> bool Returns value from control, via parameter variant. """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def SetControlStringValue(self, property, ctrl, txt): """ SetControlStringValue(property, ctrl, txt) Sets control's value specifically from string. """ def OnFocus(self, property, wnd): """ OnFocus(property, wnd) Extra processing when control gains focus. """ @staticmethod def OnTextCtrlEvent(propgrid, property, ctrl, event): """ OnTextCtrlEvent(propgrid, property, ctrl, event) -> bool """ @staticmethod def GetTextCtrlValueFromControl(variant, property, ctrl): """ GetTextCtrlValueFromControl(variant, property, ctrl) -> bool """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGTextCtrlEditor class PGChoiceEditor(PGEditor): """ PGChoiceEditor() """ def __init__(self): """ PGChoiceEditor() """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ def UpdateControl(self, property, ctrl): """ UpdateControl(property, ctrl) Loads value from property to the control. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Handles events. """ def GetValueFromControl(self, variant, property, ctrl): """ GetValueFromControl(variant, property, ctrl) -> bool Returns value from control, via parameter variant. """ def SetValueToUnspecified(self, property, ctrl): """ SetValueToUnspecified(property, ctrl) Sets value in control to unspecified. """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def SetControlIntValue(self, property, ctrl, value): """ SetControlIntValue(property, ctrl, value) Sets control's value specifically from int (applies to choice etc.). """ def SetControlStringValue(self, property, ctrl, txt): """ SetControlStringValue(property, ctrl, txt) Sets control's value specifically from string. """ def InsertItem(self, ctrl, label, index): """ InsertItem(ctrl, label, index) -> int Inserts item to existing control. """ def DeleteItem(self, ctrl, index): """ DeleteItem(ctrl, index) Deletes item from existing control. """ def CanContainCustomImage(self): """ CanContainCustomImage() -> bool Returns true if control itself can contain the custom image. """ def CreateControlsBase(self, propgrid, property, pos, sz, extraStyle): """ CreateControlsBase(propgrid, property, pos, sz, extraStyle) -> wx.Window """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGChoiceEditor class PGComboBoxEditor(PGChoiceEditor): """ PGComboBoxEditor() """ def __init__(self): """ PGComboBoxEditor() """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def UpdateControl(self, property, ctrl): """ UpdateControl(property, ctrl) Loads value from property to the control. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Handles events. """ def GetValueFromControl(self, variant, property, ctrl): """ GetValueFromControl(variant, property, ctrl) -> bool Returns value from control, via parameter variant. """ def OnFocus(self, property, wnd): """ OnFocus(property, wnd) Extra processing when control gains focus. """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGComboBoxEditor class PGChoiceAndButtonEditor(PGChoiceEditor): """ PGChoiceAndButtonEditor() """ def __init__(self): """ PGChoiceAndButtonEditor() """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGChoiceAndButtonEditor class PGTextCtrlAndButtonEditor(PGTextCtrlEditor): """ PGTextCtrlAndButtonEditor() """ def __init__(self): """ PGTextCtrlAndButtonEditor() """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGTextCtrlAndButtonEditor class PGCheckBoxEditor(PGEditor): """ PGCheckBoxEditor() """ def __init__(self): """ PGCheckBoxEditor() """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ def UpdateControl(self, property, ctrl): """ UpdateControl(property, ctrl) Loads value from property to the control. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Handles events. """ def GetValueFromControl(self, variant, property, ctrl): """ GetValueFromControl(variant, property, ctrl) -> bool Returns value from control, via parameter variant. """ def SetValueToUnspecified(self, property, ctrl): """ SetValueToUnspecified(property, ctrl) Sets value in control to unspecified. """ def DrawValue(self, dc, rect, property, text): """ DrawValue(dc, rect, property, text) Draws value for given property. """ def SetControlIntValue(self, property, ctrl, value): """ SetControlIntValue(property, ctrl, value) Sets control's value specifically from int (applies to choice etc.). """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGCheckBoxEditor class PGEditorDialogAdapter(wx.Object): """ PGEditorDialogAdapter() Derive a class from this to adapt an existing editor dialog or function to be used when editor button of a property is pushed. """ def __init__(self): """ PGEditorDialogAdapter() Derive a class from this to adapt an existing editor dialog or function to be used when editor button of a property is pushed. """ m_clientData = property(None, None) def ShowDialog(self, propGrid, property): """ ShowDialog(propGrid, property) -> bool """ def DoShowDialog(self, propGrid, property): """ DoShowDialog(propGrid, property) -> bool """ def SetValue(self, value): """ SetValue(value) """ def GetValue(self): """ GetValue() -> PGVariant This method is typically only used if deriving class from existing adapter with value conversion purposes. """ Value = property(None, None) # end of class PGEditorDialogAdapter class PGMultiButton(wx.Window): """ PGMultiButton(pg, sz) This class can be used to have multiple buttons in a property editor. """ def __init__(self, pg, sz): """ PGMultiButton(pg, sz) This class can be used to have multiple buttons in a property editor. """ def Add(self, *args, **kw): """ Add(label, id=-2) Add(bitmap, id=-2) Adds new button, with given label. """ def Finalize(self, propGrid, pos): """ Finalize(propGrid, pos) Call this in CreateControls() of your custom editor class after all buttons have been added. """ def GetButton(self, i): """ GetButton(i) -> wx.Window Returns pointer to one of the buttons. """ def GetButtonId(self, i): """ GetButtonId(i) -> int Returns Id of one of the buttons. """ def GetCount(self): """ GetCount() -> unsignedint Returns number of buttons. """ def GetPrimarySize(self): """ GetPrimarySize() -> wx.Size Returns size of primary editor control, as appropriately reduced by number of buttons present. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ def AddButton(self, label, id=-2): """ A simple wrapper around the PGMultiButton.Add method, for backwards compatibility. """ def AddBitmapButton(self, bitmap, id=-2): """ A simple wrapper around the PGMultiButton.Add method, for backwards compatibility. """ Count = property(None, None) PrimarySize = property(None, None) # end of class PGMultiButton PGEditor_TextCtrl = PGEditor() PGEditor_Choice = PGEditor() PGEditor_ComboBox = PGEditor() PGEditor_TextCtrlAndButton = PGEditor() PGEditor_CheckBox = PGEditor() PGEditor_ChoiceAndButton = PGEditor() #-- end-propgrideditors --# #-- begin-propgridpagestate --# PG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES = 0 PG_ITERATE_HIDDEN = 0 PG_ITERATE_FIXED_CHILDREN = 0 PG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES = 0 PG_ITERATE_ALL_PARENTS = 0 PG_ITERATE_ALL_PARENTS_RECURSIVELY = 0 PG_ITERATOR_FLAGS_ALL = 0 PG_ITERATOR_MASK_OP_ITEM = 0 PG_ITERATOR_MASK_OP_PARENT = 0 PG_ITERATE_VISIBLE = 0 PG_ITERATE_ALL = 0 PG_ITERATE_NORMAL = 0 PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT = 0 class PropertyGridHitTestResult(object): """ PropertyGridHitTestResult() """ def __init__(self): """ PropertyGridHitTestResult() """ def GetColumn(self): """ GetColumn() -> int Returns column hit. """ def GetProperty(self): """ GetProperty() -> PGProperty Returns property hit. """ def GetSplitter(self): """ GetSplitter() -> int Returns index of splitter hit, -1 for none. """ def GetSplitterHitOffset(self): """ GetSplitterHitOffset() -> int If splitter hit, then this member function returns offset to the exact splitter position. """ Column = property(None, None) Property = property(None, None) Splitter = property(None, None) SplitterHitOffset = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyGridHitTestResult class PropertyGridIteratorBase(object): """ PropertyGridIteratorBase() Base for wxPropertyGridIterator classes. """ def __init__(self): """ PropertyGridIteratorBase() Base for wxPropertyGridIterator classes. """ def Assign(self, it): """ Assign(it) """ def AtEnd(self): """ AtEnd() -> bool """ def GetProperty(self): """ GetProperty() -> PGProperty Get current property. """ def Init(self, *args, **kw): """ Init(state, flags, property, dir=1) Init(state, flags, startPos=wx.TOP, dir=0) """ def Next(self, iterateChildren=True): """ Next(iterateChildren=True) Iterate to the next property. """ def Prev(self): """ Prev() Iterate to the previous property. """ def SetBaseParent(self, baseParent): """ SetBaseParent(baseParent) Set base parent, i.e. """ Property = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyGridIteratorBase class PropertyGridIterator(PropertyGridIteratorBase): """ PropertyGridIterator() PropertyGridIterator(state, flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT, property=None, dir=1) PropertyGridIterator(state, flags, startPos, dir=0) PropertyGridIterator(it) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PropertyGridIterator() PropertyGridIterator(state, flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT, property=None, dir=1) PropertyGridIterator(state, flags, startPos, dir=0) PropertyGridIterator(it) """ # end of class PropertyGridIterator class PGVIterator(object): """ PGVIterator() PGVIterator(it) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PGVIterator() PGVIterator(it) """ def UnRef(self): """ UnRef() """ def Next(self): """ Next() """ def AtEnd(self): """ AtEnd() -> bool """ def GetProperty(self): """ GetProperty() -> PGProperty """ Property = property(None, None) # end of class PGVIterator class PropertyGridPageState(object): """ PropertyGridPageState() Contains low-level property page information (properties, column widths, etc.) of a single wxPropertyGrid or single wxPropertyGridPage. """ def __init__(self): """ PropertyGridPageState() Contains low-level property page information (properties, column widths, etc.) of a single wxPropertyGrid or single wxPropertyGridPage. """ def CheckColumnWidths(self, widthChange=0): """ CheckColumnWidths(widthChange=0) Makes sure all columns have minimum width. """ def DoDelete(self, item, doDelete=True): """ DoDelete(item, doDelete=True) Override this member function to add custom behaviour on property deletion. """ def DoFitColumns(self, allowGridResize=False): """ DoFitColumns(allowGridResize=False) -> wx.Size """ def DoGetItemAtY(self, y): """ DoGetItemAtY(y) -> PGProperty """ def DoInsert(self, parent, index, property): """ DoInsert(parent, index, property) -> PGProperty Override this member function to add custom behaviour on property insertion. """ def DoSetSplitterPosition(self, pos, splitterColumn=0, flags=0): """ DoSetSplitterPosition(pos, splitterColumn=0, flags=0) This needs to be overridden in grid used the manager so that splitter changes can be propagated to other pages. """ def EnableCategories(self, enable): """ EnableCategories(enable) -> bool """ def EnsureVirtualHeight(self): """ EnsureVirtualHeight() Make sure virtual height is up-to-date. """ def GetVirtualHeight(self): """ GetVirtualHeight() -> unsignedint Returns (precalculated) height of contained visible properties. """ def GetActualVirtualHeight(self): """ GetActualVirtualHeight() -> unsignedint Returns actual height of contained visible properties. """ def GetColumnCount(self): """ GetColumnCount() -> unsignedint """ def GetColumnWidth(self, column): """ GetColumnWidth(column) -> int """ def GetGrid(self): """ GetGrid() -> PropertyGrid """ def GetLastItem(self, flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT): """ GetLastItem(flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT) -> PGProperty Returns last item which could be iterated using given flags. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> PGProperty Returns currently selected property. """ def DoSetSelection(self, prop): """ DoSetSelection(prop) """ def DoClearSelection(self): """ DoClearSelection() -> bool """ def DoRemoveFromSelection(self, prop): """ DoRemoveFromSelection(prop) """ def DoSetColumnProportion(self, column, proportion): """ DoSetColumnProportion(column, proportion) """ def DoGetColumnProportion(self, column): """ DoGetColumnProportion(column) -> int """ def ResetColumnSizes(self, setSplitterFlags): """ ResetColumnSizes(setSplitterFlags) """ def GetPropertyCategory(self, p): """ GetPropertyCategory(p) -> PropertyCategory """ def DoGetPropertyValues(self, listname, baseparent, flags): """ DoGetPropertyValues(listname, baseparent, flags) -> PGVariant """ def DoGetRoot(self): """ DoGetRoot() -> PGProperty """ def DoSetPropertyName(self, p, newName): """ DoSetPropertyName(p, newName) """ def GetVirtualWidth(self): """ GetVirtualWidth() -> int Returns combined width of margin and all the columns. """ def GetColumnFitWidth(self, dc, pwc, col, subProps): """ GetColumnFitWidth(dc, pwc, col, subProps) -> int Returns minimal width for given column so that all images and texts will fit entirely. """ def GetColumnFullWidth(self, dc, p, col): """ GetColumnFullWidth(dc, p, col) -> int """ def HitTest(self, pt): """ HitTest(pt) -> PropertyGridHitTestResult Returns information about arbitrary position in the grid. """ def IsDisplayed(self): """ IsDisplayed() -> bool Returns true if page is visibly displayed. """ def IsInNonCatMode(self): """ IsInNonCatMode() -> bool """ def DoLimitPropertyEditing(self, p, limit=True): """ DoLimitPropertyEditing(p, limit=True) """ def DoSelectProperty(self, p, flags=0): """ DoSelectProperty(p, flags=0) -> bool """ def OnClientWidthChange(self, newWidth, widthChange, fromOnResize=False): """ OnClientWidthChange(newWidth, widthChange, fromOnResize=False) widthChange is non-client. """ def RecalculateVirtualHeight(self): """ RecalculateVirtualHeight() Recalculates m_virtualHeight. """ def SetColumnCount(self, colCount): """ SetColumnCount(colCount) """ def PropagateColSizeDec(self, column, decrease, dir): """ PropagateColSizeDec(column, decrease, dir) """ def DoHideProperty(self, p, hide, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ DoHideProperty(p, hide, flags=PG_RECURSE) -> bool """ def DoSetPropertyValueString(self, p, value): """ DoSetPropertyValueString(p, value) -> bool """ def DoSetPropertyValue(self, p, value): """ DoSetPropertyValue(p, value) -> bool """ def DoSetPropertyValueWxObjectPtr(self, p, value): """ DoSetPropertyValueWxObjectPtr(p, value) -> bool """ def DoSetPropertyValues(self, list, default_category): """ DoSetPropertyValues(list, default_category) """ def SetSplitterLeft(self, subProps=False): """ SetSplitterLeft(subProps=False) """ def SetVirtualWidth(self, width): """ SetVirtualWidth(width) Set virtual width for this particular page. """ def DoSortChildren(self, p, flags=0): """ DoSortChildren(p, flags=0) """ def DoSort(self, flags=0): """ DoSort(flags=0) """ def PrepareAfterItemsAdded(self): """ PrepareAfterItemsAdded() -> bool """ def VirtualHeightChanged(self): """ VirtualHeightChanged() Called after virtual height needs to be recalculated. """ def DoAppend(self, property): """ DoAppend(property) -> PGProperty Base append. """ def BaseGetPropertyByName(self, name): """ BaseGetPropertyByName(name) -> PGProperty Returns property by its name. """ def DoClear(self): """ DoClear() Called in, for example, wxPropertyGrid::Clear. """ def DoIsPropertySelected(self, prop): """ DoIsPropertySelected(prop) -> bool """ def DoCollapse(self, p): """ DoCollapse(p) -> bool """ def DoExpand(self, p): """ DoExpand(p) -> bool """ def CalculateFontAndBitmapStuff(self, vspacing): """ CalculateFontAndBitmapStuff(vspacing) """ ActualVirtualHeight = property(None, None) ColumnCount = property(None, None) Grid = property(None, None) LastItem = property(None, None) Selection = property(None, None) VirtualHeight = property(None, None) VirtualWidth = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyGridPageState #-- end-propgridpagestate --# #-- begin-propgridiface --# class PGPropArgCls(object): """ PGPropArgCls(property) PGPropArgCls(str) PGPropArgCls(id) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PGPropArgCls(property) PGPropArgCls(str) PGPropArgCls(id) """ def GetPtr(self, *args, **kw): """ GetPtr() -> PGProperty GetPtr(iface) -> PGProperty """ def GetPtr0(self): """ GetPtr0() -> PGProperty """ def HasName(self): """ HasName() -> bool """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String """ Name = property(None, None) Ptr = property(None, None) Ptr0 = property(None, None) # end of class PGPropArgCls class PropertyGridInterface(object): """ Most of the shared property manipulation interface shared by wxPropertyGrid, wxPropertyGridPage, and wxPropertyGridManager is defined in this class. """ SelectionState = 0 ExpandedState = 0 ScrollPosState = 0 PageState = 0 SplitterPosState = 0 DescBoxState = 0 AllStates = 0 def GetIterator(self, *args, **kw): """ GetIterator(flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT, firstProp=None) -> PropertyGridIterator GetIterator(flags, startPos) -> PropertyGridIterator Returns iterator class instance. """ def GetFirst(self, flags=PG_ITERATE_ALL): """ GetFirst(flags=PG_ITERATE_ALL) -> PGProperty Returns id of first item that matches given criteria. """ def Append(self, property): """ Append(property) -> PGProperty Appends property to the list. """ def AppendIn(self, id, newProperty): """ AppendIn(id, newProperty) -> PGProperty Same as Append(), but appends under given parent property. """ def BeginAddChildren(self, id): """ BeginAddChildren(id) In order to add new items into a property with private children (for instance, wxFlagsProperty), you need to call this method. """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() Deletes all properties. """ def ClearSelection(self, validation=False): """ ClearSelection(validation=False) -> bool Clears current selection, if any. """ def ClearModifiedStatus(self): """ ClearModifiedStatus() Resets modified status of all properties. """ def Collapse(self, id): """ Collapse(id) -> bool Collapses given category or property with children. """ def CollapseAll(self): """ CollapseAll() -> bool Collapses all items that can be collapsed. """ def ChangePropertyValue(self, id, newValue): """ ChangePropertyValue(id, newValue) -> bool Changes value of a property, as if by user. """ def DeleteProperty(self, id): """ DeleteProperty(id) Removes and deletes a property and any children. """ def DisableProperty(self, id): """ DisableProperty(id) -> bool Disables a property. """ def EditorValidate(self): """ EditorValidate() -> bool Returns true if all property grid data changes have been committed. """ def EnableProperty(self, id, enable=True): """ EnableProperty(id, enable=True) -> bool Enables or disables property. """ def EndAddChildren(self, id): """ EndAddChildren(id) Called after population of property with fixed children has finished. """ def Expand(self, id): """ Expand(id) -> bool Expands given category or property with children. """ def ExpandAll(self, expand=True): """ ExpandAll(expand=True) -> bool Expands all items that can be expanded. """ def GetColumnProportion(self, column): """ GetColumnProportion(column) -> int Returns auto-resize proportion of the given column. """ def GetFirstChild(self, id): """ GetFirstChild(id) -> PGProperty Returns id of first child of given property. """ def GetProperty(self, name): """ GetProperty(name) -> PGProperty Returns pointer to a property with given name (case-sensitive). """ def GetPropertiesWithFlag(self, targetArr, flags, inverse=False, iterFlags=PG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES|PG_ITERATE_HIDDEN|PG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES): """ GetPropertiesWithFlag(targetArr, flags, inverse=False, iterFlags=PG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES|PG_ITERATE_HIDDEN|PG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES) Adds to targetArr pointers to properties that have given flags set. """ def GetPropertyAttribute(self, id, attrName): """ GetPropertyAttribute(id, attrName) -> PGVariant Returns value of given attribute. """ def GetPropertyAttributes(self, id): """ GetPropertyAttributes(id) -> PGAttributeStorage Returns map-like storage of property's attributes. """ def GetPropertyBackgroundColour(self, id): """ GetPropertyBackgroundColour(id) -> wx.Colour Returns background colour of first cell of a property. """ def GetPropertyCategory(self, id): """ GetPropertyCategory(id) -> PropertyCategory Returns pointer of property's nearest parent category. """ def GetPropertyByLabel(self, label): """ GetPropertyByLabel(label) -> PGProperty Returns first property which label matches given string. """ def GetPropertyByName(self, *args, **kw): """ GetPropertyByName(name) -> PGProperty GetPropertyByName(name, subname) -> PGProperty Returns pointer to a property with given name (case-sensitive). """ def GetPropertyEditor(self, id): """ GetPropertyEditor(id) -> PGEditor Returns property's editor. """ def GetPropertyHelpString(self, id): """ GetPropertyHelpString(id) -> String Returns help string associated with a property. """ def GetPropertyImage(self, id): """ GetPropertyImage(id) -> wx.Bitmap Returns property's custom value image (NULL of none). """ def GetPropertyLabel(self, id): """ GetPropertyLabel(id) -> String Returns label of a property. """ def GetPropertyName(self, property): """ GetPropertyName(property) -> String Returns property's name, by which it is globally accessible. """ def GetPropertyParent(self, id): """ GetPropertyParent(id) -> PGProperty Returns parent item of a property. """ def GetPropertyTextColour(self, id): """ GetPropertyTextColour(id) -> wx.Colour Returns text colour of first cell of a property. """ def GetPropertyValidator(self, id): """ GetPropertyValidator(id) -> wx.Validator Returns validator of a property as a reference, which you can pass to any number of SetPropertyValidator. """ def GetPropertyValue(self, id): """ GetPropertyValue(id) -> PGVariant Returns property's value as wxVariant. """ def GetPropertyValueAsArrayInt(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsArrayInt(id) -> ArrayInt Return's property's value as wxArrayInt. """ def GetPropertyValueAsArrayString(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsArrayString(id) -> ArrayString Returns property's value as wxArrayString. """ def GetPropertyValueAsBool(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsBool(id) -> bool Returns property's value as bool. """ def GetPropertyValueAsDateTime(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsDateTime(id) -> wx.DateTime Return's property's value as wxDateTime. """ def GetPropertyValueAsDouble(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsDouble(id) -> double Returns property's value as double-precision floating point number. """ def GetPropertyValueAsInt(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsInt(id) -> int Returns property's value as integer. """ def GetPropertyValueAsLong(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsLong(id) -> long Returns property's value as integer. """ def GetPropertyValueAsLongLong(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsLongLong(id) -> LongLong_t Returns property's value as native signed 64-bit integer. """ def GetPropertyValueAsString(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsString(id) -> String Returns property's value as wxString. """ def GetPropertyValueAsULong(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsULong(id) -> unsignedlong Returns property's value as unsigned integer. """ def GetPropertyValueAsULongLong(self, id): """ GetPropertyValueAsULongLong(id) -> ULongLong_t Returns property's value as native unsigned 64-bit integer. """ def GetSelectedProperties(self): """ GetSelectedProperties() -> ArrayPGProperty Returns list of currently selected properties. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> PGProperty Returns currently selected property. """ def GetVIterator(self, flags): """ GetVIterator(flags) -> PGVIterator Similar to GetIterator(), but instead returns wxPGVIterator instance, which can be useful for forward-iterating through arbitrary property containers. """ def HideProperty(self, id, hide=True, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ HideProperty(id, hide=True, flags=PG_RECURSE) -> bool Hides or reveals a property. """ def Insert(self, *args, **kw): """ Insert(priorThis, newProperty) -> PGProperty Insert(parent, index, newProperty) -> PGProperty Inserts property to the property container. """ def IsPropertyCategory(self, id): """ IsPropertyCategory(id) -> bool Returns true if property is a category. """ def IsPropertyEnabled(self, id): """ IsPropertyEnabled(id) -> bool Returns true if property is enabled. """ def IsPropertyExpanded(self, id): """ IsPropertyExpanded(id) -> bool Returns true if given property is expanded. """ def IsPropertyModified(self, id): """ IsPropertyModified(id) -> bool Returns true if property has been modified after value set or modify flag clear by software. """ def IsPropertySelected(self, id): """ IsPropertySelected(id) -> bool Returns true if property is selected. """ def IsPropertyShown(self, id): """ IsPropertyShown(id) -> bool Returns true if property is shown (i.e. """ def IsPropertyValueUnspecified(self, id): """ IsPropertyValueUnspecified(id) -> bool Returns true if property value is set to unspecified. """ def LimitPropertyEditing(self, id, limit=True): """ LimitPropertyEditing(id, limit=True) Disables (limit = true) or enables (limit = false) wxTextCtrl editor of a property, if it is not the sole mean to edit the value. """ def RefreshGrid(self, state=None): """ RefreshGrid(state=None) If state is shown in its grid, refresh it now. """ def RemoveProperty(self, id): """ RemoveProperty(id) -> PGProperty Removes a property. """ def ReplaceProperty(self, id, property): """ ReplaceProperty(id, property) -> PGProperty Replaces property with id with newly created one. """ def RestoreEditableState(self, src, restoreStates=AllStates): """ RestoreEditableState(src, restoreStates=AllStates) -> bool Restores user-editable state. """ def SaveEditableState(self, includedStates=AllStates): """ SaveEditableState(includedStates=AllStates) -> String Used to acquire user-editable state (selected property, expanded properties, scrolled position, splitter positions). """ def SetColumnProportion(self, column, proportion): """ SetColumnProportion(column, proportion) -> bool Set proportion of a auto-stretchable column. """ def SetPropertyAttribute(self, id, attrName, value, argFlags=0): """ SetPropertyAttribute(id, attrName, value, argFlags=0) Sets an attribute for this property. """ def SetPropertyAttributeAll(self, attrName, value): """ SetPropertyAttributeAll(attrName, value) Sets property attribute for all applicable properties. """ def SetPropertyBackgroundColour(self, id, colour, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ SetPropertyBackgroundColour(id, colour, flags=PG_RECURSE) Sets background colour of given property. """ def SetPropertyCell(self, id, column, text=wx.EmptyString, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, fgCol=wx.NullColour, bgCol=wx.NullColour): """ SetPropertyCell(id, column, text=wx.EmptyString, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, fgCol=wx.NullColour, bgCol=wx.NullColour) Sets text, bitmap, and colours for given column's cell. """ def SetPropertyColoursToDefault(self, id, flags=PG_DONT_RECURSE): """ SetPropertyColoursToDefault(id, flags=PG_DONT_RECURSE) Resets text and background colours of given property. """ def SetPropertyEditor(self, *args, **kw): """ SetPropertyEditor(id, editor) SetPropertyEditor(id, editorName) Sets editor for a property. """ def SetPropertyLabel(self, id, newproplabel): """ SetPropertyLabel(id, newproplabel) Sets label of a property. """ def SetPropertyName(self, id, newName): """ SetPropertyName(id, newName) Sets name of a property. """ def SetPropertyReadOnly(self, id, set=True, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ SetPropertyReadOnly(id, set=True, flags=PG_RECURSE) Sets property (and, recursively, its children) to have read-only value. """ def SetPropertyValueUnspecified(self, id): """ SetPropertyValueUnspecified(id) Sets property's value to unspecified. """ def SetPropertyHelpString(self, id, helpString): """ SetPropertyHelpString(id, helpString) Associates the help string with property. """ def SetPropertyImage(self, id, bmp): """ SetPropertyImage(id, bmp) Set wxBitmap in front of the value. """ def SetPropertyMaxLength(self, id, maxLen): """ SetPropertyMaxLength(id, maxLen) -> bool Sets maximum length of text in property text editor. """ def SetPropertyTextColour(self, id, colour, flags=PG_RECURSE): """ SetPropertyTextColour(id, colour, flags=PG_RECURSE) Sets text colour of given property. """ def SetPropertyValidator(self, id, validator): """ SetPropertyValidator(id, validator) Sets validator of a property. """ def SetPropertyValue(self, *args, **kw): """ SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) SetPropertyValue(id, value) Sets value (floating point) of a property. """ def SetPropertyValueString(self, id, value): """ SetPropertyValueString(id, value) Sets value (wxString) of a property. """ def SetPropVal(self, id, value): """ SetPropVal(id, value) Sets value (wxVariant&) of a property. """ def SetValidationFailureBehavior(self, vfbFlags): """ SetValidationFailureBehavior(vfbFlags) Adjusts how wxPropertyGrid behaves when invalid value is entered in a property. """ def Sort(self, flags=0): """ Sort(flags=0) Sorts all properties recursively. """ def SortChildren(self, id, flags=0): """ SortChildren(id, flags=0) Sorts children of a property. """ def GetPropertyByNameA(self, name): """ GetPropertyByNameA(name) -> PGProperty GetPropertyByName() with assertion error message. """ def RefreshProperty(self, p): """ RefreshProperty(p) """ @staticmethod def InitAllTypeHandlers(): """ InitAllTypeHandlers() Initializes all property types. """ @staticmethod def RegisterAdditionalEditors(): """ RegisterAdditionalEditors() Initializes additional property editors (SpinCtrl etc.). """ @staticmethod def SetBoolChoices(trueChoice, falseChoice): """ SetBoolChoices(trueChoice, falseChoice) Sets strings listed in the choice dropdown of a wxBoolProperty. """ @staticmethod def GetEditorByName(editorName): """ GetEditorByName(editorName) -> PGEditor Returns editor pointer of editor with given name. """ def MapType(self, class_, factory): """ Registers Python type/class to property mapping. :param `factory`: Property builder function/class. """ def DoDefaultTypeMappings(self): """ Add built-in properties to the map. """ def DoDefaultValueTypeMappings(self): """ Map pg value type ids to getter methods. """ def GetPropertyValues(self, dict_=None, as_strings=False, inc_attributes=False): """ Returns all property values in the grid. :param `dict_`: A to fill with the property values. If not given, then a new one is created. The dict_ can be an object as well, in which case it's __dict__ is used. :param `as_strings`: if True, then string representations of values are fetched instead of native types. Useful for config and such. :param `inc_attributes`: if True, then property attributes are added in the form of "@@". :returns: A dictionary with values. It is always a dictionary, so if dict_ was and object with __dict__ attribute, then that attribute is returned. """ def SetPropertyValues(self, dict_, autofill=False): """ Sets property values from a dictionary. :param `dict_`: the source of the property values to set, which can be either a dictionary or an object with a __dict__ attribute. :param `autofill`: If true, keys with not relevant properties are auto-created. For more info, see :method:`AutoFill`. :note: * Keys starting with underscore are ignored. * Attributes can be set with entries named like "@@". """ def _AutoFillMany(self,cat,dict_): """ """ def _AutoFillOne(self,cat,k,v): """ """ def AutoFill(self, obj, parent=None): """ "Clears properties and re-fills to match members and values of the given object or dictionary obj. """ def RegisterEditor(self, editor, editorName=None): """ Register a new editor, either an instance or a class. """ def GetPropertyClientData(self, p): """ """ def SetPropertyClientData(self, p, data): """ """ def GetPyIterator(self, flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT, firstProperty=None): """ Returns a pythonic property iterator for a single :ref:`PropertyGrid` or page in :ref:`PropertyGridManager`. Arguments are same as for :ref:`GetIterator`. The following example demonstrates iterating absolutely all items in a single grid:: iterator = propGrid.GetPyIterator(wx.propgrid.PG_ITERATE_ALL) for prop in iterator: print(prop) :see: `wx.propgrid.PropertyGridInterface.Properties` `wx.propgrid.PropertyGridInterface.Items` """ def GetPyVIterator(self, flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT): """ Similar to :ref:`GetVIterator` but returns a pythonic iterator. """ def _Properties(self): """ This attribute is a pythonic iterator over all properties in this `PropertyGrid` property container. It will only skip categories and private child properties. Usage is simple:: for prop in propGrid.Properties: print(prop) :see: `wx.propgrid.PropertyGridInterface.Items` `wx.propgrid.PropertyGridInterface.GetPyIterator` """ Properties = property(None, None) def _Items(self): """ This attribute is a pythonic iterator over all items in this `PropertyGrid` property container, excluding only private child properties. Usage is simple:: for prop in propGrid.Items: print(prop) :see: `wx.propgrid.PropertyGridInterface.Properties` `wx.propgrid.PropertyGridInterface.GetPyVIterator` """ Items = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyGridInterface _type2property = None _vt2getter = None PropertyGridInterface.GetValues = PropertyGridInterface.GetPropertyValues PropertyGridInterface.SetValues = PropertyGridInterface.SetPropertyValues #-- end-propgridiface --# #-- begin-propgrid --# PG_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 PG_AUTO_SORT = 0 PG_HIDE_CATEGORIES = 0 PG_ALPHABETIC_MODE = 0 PG_BOLD_MODIFIED = 0 PG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER = 0 PG_TOOLTIPS = 0 PG_HIDE_MARGIN = 0 PG_STATIC_SPLITTER = 0 PG_STATIC_LAYOUT = 0 PG_LIMITED_EDITING = 0 PG_TOOLBAR = 0 PG_DESCRIPTION = 0 PG_NO_INTERNAL_BORDER = 0 PG_WINDOW_STYLE_MASK = 0 PG_EX_INIT_NOCAT = 0 PG_EX_NO_FLAT_TOOLBAR = 0 PG_EX_MODE_BUTTONS = 0 PG_EX_HELP_AS_TOOLTIPS = 0 PG_EX_NATIVE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING = 0 PG_EX_AUTO_UNSPECIFIED_VALUES = 0 PG_EX_WRITEONLY_BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES = 0 PG_EX_HIDE_PAGE_BUTTONS = 0 PG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION = 0 PG_EX_ENABLE_TLP_TRACKING = 0 PG_EX_NO_TOOLBAR_DIVIDER = 0 PG_EX_TOOLBAR_SEPARATOR = 0 PG_EX_ALWAYS_ALLOW_FOCUS = 0 PG_EX_WINDOW_PG_STYLE_MASK = 0 PG_EX_WINDOW_PGMAN_STYLE_MASK = 0 PG_EX_WINDOW_STYLE_MASK = 0 PG_VFB_STAY_IN_PROPERTY = 0 PG_VFB_BEEP = 0 PG_VFB_MARK_CELL = 0 PG_VFB_SHOW_MESSAGE = 0 PG_VFB_SHOW_MESSAGEBOX = 0 PG_VFB_SHOW_MESSAGE_ON_STATUSBAR = 0 PG_VFB_DEFAULT = 0 PG_ACTION_INVALID = 0 PG_ACTION_NEXT_PROPERTY = 0 PG_ACTION_PREV_PROPERTY = 0 PG_ACTION_EXPAND_PROPERTY = 0 PG_ACTION_COLLAPSE_PROPERTY = 0 PG_ACTION_CANCEL_EDIT = 0 PG_ACTION_EDIT = 0 PG_ACTION_PRESS_BUTTON = 0 PG_ACTION_MAX = 0 wxEVT_PG_SELECTED = 0 wxEVT_PG_CHANGING = 0 wxEVT_PG_CHANGED = 0 wxEVT_PG_HIGHLIGHTED = 0 wxEVT_PG_RIGHT_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_PG_PAGE_CHANGED = 0 wxEVT_PG_ITEM_COLLAPSED = 0 wxEVT_PG_ITEM_EXPANDED = 0 wxEVT_PG_DOUBLE_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_BEGIN = 0 wxEVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_ENDING = 0 wxEVT_PG_COL_BEGIN_DRAG = 0 wxEVT_PG_COL_DRAGGING = 0 wxEVT_PG_COL_END_DRAG = 0 class PGValidationInfo(object): """ Used to convey validation information to and from functions that actually perform validation. """ def GetFailureBehavior(self): """ GetFailureBehavior() -> byte """ def GetFailureMessage(self): """ GetFailureMessage() -> String Returns current failure message. """ def GetValue(self): """ GetValue() -> PGVariant Returns reference to pending value. """ def SetFailureBehavior(self, failureBehavior): """ SetFailureBehavior(failureBehavior) Set validation failure behaviour. """ def SetFailureMessage(self, message): """ SetFailureMessage(message) Set current failure message. """ FailureBehavior = property(None, None) FailureMessage = property(None, None) Value = property(None, None) # end of class PGValidationInfo PropertyGridNameStr = "" class PropertyGrid(wx.Control, PropertyGridInterface): """ PropertyGrid() PropertyGrid(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PG_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridNameStr) wxPropertyGrid is a specialized grid for editing properties - in other words name = value pairs. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PropertyGrid() PropertyGrid(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PG_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridNameStr) wxPropertyGrid is a specialized grid for editing properties - in other words name = value pairs. """ def DoShowPropertyError(self, property, msg): """ DoShowPropertyError(property, msg) Override in derived class to display error messages in custom manner (these message usually only result from validation failure). """ def DoHidePropertyError(self, property): """ DoHidePropertyError(property) Override in derived class to hide an error displayed by DoShowPropertyError(). """ def GetStatusBar(self): """ GetStatusBar() -> wx.StatusBar Return wxStatusBar that is used by this wxPropertyGrid. """ def DoOnValidationFailure(self, property, invalidValue): """ DoOnValidationFailure(property, invalidValue) -> bool Override to customize property validation failure behaviour. """ def DoOnValidationFailureReset(self, property): """ DoOnValidationFailureReset(property) Override to customize resetting of property validation failure status. """ def EditorsValueWasModified(self): """ EditorsValueWasModified() Call when editor widget's contents is modified. """ def EditorsValueWasNotModified(self): """ EditorsValueWasNotModified() Reverse of EditorsValueWasModified(). """ def GetUncommittedPropertyValue(self): """ GetUncommittedPropertyValue() -> PGVariant Returns most up-to-date value of selected property. """ def IsEditorsValueModified(self): """ IsEditorsValueModified() -> bool Returns true if editor's value was marked modified. """ def ShowPropertyError(self, id, msg): """ ShowPropertyError(id, msg) Shows an brief error message that is related to a property. """ def ValueChangeInEvent(self, variant): """ ValueChangeInEvent(variant) Call this from wxPGProperty::OnEvent() to cause property value to be changed after the function returns (with true as return value). """ def WasValueChangedInEvent(self): """ WasValueChangedInEvent() -> bool You can use this member function, for instance, to detect in wxPGProperty::OnEvent() if wxPGProperty::SetValueInEvent() was already called in wxPGEditor::OnEvent(). """ def AddActionTrigger(self, action, keycode, modifiers=0): """ AddActionTrigger(action, keycode, modifiers=0) Adds given key combination to trigger given action. """ def AddToSelection(self, id): """ AddToSelection(id) -> bool Adds given property into selection. """ def BeginLabelEdit(self, colIndex=0): """ BeginLabelEdit(colIndex=0) Creates label editor wxTextCtrl for given column, for property that is currently selected. """ def ChangePropertyValue(self, id, newValue): """ ChangePropertyValue(id, newValue) -> bool Changes value of a property, as if from an editor. """ def CenterSplitter(self, enableAutoResizing=False): """ CenterSplitter(enableAutoResizing=False) Centers the splitter. """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() Deletes all properties. """ def ClearActionTriggers(self, action): """ ClearActionTriggers(action) Clears action triggers for given action. """ def CommitChangesFromEditor(self, flags=0): """ CommitChangesFromEditor(flags=0) -> bool Forces updating the value of property from the editor control. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PG_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridNameStr): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PG_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridNameStr) -> bool Two step creation. """ def DedicateKey(self, keycode): """ DedicateKey(keycode) Dedicates a specific keycode to wxPropertyGrid. """ def EnableCategories(self, enable): """ EnableCategories(enable) -> bool Enables or disables (shows/hides) categories according to parameter enable. """ def EndLabelEdit(self, commit=True): """ EndLabelEdit(commit=True) Destroys label editor wxTextCtrl, if any. """ def EnsureVisible(self, id): """ EnsureVisible(id) -> bool Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible. """ def FitColumns(self): """ FitColumns() -> wx.Size Reduces column sizes to minimum possible, while still retaining fully visible grid contents (labels, images). """ def GetLabelEditor(self): """ GetLabelEditor() -> wx.TextCtrl Returns currently active label editor, NULL if none. """ def GetPanel(self): """ GetPanel() -> wx.Window Returns wxWindow that the properties are painted on, and which should be used as the parent for editor controls. """ def GetCaptionBackgroundColour(self): """ GetCaptionBackgroundColour() -> wx.Colour Returns current category caption background colour. """ def GetCaptionFont(self): """ GetCaptionFont() -> wx.Font Returns current category caption font. """ def GetCaptionForegroundColour(self): """ GetCaptionForegroundColour() -> wx.Colour Returns current category caption text colour. """ def GetCellBackgroundColour(self): """ GetCellBackgroundColour() -> wx.Colour Returns current cell background colour. """ def GetCellDisabledTextColour(self): """ GetCellDisabledTextColour() -> wx.Colour Returns current cell text colour when disabled. """ def GetCellTextColour(self): """ GetCellTextColour() -> wx.Colour Returns current cell text colour. """ def GetColumnCount(self): """ GetColumnCount() -> unsignedint Returns number of columns currently on grid. """ def GetEmptySpaceColour(self): """ GetEmptySpaceColour() -> wx.Colour Returns colour of empty space below properties. """ def GetFontHeight(self): """ GetFontHeight() -> int Returns height of highest characters of used font. """ def GetGrid(self): """ GetGrid() -> PropertyGrid Returns pointer to itself. """ def GetImageRect(self, property, item): """ GetImageRect(property, item) -> wx.Rect Returns rectangle of custom paint image. """ def GetImageSize(self, property=None, item=-1): """ GetImageSize(property=None, item=-1) -> wx.Size Returns size of the custom paint image in front of property. """ def GetLastItem(self, flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT): """ GetLastItem(flags=PG_ITERATE_DEFAULT) -> PGProperty Returns last item which could be iterated using given flags. """ def GetLineColour(self): """ GetLineColour() -> wx.Colour Returns colour of lines between cells. """ def GetMarginColour(self): """ GetMarginColour() -> wx.Colour Returns background colour of margin. """ def GetMarginWidth(self): """ GetMarginWidth() -> int Returns margin width. """ def GetRoot(self): """ GetRoot() -> PGProperty Returns "root property". """ def GetRowHeight(self): """ GetRowHeight() -> int Returns height of a single grid row (in pixels). """ def GetSelectedProperty(self): """ GetSelectedProperty() -> PGProperty Returns currently selected property. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> PGProperty Returns currently selected property. """ def GetSelectionBackgroundColour(self): """ GetSelectionBackgroundColour() -> wx.Colour Returns current selection background colour. """ def GetSelectionForegroundColour(self): """ GetSelectionForegroundColour() -> wx.Colour Returns current selection text colour. """ def GetSplitterPosition(self, splitterIndex=0): """ GetSplitterPosition(splitterIndex=0) -> int Returns current splitter x position. """ def GetEditorTextCtrl(self): """ GetEditorTextCtrl() -> wx.TextCtrl Returns wxTextCtrl active in currently selected property, if any. """ def GetUnspecifiedValueAppearance(self): """ GetUnspecifiedValueAppearance() -> PGCell Returns current appearance of unspecified value cells. """ def GetUnspecifiedValueText(self, argFlags=0): """ GetUnspecifiedValueText(argFlags=0) -> String Returns (visual) text representation of the unspecified property value. """ def GetVerticalSpacing(self): """ GetVerticalSpacing() -> int Returns current vertical spacing. """ def HitTest(self, pt): """ HitTest(pt) -> PropertyGridHitTestResult Returns information about arbitrary position in the grid. """ def IsAnyModified(self): """ IsAnyModified() -> bool Returns true if any property has been modified by the user. """ def IsEditorFocused(self): """ IsEditorFocused() -> bool Returns true if a property editor control has focus. """ def IsFrozen(self): """ IsFrozen() -> bool Returns true if updating is frozen (i.e. """ def MakeColumnEditable(self, column, editable=True): """ MakeColumnEditable(column, editable=True) Makes given column editable by user. """ def OnTLPChanging(self, newTLP): """ OnTLPChanging(newTLP) It is recommended that you call this function any time your code causes wxPropertyGrid's top-level parent to change. """ def RefreshEditor(self): """ RefreshEditor() Refreshes any active editor control. """ def RefreshProperty(self, p): """ RefreshProperty(p) Redraws given property. """ def ResetColours(self): """ ResetColours() Resets all colours to the original system values. """ def ResetColumnSizes(self, enableAutoResizing=False): """ ResetColumnSizes(enableAutoResizing=False) Resets column sizes and splitter positions, based on proportions. """ def RemoveFromSelection(self, id): """ RemoveFromSelection(id) -> bool Removes given property from selection. """ def SelectProperty(self, id, focus=False): """ SelectProperty(id, focus=False) -> bool Selects a property. """ def SetCaptionBackgroundColour(self, col): """ SetCaptionBackgroundColour(col) Sets category caption background colour. """ def SetCaptionTextColour(self, col): """ SetCaptionTextColour(col) Sets category caption text colour. """ def SetCellBackgroundColour(self, col): """ SetCellBackgroundColour(col) Sets default cell background colour - applies to property cells. """ def SetCellDisabledTextColour(self, col): """ SetCellDisabledTextColour(col) Sets cell text colour for disabled properties. """ def SetCellTextColour(self, col): """ SetCellTextColour(col) Sets default cell text colour - applies to property name and value text. """ def SetColumnCount(self, colCount): """ SetColumnCount(colCount) Set number of columns (2 or more). """ def SetCurrentCategory(self, id): """ SetCurrentCategory(id) Sets the 'current' category - Append will add non-category properties under it. """ def SetEmptySpaceColour(self, col): """ SetEmptySpaceColour(col) Sets colour of empty space below properties. """ def SetLineColour(self, col): """ SetLineColour(col) Sets colour of lines between cells. """ def SetMarginColour(self, col): """ SetMarginColour(col) Sets background colour of margin. """ def SetSelection(self, newSelection): """ SetSelection(newSelection) Set entire new selection from given list of properties. """ def SetSelectionBackgroundColour(self, col): """ SetSelectionBackgroundColour(col) Sets selection background colour - applies to selected property name background. """ def SetSelectionTextColour(self, col): """ SetSelectionTextColour(col) Sets selection foreground colour - applies to selected property name text. """ def SetSplitterPosition(self, newxpos, col=0): """ SetSplitterPosition(newxpos, col=0) Sets x coordinate of the splitter. """ def SetSplitterLeft(self, privateChildrenToo=False): """ SetSplitterLeft(privateChildrenToo=False) Moves splitter as left as possible, while still allowing all labels to be shown in full. """ def SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance(self, cell): """ SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance(cell) Sets appearance of value cells representing an unspecified property value. """ def SetVerticalSpacing(self, vspacing): """ SetVerticalSpacing(vspacing) Sets vertical spacing. """ def SetVirtualWidth(self, width): """ SetVirtualWidth(width) Set virtual width for this particular page. """ def SetupTextCtrlValue(self, text): """ SetupTextCtrlValue(text) Must be called in wxPGEditor::CreateControls() if primary editor window is wxTextCtrl, just before textctrl is created. """ def UnfocusEditor(self): """ UnfocusEditor() -> bool Unfocuses or closes editor if one was open, but does not deselect property. """ def DrawItemAndValueRelated(self, p): """ DrawItemAndValueRelated(p) Draws item, children, and consecutive parents as long as category is not met. """ @staticmethod def AutoGetTranslation(enable): """ AutoGetTranslation(enable) This static function enables or disables automatic use of wxGetTranslation() for following strings: wxEnumProperty list labels, wxFlagsProperty child property labels. """ @staticmethod def RegisterEditorClass(editor, noDefCheck=False): """ RegisterEditorClass(editor, noDefCheck=False) -> PGEditor Forwards to DoRegisterEditorClass with empty name. """ @staticmethod def DoRegisterEditorClass(editor, name, noDefCheck=False): """ DoRegisterEditorClass(editor, name, noDefCheck=False) -> PGEditor Registers a new editor class. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ _PropertyGrid__init__orig = __init__ def _PropertyGrid__init__(self, *args, **kw): _PropertyGrid__init__orig(self, *args, **kw) self.DoDefaultTypeMappings() self.edited_objects = {} self.DoDefaultValueTypeMappings() if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_vt2setter'): self.__class__._vt2setter = {} __init__ = _PropertyGrid__init__ def CalcScrolledPosition(self, *args, **kw): """ CalcScrolledPosition(x, y) -> (xx, yy) CalcScrolledPosition(pt) -> Point Translates the logical coordinates to the device ones. """ def CalcUnscrolledPosition(self, *args, **kw): """ CalcUnscrolledPosition(x, y) -> (xx, yy) CalcUnscrolledPosition(pt) -> Point Translates the device coordinates to the logical ones. """ def DisableKeyboardScrolling(self): """ DisableKeyboardScrolling() Disable use of keyboard keys for scrolling. """ def DoPrepareDC(self, dc): """ DoPrepareDC(dc) Call this function to prepare the device context for drawing a scrolled image. """ def EnableScrolling(self, xScrolling, yScrolling): """ EnableScrolling(xScrolling, yScrolling) Enable or disable use of wxWindow::ScrollWindow() for scrolling. """ def ShowScrollbars(self, horz, vert): """ ShowScrollbars(horz, vert) Set the scrollbar visibility. """ def GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(self): """ GetScrollPixelsPerUnit() -> (xUnit, yUnit) Get the number of pixels per scroll unit (line), in each direction, as set by SetScrollbars(). """ def GetViewStart(self): """ GetViewStart() -> (x, y) Get the position at which the visible portion of the window starts. """ def IsRetained(self): """ IsRetained() -> bool Motif only: true if the window has a backing bitmap. """ def OnDraw(self, dc): """ OnDraw(dc) Called by the default paint event handler to allow the application to define painting behaviour without having to worry about calling DoPrepareDC(). """ def PrepareDC(self, dc): """ PrepareDC(dc) This function is for backwards compatibility only and simply calls DoPrepareDC() now. """ def Scroll(self, *args, **kw): """ Scroll(x, y) Scroll(pt) Scrolls a window so the view start is at the given point. """ def SetScrollRate(self, xstep, ystep): """ SetScrollRate(xstep, ystep) Set the horizontal and vertical scrolling increment only. """ def SetScrollbars(self, pixelsPerUnitX, pixelsPerUnitY, noUnitsX, noUnitsY, xPos=0, yPos=0, noRefresh=False): """ SetScrollbars(pixelsPerUnitX, pixelsPerUnitY, noUnitsX, noUnitsY, xPos=0, yPos=0, noRefresh=False) Sets up vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars. """ def SetTargetWindow(self, window): """ SetTargetWindow(window) Call this function to tell wxScrolled to perform the actual scrolling on a different window (and not on itself). """ def GetTargetWindow(self): """ GetTargetWindow() -> Window """ def SetTargetRect(self, rect): """ SetTargetRect(rect) """ def GetTargetRect(self): """ GetTargetRect() -> Rect """ def GetScrollPageSize(self, orient): """ GetScrollPageSize(orient) -> int """ def SetScrollPageSize(self, orient, pageSize): """ SetScrollPageSize(orient, pageSize) """ def GetScrollLines(self, orient): """ GetScrollLines(orient) -> int """ def SetScale(self, xs, ys): """ SetScale(xs, ys) """ def GetScaleX(self): """ GetScaleX() -> double """ def GetScaleY(self): """ GetScaleY() -> double """ def AdjustScrollbars(self): """ AdjustScrollbars() """ def IsAutoScrolling(self): """ IsAutoScrolling() -> bool Are we generating the autoscroll events? """ def StopAutoScrolling(self): """ StopAutoScrolling() Stop generating the scroll events when mouse is held outside the window. """ def SendAutoScrollEvents(self, event): """ SendAutoScrollEvents(event) -> bool This method can be overridden in a derived class to forbid sending the auto scroll events - note that unlike StopAutoScrolling() it doesn't stop the timer, so it will be called repeatedly and will typically return different values depending on the current mouse position. """ CaptionBackgroundColour = property(None, None) CaptionFont = property(None, None) CaptionForegroundColour = property(None, None) CellBackgroundColour = property(None, None) CellDisabledTextColour = property(None, None) CellTextColour = property(None, None) ColumnCount = property(None, None) EditorTextCtrl = property(None, None) EmptySpaceColour = property(None, None) FontHeight = property(None, None) Grid = property(None, None) ImageSize = property(None, None) LabelEditor = property(None, None) LastItem = property(None, None) LineColour = property(None, None) MarginColour = property(None, None) MarginWidth = property(None, None) Panel = property(None, None) Root = property(None, None) RowHeight = property(None, None) ScaleX = property(None, None) ScaleY = property(None, None) SelectedProperty = property(None, None) Selection = property(None, None) SelectionBackgroundColour = property(None, None) SelectionForegroundColour = property(None, None) SplitterPosition = property(None, None) StatusBar = property(None, None) TargetRect = property(None, None) TargetWindow = property(None, None) UncommittedPropertyValue = property(None, None) UnspecifiedValueAppearance = property(None, None) UnspecifiedValueText = property(None, None) VerticalSpacing = property(None, None) def ShouldScrollToChildOnFocus(self, child): """ ShouldScrollToChildOnFocus(child) -> bool This method can be overridden in a derived class to prevent scrolling the child window into view automatically when it gets focus. """ def GetSizeAvailableForScrollTarget(self, size): """ GetSizeAvailableForScrollTarget(size) -> Size Function which must be overridden to implement the size available for the scroll target for the given size of the main window. """ # end of class PropertyGrid class PropertyGridEvent(wx.CommandEvent): """ PropertyGridEvent(commandType=0, id=0) PropertyGridEvent(event) A property grid event holds information about events associated with wxPropertyGrid objects. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PropertyGridEvent(commandType=0, id=0) PropertyGridEvent(event) A property grid event holds information about events associated with wxPropertyGrid objects. """ def CanVeto(self): """ CanVeto() -> bool Returns true if you can veto the action that the event is signaling. """ def GetColumn(self): """ GetColumn() -> unsignedint Returns the column index associated with this event. """ def GetMainParent(self): """ GetMainParent() -> PGProperty Returns highest level non-category, non-root parent of property for which event occurred. """ def GetProperty(self): """ GetProperty() -> PGProperty Returns property associated with this event. """ def GetValidationFailureBehavior(self): """ GetValidationFailureBehavior() -> byte Returns current validation failure flags. """ def GetPropertyName(self): """ GetPropertyName() -> String Returns name of the associated property. """ def GetPropertyValue(self): """ GetPropertyValue() -> PGVariant Returns value of the associated property. """ def SetCanVeto(self, canVeto): """ SetCanVeto(canVeto) Set if event can be vetoed. """ def SetProperty(self, p): """ SetProperty(p) Changes the property associated with this event. """ def SetValidationFailureBehavior(self, flags): """ SetValidationFailureBehavior(flags) Set override validation failure behaviour. """ def SetValidationFailureMessage(self, message): """ SetValidationFailureMessage(message) Sets custom failure message for this time only. """ def Veto(self, veto=True): """ Veto(veto=True) Call this from your event handler to veto action that the event is signaling. """ def WasVetoed(self): """ WasVetoed() -> bool Returns true if event was vetoed. """ Column = property(None, None) MainParent = property(None, None) Property = property(None, None) PropertyName = property(None, None) PropertyValue = property(None, None) ValidationFailureBehavior = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyGridEvent class PropertyGridPopulator(object): """ PropertyGridPopulator() Allows populating wxPropertyGrid from arbitrary text source. """ def __init__(self): """ PropertyGridPopulator() Allows populating wxPropertyGrid from arbitrary text source. """ def SetState(self, state): """ SetState(state) """ def SetGrid(self, pg): """ SetGrid(pg) """ def Add(self, propClass, propLabel, propName, propValue, pChoices=None): """ Add(propClass, propLabel, propName, propValue, pChoices=None) -> PGProperty Appends a new property under bottommost parent. """ def AddChildren(self, property): """ AddChildren(property) Pushes property to the back of parent array (ie it becomes bottommost parent), and starts scanning/adding children for it. """ def AddAttribute(self, name, type, value): """ AddAttribute(name, type, value) -> bool Adds attribute to the bottommost property. """ def DoScanForChildren(self): """ DoScanForChildren() Called once in AddChildren. """ def GetCurParent(self): """ GetCurParent() -> PGProperty Returns id of parent property for which children can currently be added. """ def GetState(self): """ GetState() -> PropertyGridPageState """ def ParseChoices(self, choicesString, idString): """ ParseChoices(choicesString, idString) -> PGChoices Parses strings of format "choice1"[=value1] ... """ def ProcessError(self, msg): """ ProcessError(msg) Implement in derived class to do custom process when an error occurs. """ @staticmethod def ToLongPCT(s, pval, max): """ ToLongPCT(s, pval, max) -> bool Like wxString::ToLong, except allows N% in addition of N. """ CurParent = property(None, None) State = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyGridPopulator EVT_PG_CHANGED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_CHANGED, 1 ) EVT_PG_CHANGING = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_CHANGING, 1 ) EVT_PG_SELECTED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_SELECTED, 1 ) EVT_PG_HIGHLIGHTED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_HIGHLIGHTED, 1 ) EVT_PG_RIGHT_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_RIGHT_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_PG_PAGE_CHANGED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_PAGE_CHANGED, 1 ) EVT_PG_ITEM_COLLAPSED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_ITEM_COLLAPSED, 1 ) EVT_PG_ITEM_EXPANDED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_ITEM_EXPANDED, 1 ) EVT_PG_DOUBLE_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_DOUBLE_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_BEGIN = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_BEGIN, 1 ) EVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_ENDING = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_ENDING, 1 ) EVT_PG_COL_BEGIN_DRAG = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_COL_BEGIN_DRAG, 1 ) EVT_PG_COL_DRAGGING = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_COL_DRAGGING, 1 ) EVT_PG_COL_END_DRAG = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_PG_COL_END_DRAG, 1 ) #-- end-propgrid --# #-- begin-propgridprops --# PG_PROP_PASSWORD = 0 PG_PROP_STATIC_CHOICES = 0 PG_PROP_SHOW_FULL_FILENAME = 0 PG_PROP_ACTIVE_BTN = 0 PG_PROP_USE_CHECKBOX = 0 PG_PROP_USE_DCC = 0 AEDIALOG_STYLE = 0 PG_PROPERTY_VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGE = 0 PG_PROPERTY_VALIDATION_SATURATE = 0 PG_PROPERTY_VALIDATION_WRAP = 0 class PGInDialogValidator(object): """ PGInDialogValidator() Creates and manages a temporary wxTextCtrl for validation purposes. """ def __init__(self): """ PGInDialogValidator() Creates and manages a temporary wxTextCtrl for validation purposes. """ def DoValidate(self, propGrid, validator, value): """ DoValidate(propGrid, validator, value) -> bool """ # end of class PGInDialogValidator class StringProperty(PGProperty): """ StringProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Basic property with string value. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString): """ StringProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Basic property with string value. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This is updated so "" special value can be handled. """ # end of class StringProperty class NumericProperty(PGProperty): """ NumericProperty(label, name) This is an abstract class which serves as a base class for numeric properties, like wxIntProperty, wxUIntProperty, wxFloatProperty. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def AddSpinStepValue(self, stepScale): """ AddSpinStepValue(stepScale) -> PGVariant Returns what would be the new value of the property after adding SpinCtrl editor step to the current value. """ def UseSpinMotion(self): """ UseSpinMotion() -> bool Return true if value can be changed with SpinCtrl editor by moving the mouse. """ def wxNumericProperty(self, label, name): """ """ # end of class NumericProperty class NumericPropertyValidator(wx.Validator): """ NumericPropertyValidator(numericType, base=10) A more comprehensive numeric validator class. """ Signed = 0 Unsigned = 0 Float = 0 def __init__(self, numericType, base=10): """ NumericPropertyValidator(numericType, base=10) A more comprehensive numeric validator class. """ def Validate(self, parent): """ Validate(parent) -> bool Validates the window contents against the include or exclude lists, depending on the validator style. """ # end of class NumericPropertyValidator class IntProperty(NumericProperty): """ IntProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0) IntProperty(label, name, value) Basic property with integer value. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ IntProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0) IntProperty(label, name, value) Basic property with integer value. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def ValidateValue(self, value, validationInfo): """ ValidateValue(value, validationInfo) -> bool Implement this function in derived class to check the value. """ def IntToValue(self, number, argFlags=0): """ IntToValue(number, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoGetValidator(self): """ DoGetValidator() -> wx.Validator Returns pointer to the wxValidator that should be used with the editor of this property (NULL for no validator). """ def AddSpinStepValue(self, stepScale): """ AddSpinStepValue(stepScale) -> PGVariant Returns what would be the new value of the property after adding SpinCtrl editor step to the current value. """ @staticmethod def GetClassValidator(): """ GetClassValidator() -> wx.Validator """ # end of class IntProperty class UIntProperty(NumericProperty): """ UIntProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0) UIntProperty(label, name, value) Basic property with unsigned integer value. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ UIntProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0) UIntProperty(label, name, value) Basic property with unsigned integer value. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def ValidateValue(self, value, validationInfo): """ ValidateValue(value, validationInfo) -> bool Implement this function in derived class to check the value. """ def DoGetValidator(self): """ DoGetValidator() -> wx.Validator Returns pointer to the wxValidator that should be used with the editor of this property (NULL for no validator). """ def IntToValue(self, number, argFlags=0): """ IntToValue(number, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def AddSpinStepValue(self, stepScale): """ AddSpinStepValue(stepScale) -> PGVariant Returns what would be the new value of the property after adding SpinCtrl editor step to the current value. """ # end of class UIntProperty class FloatProperty(NumericProperty): """ FloatProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0.0) Basic property with double-precision floating point value. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0.0): """ FloatProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0.0) Basic property with double-precision floating point value. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def ValidateValue(self, value, validationInfo): """ ValidateValue(value, validationInfo) -> bool Implement this function in derived class to check the value. """ def DoGetValidator(self): """ DoGetValidator() -> wx.Validator Returns pointer to the wxValidator that should be used with the editor of this property (NULL for no validator). """ def AddSpinStepValue(self, stepScale): """ AddSpinStepValue(stepScale) -> PGVariant Returns what would be the new value of the property after adding SpinCtrl editor step to the current value. """ @staticmethod def GetClassValidator(): """ GetClassValidator() -> wx.Validator """ # end of class FloatProperty class BoolProperty(PGProperty): """ BoolProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=False) Basic property with boolean value. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=False): """ BoolProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=False) Basic property with boolean value. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def IntToValue(self, number, argFlags=0): """ IntToValue(number, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ # end of class BoolProperty class EnumProperty(PGProperty): """ EnumProperty(label, name, choices, value=0) EnumProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, labels=[], values=[], value=0) You can derive custom properties with choices from this class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ EnumProperty(label, name, choices, value=0) EnumProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, labels=[], values=[], value=0) You can derive custom properties with choices from this class. """ def GetItemCount(self): """ GetItemCount() -> size_t """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def ValidateValue(self, value, validationInfo): """ ValidateValue(value, validationInfo) -> bool Implement this function in derived class to check the value. """ def IntToValue(self, number, argFlags=0): """ IntToValue(number, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def GetIndexForValue(self, value): """ GetIndexForValue(value) -> int """ def GetChoiceSelection(self): """ GetChoiceSelection() -> int Returns which choice is currently selected. """ ChoiceSelection = property(None, None) ItemCount = property(None, None) # end of class EnumProperty class EditEnumProperty(EnumProperty): """ EditEnumProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, labels=[], values=[], value=wx.EmptyString) EditEnumProperty(label, name, choices, value=wx.EmptyString) wxEnumProperty with wxString value and writable combo box editor. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ EditEnumProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, labels=[], values=[], value=wx.EmptyString) EditEnumProperty(label, name, choices, value=wx.EmptyString) wxEnumProperty with wxString value and writable combo box editor. """ # end of class EditEnumProperty class FlagsProperty(PGProperty): """ FlagsProperty(label, name, choices, value=0) FlagsProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, labels=[], values=[], value=0) Represents a bit set that fits in a long integer. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ FlagsProperty(label, name, choices, value=0) FlagsProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, labels=[], values=[], value=0) Represents a bit set that fits in a long integer. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def ChildChanged(self, thisValue, childIndex, childValue): """ ChildChanged(thisValue, childIndex, childValue) -> PGVariant Called after value of a child property has been altered. """ def RefreshChildren(self): """ RefreshChildren() Refresh values of child properties. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def GetChoiceSelection(self): """ GetChoiceSelection() -> int Returns which choice is currently selected. """ def GetItemCount(self): """ GetItemCount() -> size_t """ def GetLabel(self, ind): """ GetLabel(ind) -> String """ ChoiceSelection = property(None, None) ItemCount = property(None, None) # end of class FlagsProperty class EditorDialogProperty(PGProperty): """ EditorDialogProperty(label, name) This is an abstract class which serves as a base class for the properties having a button triggering an editor dialog, like e.g. """ def GetEditorDialog(self): """ GetEditorDialog() -> PGEditorDialogAdapter Returns instance of a new wxPGEditorDialogAdapter instance, which is used when user presses the (optional) button next to the editor control;. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ EditorDialog = property(None, None) def wxEditorDialogProperty(self, label, name): """ """ def DisplayEditorDialog(self, pg, value): """ DisplayEditorDialog(pg, value) -> bool Shows editor dialog. """ # end of class EditorDialogProperty class FileProperty(EditorDialogProperty): """ FileProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Like wxLongStringProperty, but the button triggers file selector instead. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString): """ FileProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Like wxLongStringProperty, but the button triggers file selector instead. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def DoGetValidator(self): """ DoGetValidator() -> wx.Validator Returns pointer to the wxValidator that should be used with the editor of this property (NULL for no validator). """ def GetFileName(self): """ GetFileName() -> FileName Returns filename to file represented by current value. """ @staticmethod def GetClassValidator(): """ GetClassValidator() -> wx.Validator """ FileName = property(None, None) def DisplayEditorDialog(self, pg, value): """ DisplayEditorDialog(pg, value) -> (bool, value) Shows editor dialog. """ # end of class FileProperty class LongStringProperty(EditorDialogProperty): """ LongStringProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Like wxStringProperty, but has a button that triggers a small text editor dialog. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString): """ LongStringProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Like wxStringProperty, but has a button that triggers a small text editor dialog. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DisplayEditorDialog(self, pg, value): """ DisplayEditorDialog(pg, value) -> (bool, value) Shows editor dialog. """ # end of class LongStringProperty class DirProperty(EditorDialogProperty): """ DirProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Like wxLongStringProperty, but the button triggers directory selector instead. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString): """ DirProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Like wxLongStringProperty, but the button triggers directory selector instead. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoGetValidator(self): """ DoGetValidator() -> wx.Validator Returns pointer to the wxValidator that should be used with the editor of this property (NULL for no validator). """ def DisplayEditorDialog(self, pg, value): """ DisplayEditorDialog(pg, value) -> (bool, value) Shows editor dialog. """ # end of class DirProperty class ArrayStringProperty(EditorDialogProperty): """ ArrayStringProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=[]) Property that manages a list of strings. """ Escape = 0 QuoteStrings = 0 def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=[]): """ ArrayStringProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=[]) Property that manages a list of strings. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def ConvertArrayToString(self, arr, pString, delimiter): """ ConvertArrayToString(arr, pString, delimiter) Implement in derived class for custom array-to-string conversion. """ def OnCustomStringEdit(self, parent, value): """ OnCustomStringEdit(parent, value) -> bool Shows string editor dialog to edit the individual item. """ def CreateEditorDialog(self): """ CreateEditorDialog() -> PGArrayEditorDialog Creates wxPGArrayEditorDialog for string editing. """ @staticmethod def ArrayStringToString(dst, src, delimiter, flags): """ ArrayStringToString(dst, src, delimiter, flags) Generates contents for string dst based on the contents of wxArrayString src. """ def DisplayEditorDialog(self, pg, value): """ DisplayEditorDialog(pg, value) -> (bool, value) Shows editor dialog. """ def GenerateValueAsString(self): """ GenerateValueAsString() Previously this was to be implemented in derived class for array-to- string conversion. """ # end of class ArrayStringProperty class PGArrayEditorDialog(wx.Dialog): """ PGArrayEditorDialog() """ def __init__(self): """ PGArrayEditorDialog() """ def Init(self): """ Init() """ def Create(self, parent, message, caption, style=AEDIALOG_STYLE, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, sz=wx.DefaultSize): """ Create(parent, message, caption, style=AEDIALOG_STYLE, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, sz=wx.DefaultSize) -> bool """ def EnableCustomNewAction(self): """ EnableCustomNewAction() """ def SetNewButtonText(self, text): """ SetNewButtonText(text) Sets tooltip text for button allowing the user to enter new string. """ def SetDialogValue(self, value): """ SetDialogValue(value) Set value modified by dialog. """ def GetDialogValue(self): """ GetDialogValue() -> PGVariant Return value modified by dialog. """ def GetTextCtrlValidator(self): """ GetTextCtrlValidator() -> wx.Validator Override to return wxValidator to be used with the wxTextCtrl in dialog. """ def IsModified(self): """ IsModified() -> bool Returns true if array was actually modified. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> int """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ DialogValue = property(None, None) Selection = property(None, None) TextCtrlValidator = property(None, None) def ArrayGet(self, index): """ ArrayGet(index) -> String """ def ArrayGetCount(self): """ ArrayGetCount() -> size_t """ def ArrayInsert(self, str, index): """ ArrayInsert(str, index) -> bool """ def ArraySet(self, index, str): """ ArraySet(index, str) -> bool """ def ArrayRemoveAt(self, index): """ ArrayRemoveAt(index) """ def ArraySwap(self, first, second): """ ArraySwap(first, second) """ def OnCustomNewAction(self, resString): """ OnCustomNewAction(resString) -> bool """ # end of class PGArrayEditorDialog class PGArrayStringEditorDialog(PGArrayEditorDialog): """ PGArrayStringEditorDialog() """ def __init__(self): """ PGArrayStringEditorDialog() """ def Init(self): """ Init() """ def SetDialogValue(self, value): """ SetDialogValue(value) Set value modified by dialog. """ def GetDialogValue(self): """ GetDialogValue() -> PGVariant Return value modified by dialog. """ def SetCustomButton(self, custBtText, pcc): """ SetCustomButton(custBtText, pcc) """ def OnCustomNewAction(self, resString): """ OnCustomNewAction(resString) -> bool """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ DialogValue = property(None, None) def ArrayGet(self, index): """ ArrayGet(index) -> String """ def ArrayGetCount(self): """ ArrayGetCount() -> size_t """ def ArrayInsert(self, str, index): """ ArrayInsert(str, index) -> bool """ def ArraySet(self, index, str): """ ArraySet(index, str) -> bool """ def ArrayRemoveAt(self, index): """ ArrayRemoveAt(index) """ def ArraySwap(self, first, second): """ ArraySwap(first, second) """ # end of class PGArrayStringEditorDialog #-- end-propgridprops --# #-- begin-propgridadvprops --# PG_COLOUR_WEB_BASE = 0 PG_COLOUR_CUSTOM = 0 PG_COLOUR_UNSPECIFIED = 0 PG_PROP_TRANSLATE_CUSTOM = 0 class ColourPropertyValue(wx.Object): """ ColourPropertyValue() ColourPropertyValue(v) ColourPropertyValue(colour) ColourPropertyValue(type) ColourPropertyValue(type, colour) Because text, background and other colours tend to differ between platforms, wxSystemColourProperty must be able to select between system colour and, when necessary, to pick a custom one. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ ColourPropertyValue() ColourPropertyValue(v) ColourPropertyValue(colour) ColourPropertyValue(type) ColourPropertyValue(type, colour) Because text, background and other colours tend to differ between platforms, wxSystemColourProperty must be able to select between system colour and, when necessary, to pick a custom one. """ m_type = property(None, None) m_colour = property(None, None) def Init(self, type, colour): """ Init(type, colour) """ # end of class ColourPropertyValue class FontProperty(EditorDialogProperty): """ FontProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.Font()) Property representing wxFont. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.Font()): """ FontProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.Font()) Property representing wxFont. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def ChildChanged(self, thisValue, childIndex, childValue): """ ChildChanged(thisValue, childIndex, childValue) -> PGVariant Called after value of a child property has been altered. """ def RefreshChildren(self): """ RefreshChildren() Refresh values of child properties. """ def DisplayEditorDialog(self, pg, value): """ DisplayEditorDialog(pg, value) -> (bool, value) Shows editor dialog. """ # end of class FontProperty class SystemColourProperty(EnumProperty): """ SystemColourProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=ColourPropertyValue()) Has dropdown list of wxWidgets system colours. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=ColourPropertyValue()): """ SystemColourProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=ColourPropertyValue()) Has dropdown list of wxWidgets system colours. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def IntToValue(self, number, argFlags=0): """ IntToValue(number, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def ColourToString(self, col, index, argFlags=0): """ ColourToString(col, index, argFlags=0) -> String Override in derived class to customize how colours are printed as strings. """ def GetCustomColourIndex(self): """ GetCustomColourIndex() -> int Returns index of entry that triggers colour picker dialog (default is last). """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Events received by editor widgets are processed here. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def OnMeasureImage(self, item): """ OnMeasureImage(item) -> wx.Size Returns size of the custom painted image in front of property. """ def OnCustomPaint(self, dc, rect, paintdata): """ OnCustomPaint(dc, rect, paintdata) Override to paint an image in front of the property value text or drop-down list item (but only if wxPGProperty::OnMeasureImage is overridden as well). """ def QueryColourFromUser(self, variant): """ QueryColourFromUser(variant) -> bool """ def GetColour(self, index): """ GetColour(index) -> wx.Colour Default is to use wxSystemSettings::GetColour(index). """ def GetVal(self, pVariant=None): """ GetVal(pVariant=None) -> ColourPropertyValue """ CustomColourIndex = property(None, None) Val = property(None, None) # end of class SystemColourProperty class ColourProperty(SystemColourProperty): """ ColourProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.WHITE) Allows to select a colour from the list or with colour dialog. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.WHITE): """ ColourProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.WHITE) Allows to select a colour from the list or with colour dialog. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def GetColour(self, index): """ GetColour(index) -> wx.Colour Default is to use wxSystemSettings::GetColour(index). """ # end of class ColourProperty class CursorProperty(EnumProperty): """ CursorProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0) Property representing wxCursor. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0): """ CursorProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0) Property representing wxCursor. """ def OnMeasureImage(self, item): """ OnMeasureImage(item) -> wx.Size Returns size of the custom painted image in front of property. """ def OnCustomPaint(self, dc, rect, paintdata): """ OnCustomPaint(dc, rect, paintdata) Override to paint an image in front of the property value text or drop-down list item (but only if wxPGProperty::OnMeasureImage is overridden as well). """ # end of class CursorProperty class ImageFileProperty(FileProperty): """ ImageFileProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Property representing image file(name). """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString): """ ImageFileProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.EmptyString) Property representing image file(name). """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def OnMeasureImage(self, item): """ OnMeasureImage(item) -> wx.Size Returns size of the custom painted image in front of property. """ def OnCustomPaint(self, dc, rect, paintdata): """ OnCustomPaint(dc, rect, paintdata) Override to paint an image in front of the property value text or drop-down list item (but only if wxPGProperty::OnMeasureImage is overridden as well). """ # end of class ImageFileProperty class MultiChoiceProperty(EditorDialogProperty): """ MultiChoiceProperty(label, name=PG_LABEL, choices=[], value=[]) MultiChoiceProperty(label, name, choices, value=[]) MultiChoiceProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=[]) Property that manages a value resulting from wxMultiChoiceDialog. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ MultiChoiceProperty(label, name=PG_LABEL, choices=[], value=[]) MultiChoiceProperty(label, name, choices, value=[]) MultiChoiceProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=[]) Property that manages a value resulting from wxMultiChoiceDialog. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def GetValueAsArrayInt(self): """ GetValueAsArrayInt() -> ArrayInt """ ValueAsArrayInt = property(None, None) def DisplayEditorDialog(self, pg, value): """ DisplayEditorDialog(pg, value) -> (bool, value) Shows editor dialog. """ # end of class MultiChoiceProperty class DateProperty(PGProperty): """ DateProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.DateTime()) Property representing wxDateTime. """ def __init__(self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.DateTime()): """ DateProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=wx.DateTime()) Property representing wxDateTime. """ def OnSetValue(self): """ OnSetValue() This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. """ def ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0): """ ValueToString(value, argFlags=0) -> String Converts property value into a text representation. """ def StringToValue(self, text, argFlags=0): """ StringToValue(text, argFlags=0) -> (bool, variant) Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. """ def DoSetAttribute(self, name, value): """ DoSetAttribute(name, value) -> bool Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. """ def SetFormat(self, format): """ SetFormat(format) """ def GetFormat(self): """ GetFormat() -> String """ def SetDateValue(self, dt): """ SetDateValue(dt) """ def GetDateValue(self): """ GetDateValue() -> wx.DateTime """ def GetDatePickerStyle(self): """ GetDatePickerStyle() -> long """ DatePickerStyle = property(None, None) DateValue = property(None, None) Format = property(None, None) # end of class DateProperty class PGSpinCtrlEditor(PGTextCtrlEditor): """ """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns pointer to the name of the editor. """ def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size): """ CreateControls(propgrid, property, pos, size) -> PGWindowList Instantiates editor controls. """ def OnEvent(self, propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event): """ OnEvent(propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event) -> bool Handles events. """ Name = property(None, None) # end of class PGSpinCtrlEditor def PGGetDefaultImageWildcard(): """ PGGetDefaultImageWildcard() -> String """ PGEditor_SpinCtrl = PGEditor() PGEditor_DatePickerCtrl = PGEditor() PyArrayStringProperty = wx.deprecated(ArrayStringProperty, "Use ArrayStringProperty instead.") PyChoiceEditor = wx.deprecated(PGChoiceEditor, "Use PGChoiceEditor instead.") PyColourProperty = wx.deprecated(ColourProperty, "Use ColourProperty instead.") PyComboBoxEditor = wx.deprecated(PGComboBoxEditor, "Use PGComboBoxEditor instead.") PyEditEnumProperty = wx.deprecated(EditEnumProperty, "Use PGEditEnumProperty instead.") PyEditor = wx.deprecated(PGEditor, "Use PGEditor instead.") PyEditorDialogAdapter = wx.deprecated(PGEditorDialogAdapter, "Use PGEditorDialogAdapter instead.") PyEnumProperty = wx.deprecated(EnumProperty, "Use EnumProperty instead.") PyFileProperty = wx.deprecated(FileProperty, "Use FileProperty instead.") PyFlagsProperty = wx.deprecated(FlagsProperty, "Use FlagsProperty instead.") PyFloatProperty = wx.deprecated(FloatProperty, "Use FloatProperty instead.") PyFontProperty = wx.deprecated(FontProperty, "Use FontProperty instead.") PyIntProperty = wx.deprecated(IntProperty, "Use IntProperty instead.") PyLongStringProperty = wx.deprecated(LongStringProperty, "Use LongStringProperty instead.") PyProperty = wx.deprecated(PGProperty, "Use PGProperty instead.") PyStringProperty = wx.deprecated(StringProperty, "Use StringProperty instead.") PySystemColourProperty = wx.deprecated(SystemColourProperty, "Use SystemColourProperty instead.") PyTextCtrlEditor = wx.deprecated(PGTextCtrlEditor, "Use PGTextCtrlEditor instead.") PyUIntProperty = wx.deprecated(UIntProperty, "Use UIntProperty instead.") @wx.deprecated def RegisterEditor(editor, editorName): pass #-- end-propgridadvprops --# #-- begin-propgridmanager --# PropertyGridManagerNameStr = "" class PropertyGridPage(wx.EvtHandler, PropertyGridInterface, PropertyGridPageState): """ PropertyGridPage() Holder of property grid page information. """ def __init__(self): """ PropertyGridPage() Holder of property grid page information. """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() Deletes all properties on page. """ def FitColumns(self): """ FitColumns() -> wx.Size Reduces column sizes to minimum possible that contents are still visibly (naturally some margin space will be applied as well). """ def GetIndex(self): """ GetIndex() -> int Returns page index in manager;. """ def GetRoot(self): """ GetRoot() -> PGProperty Returns "root property". """ def GetSplitterPosition(self, col=0): """ GetSplitterPosition(col=0) -> int Returns x-coordinate position of splitter on a page. """ def GetStatePtr(self): """ GetStatePtr() -> PropertyGridPageState Returns pointer to contained property grid state. """ def GetToolId(self): """ GetToolId() -> int Returns id of the tool bar item that represents this page on wxPropertyGridManager's wxToolBar. """ def Init(self): """ Init() Do any member initialization in this method. """ def IsHandlingAllEvents(self): """ IsHandlingAllEvents() -> bool Return false here to indicate unhandled events should be propagated to manager's parent, as normal. """ def OnShow(self): """ OnShow() Called every time page is about to be shown. """ def RefreshProperty(self, p): """ RefreshProperty(p) Refreshes given property on page. """ def SetSplitterPosition(self, splitterPos, col=0): """ SetSplitterPosition(splitterPos, col=0) Sets splitter position on page. """ Index = property(None, None) Root = property(None, None) SplitterPosition = property(None, None) StatePtr = property(None, None) ToolId = property(None, None) # end of class PropertyGridPage class PropertyGridManager(wx.Panel, PropertyGridInterface): """ PropertyGridManager() PropertyGridManager(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridManagerNameStr) wxPropertyGridManager is an efficient multi-page version of wxPropertyGrid, which can optionally have toolbar for mode and page selection, a help text box, and a header. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ PropertyGridManager() PropertyGridManager(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridManagerNameStr) wxPropertyGridManager is an efficient multi-page version of wxPropertyGrid, which can optionally have toolbar for mode and page selection, a help text box, and a header. """ def AddPage(self, label=wx.EmptyString, bmp=PG_NULL_BITMAP, pageObj=None): """ AddPage(label=wx.EmptyString, bmp=PG_NULL_BITMAP, pageObj=None) -> PropertyGridPage Creates new property page. """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() Deletes all properties and all pages. """ def ClearPage(self, page): """ ClearPage(page) Deletes all properties on given page. """ def CommitChangesFromEditor(self, flags=0): """ CommitChangesFromEditor(flags=0) -> bool Forces updating the value of property from the editor control. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridManagerNameStr): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE, name=PropertyGridManagerNameStr) -> bool Two step creation. """ def EnableCategories(self, enable): """ EnableCategories(enable) -> bool Enables or disables (shows/hides) categories according to parameter enable. """ def EnsureVisible(self, id): """ EnsureVisible(id) -> bool Selects page, scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible. """ def GetColumnCount(self, page=-1): """ GetColumnCount(page=-1) -> int Returns number of columns on given page. """ def GetDescBoxHeight(self): """ GetDescBoxHeight() -> int Returns height of the description text box. """ def GetGrid(self): """ GetGrid() -> PropertyGrid Returns pointer to the contained wxPropertyGrid. """ def GetVIterator(self, flags): """ GetVIterator(flags) -> PGVIterator Similar to GetIterator(), but instead returns wxPGVIterator instance, which can be useful for forward-iterating through arbitrary property containers. """ def GetCurrentPage(self): """ GetCurrentPage() -> PropertyGridPage Returns currently selected page. """ def GetPage(self, *args, **kw): """ GetPage(ind) -> PropertyGridPage GetPage(name) -> PropertyGridPage Returns page object for given page index. """ def GetPageByName(self, name): """ GetPageByName(name) -> int Returns index for a page name. """ def GetPageByState(self, pstate): """ GetPageByState(pstate) -> int Returns index for a relevant propertygrid state. """ def GetPageCount(self): """ GetPageCount() -> size_t Returns number of managed pages. """ def GetPageName(self, index): """ GetPageName(index) -> String Returns name of given page. """ def GetPageRoot(self, index): """ GetPageRoot(index) -> PGProperty Returns "root property" of the given page. """ def GetSelectedPage(self): """ GetSelectedPage() -> int Returns index to currently selected page. """ def GetSelectedProperty(self): """ GetSelectedProperty() -> PGProperty Alias for GetSelection(). """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> PGProperty Shortcut for GetGrid()->GetSelection(). """ def GetToolBar(self): """ GetToolBar() -> wx.ToolBar Returns a pointer to the toolbar currently associated with the wxPropertyGridManager (if any). """ def InsertPage(self, index, label, bmp=wx.NullBitmap, pageObj=None): """ InsertPage(index, label, bmp=wx.NullBitmap, pageObj=None) -> PropertyGridPage Creates new property page. """ def IsAnyModified(self): """ IsAnyModified() -> bool Returns true if any property on any page has been modified by the user. """ def IsFrozen(self): """ IsFrozen() -> bool Returns true if updating is frozen (i.e. """ def IsPageModified(self, index): """ IsPageModified(index) -> bool Returns true if any property on given page has been modified by the user. """ def IsPropertySelected(self, id): """ IsPropertySelected(id) -> bool Returns true if property is selected. """ def RemovePage(self, page): """ RemovePage(page) -> bool Removes a page. """ def SelectPage(self, *args, **kw): """ SelectPage(index) SelectPage(label) SelectPage(page) Select and displays a given page. """ def SelectProperty(self, id, focus=False): """ SelectProperty(id, focus=False) -> bool Select a property. """ def SetColumnCount(self, colCount, page=-1): """ SetColumnCount(colCount, page=-1) Sets number of columns on given page (default is current page). """ def SetColumnTitle(self, idx, title): """ SetColumnTitle(idx, title) Sets a column title. """ def SetDescription(self, label, content): """ SetDescription(label, content) Sets label and text in description box. """ def SetDescBoxHeight(self, ht, refresh=True): """ SetDescBoxHeight(ht, refresh=True) Sets y coordinate of the description box splitter. """ def SetSplitterLeft(self, subProps=False, allPages=True): """ SetSplitterLeft(subProps=False, allPages=True) Moves splitter as left as possible, while still allowing all labels to be shown in full. """ def SetPageSplitterLeft(self, page, subProps=False): """ SetPageSplitterLeft(page, subProps=False) Moves splitter as left as possible on an individual page, while still allowing all labels to be shown in full. """ def SetPageSplitterPosition(self, page, pos, column=0): """ SetPageSplitterPosition(page, pos, column=0) Sets splitter position on individual page. """ def SetSplitterPosition(self, pos, column=0): """ SetSplitterPosition(pos, column=0) Sets splitter position for all pages. """ def ShowHeader(self, show=True): """ ShowHeader(show=True) Show or hide the property grid header control. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ _PropertyGridManager__init__orig = __init__ def _PropertyGridManager__init__(self, *args, **kw): _PropertyGridManager__init__orig(self, *args, **kw) self.DoDefaultTypeMappings() self.edited_objects = {} self.DoDefaultValueTypeMappings() if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_vt2setter'): self.__class__._vt2setter = {} __init__ = _PropertyGridManager__init__ ColumnCount = property(None, None) CurrentPage = property(None, None) DescBoxHeight = property(None, None) Grid = property(None, None) PageCount = property(None, None) SelectedPage = property(None, None) SelectedProperty = property(None, None) Selection = property(None, None) ToolBar = property(None, None) def CreatePropertyGrid(self): """ CreatePropertyGrid() -> PropertyGrid Creates property grid for the manager. """ # end of class PropertyGridManager #-- end-propgridmanager --#