# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is generated by wxPython's PI generator. Do not edit by hand. # # The *.pyi files are used by PyCharm and other development tools to provide # more information, such as PEP 484 type hints, than it is able to glean from # introspection of extension types and methods. They are not intended to be # imported, executed or used for any other purpose other than providing info # to the tools. If you don't use use a tool that makes use of .pyi files then # you can safely ignore this file. # # See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/ # https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html # # Copyright: (c) 2020 by Total Control Software # License: wxWindows License #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ The `wx.ribbon` module contains a set of classes for writing a ribbon-based user interface. At the most generic level, this is a combination of a tab control with a toolbar. At a more functional level, it is similar to the user interface present in recent versions of Microsoft Office and in Windows 10. """ #-- begin-_ribbon --# import wx #-- end-_ribbon --# #-- begin-ribbon_control --# class RibbonControl(wx.Control): """ RibbonControl() RibbonControl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.ControlNameStr) wxRibbonControl serves as a base class for all controls which share the ribbon characteristics of having a ribbon art provider, and (optionally) non-continuous resizing. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ RibbonControl() RibbonControl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.ControlNameStr) wxRibbonControl serves as a base class for all controls which share the ribbon characteristics of having a ribbon art provider, and (optionally) non-continuous resizing. """ def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ SetArtProvider(art) Set the art provider to be used. """ def GetArtProvider(self): """ GetArtProvider() -> RibbonArtProvider Get the art provider to be used. """ def IsSizingContinuous(self): """ IsSizingContinuous() -> bool """ def GetNextSmallerSize(self, *args, **kw): """ GetNextSmallerSize(direction) -> wx.Size GetNextSmallerSize(direction, relative_to) -> wx.Size If sizing is not continuous, then return a suitable size for the control which is smaller than the current size. """ def GetNextLargerSize(self, *args, **kw): """ GetNextLargerSize(direction) -> wx.Size GetNextLargerSize(direction, relative_to) -> wx.Size If sizing is not continuous, then return a suitable size for the control which is larger than the current size. """ def Realize(self): """ Realize() -> bool Perform initial size and layout calculations after children have been added, and/or realize children. """ def Realise(self): """ Realise() -> bool Alias for Realize(). """ def GetAncestorRibbonBar(self): """ GetAncestorRibbonBar() -> RibbonBar Get the first ancestor which is a wxRibbonBar (or derived) or NULL if not having such parent. """ def GetBestSizeForParentSize(self, parentSize): """ GetBestSizeForParentSize(parentSize) -> wx.Size Finds the best width and height given the parent's width and height. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ AncestorRibbonBar = property(None, None) ArtProvider = property(None, None) def DoGetNextSmallerSize(self, direction, relative_to): """ DoGetNextSmallerSize(direction, relative_to) -> wx.Size Implementation of GetNextSmallerSize(). """ def DoGetNextLargerSize(self, direction, relative_to): """ DoGetNextLargerSize(direction, relative_to) -> wx.Size Implementation of GetNextLargerSize(). """ # end of class RibbonControl #-- end-ribbon_control --# #-- begin-ribbon_page --# class RibbonPage(RibbonControl): """ RibbonPage() RibbonPage(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, icon=wx.NullBitmap, style=0) Container for related ribbon panels, and a tab within a ribbon bar. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ RibbonPage() RibbonPage(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, icon=wx.NullBitmap, style=0) Container for related ribbon panels, and a tab within a ribbon bar. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, icon=wx.NullBitmap, style=0): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, icon=wx.NullBitmap, style=0) -> bool Create a ribbon page in two-step ribbon page construction. """ def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ SetArtProvider(art) Set the art provider to be used. """ def GetIcon(self): """ GetIcon() -> wx.Bitmap Get the icon used for the page in the ribbon bar tab area (only displayed if the ribbon bar is actually showing icons). """ def SetSizeWithScrollButtonAdjustment(self, x, y, width, height): """ SetSizeWithScrollButtonAdjustment(x, y, width, height) Set the size of the page and the external scroll buttons (if any). """ def AdjustRectToIncludeScrollButtons(self, rect): """ AdjustRectToIncludeScrollButtons(rect) Expand a rectangle of the page to include external scroll buttons (if any). """ def DismissExpandedPanel(self): """ DismissExpandedPanel() -> bool Dismiss the current externally expanded panel, if there is one. """ def Realize(self): """ Realize() -> bool Perform a full re-layout of all panels on the page. """ def ScrollLines(self, lines): """ ScrollLines(lines) -> bool Scroll the page by some amount up / down / left / right. """ def ScrollPixels(self, pixels): """ ScrollPixels(pixels) -> bool Scroll the page by a set number of pixels up / down / left / right. """ def ScrollSections(self, sections): """ ScrollSections(sections) -> bool Scroll the page by an entire child section. """ def GetMajorAxis(self): """ GetMajorAxis() -> Orientation Get the direction in which ribbon panels are stacked within the page. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ Icon = property(None, None) MajorAxis = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonPage #-- end-ribbon_page --# #-- begin-ribbon_panel --# RIBBON_PANEL_NO_AUTO_MINIMISE = 0 RIBBON_PANEL_EXT_BUTTON = 0 RIBBON_PANEL_MINIMISE_BUTTON = 0 RIBBON_PANEL_STRETCH = 0 RIBBON_PANEL_FLEXIBLE = 0 RIBBON_PANEL_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONPANEL_EXTBUTTON_ACTIVATED = 0 class RibbonPanel(RibbonControl): """ RibbonPanel() RibbonPanel(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, minimised_icon=wx.NullBitmap, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_PANEL_DEFAULT_STYLE) Serves as a container for a group of (ribbon) controls. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ RibbonPanel() RibbonPanel(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, minimised_icon=wx.NullBitmap, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_PANEL_DEFAULT_STYLE) Serves as a container for a group of (ribbon) controls. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, icon=wx.NullBitmap, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_PANEL_DEFAULT_STYLE): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=wx.EmptyString, icon=wx.NullBitmap, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_PANEL_DEFAULT_STYLE) -> bool Create a ribbon panel in two-step ribbon panel construction. """ def GetMinimisedIcon(self): """ GetMinimisedIcon() -> wx.Bitmap Get the bitmap to be used in place of the panel children when it is minimised. """ def HasExtButton(self): """ HasExtButton() -> bool Test if the panel has an extension button. """ def IsMinimised(self, *args, **kw): """ IsMinimised() -> bool IsMinimised(at_size) -> bool Query if the panel is currently minimised. """ def IsHovered(self): """ IsHovered() -> bool Query is the mouse is currently hovered over the panel. """ def IsExtButtonHovered(self): """ IsExtButtonHovered() -> bool Query if the mouse is currently hovered over the extension button. """ def CanAutoMinimise(self): """ CanAutoMinimise() -> bool Query if the panel can automatically minimise itself at small sizes. """ def ShowExpanded(self): """ ShowExpanded() -> bool Show the panel externally expanded. """ def HideExpanded(self): """ HideExpanded() -> bool Hide the panel's external expansion. """ def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ SetArtProvider(art) Set the art provider to be used. """ def Realize(self): """ Realize() -> bool Realize all children of the panel. """ def GetExpandedDummy(self): """ GetExpandedDummy() -> RibbonPanel Get the dummy panel of an expanded panel. """ def GetExpandedPanel(self): """ GetExpandedPanel() -> RibbonPanel Get the expanded panel of a dummy panel. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ExpandedDummy = property(None, None) ExpandedPanel = property(None, None) MinimisedIcon = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonPanel class RibbonPanelEvent(wx.CommandEvent): """ RibbonPanelEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, panel=None) Event used to indicate various actions relating to a wxRibbonPanel. """ def __init__(self, command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, panel=None): """ RibbonPanelEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, panel=None) Event used to indicate various actions relating to a wxRibbonPanel. """ def GetPanel(self): """ GetPanel() -> RibbonPanel Returns the panel relating to this event. """ def SetPanel(self, page): """ SetPanel(page) Sets the page relating to this event. """ Panel = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonPanelEvent EVT_RIBBONPANEL_EXTBUTTON_ACTIVATED = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONPANEL_EXTBUTTON_ACTIVATED, 1) #-- end-ribbon_panel --# #-- begin-ribbon_bar --# RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_LABELS = 0 RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_ICONS = 0 RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_HORIZONTAL = 0 RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL = 0 RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PANEL_EXT_BUTTONS = 0 RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PANEL_MINIMISE_BUTTONS = 0 RIBBON_BAR_ALWAYS_SHOW_TABS = 0 RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_TOGGLE_BUTTON = 0 RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_HELP_BUTTON = 0 RIBBON_BAR_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 RIBBON_BAR_FOLDBAR_STYLE = 0 RIBBON_BAR_PINNED = 0 RIBBON_BAR_MINIMIZED = 0 RIBBON_BAR_EXPANDED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGING = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_UP = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_UP = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_LEFT_DCLICK = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TOGGLED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_HELP_CLICK = 0 class RibbonBarEvent(wx.NotifyEvent): """ RibbonBarEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, page=None) Event used to indicate various actions relating to a wxRibbonBar. """ def __init__(self, command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, page=None): """ RibbonBarEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, page=None) Event used to indicate various actions relating to a wxRibbonBar. """ def GetPage(self): """ GetPage() -> RibbonPage Returns the page being changed to, or being clicked on. """ def SetPage(self, page): """ SetPage(page) Sets the page relating to this event. """ Page = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonBarEvent class RibbonPageTabInfo(object): """ """ rect = property(None, None) page = property(None, None) ideal_width = property(None, None) small_begin_need_separator_width = property(None, None) small_must_have_separator_width = property(None, None) minimum_width = property(None, None) active = property(None, None) hovered = property(None, None) highlight = property(None, None) shown = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonPageTabInfo class RibbonBar(RibbonControl): """ RibbonBar() RibbonBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_BAR_DEFAULT_STYLE) Top-level control in a ribbon user interface. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ RibbonBar() RibbonBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_BAR_DEFAULT_STYLE) Top-level control in a ribbon user interface. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_BAR_DEFAULT_STYLE): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RIBBON_BAR_DEFAULT_STYLE) -> bool Create a ribbon bar in two-step ribbon bar construction. """ def SetTabCtrlMargins(self, left, right): """ SetTabCtrlMargins(left, right) Set the margin widths (in pixels) on the left and right sides of the tab bar region of the ribbon bar. """ def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ SetArtProvider(art) Set the art provider to be used be the ribbon bar. """ def SetActivePage(self, *args, **kw): """ SetActivePage(page) -> bool SetActivePage(page) -> bool Set the active page by index, without triggering any events. """ def GetActivePage(self): """ GetActivePage() -> int Get the index of the active page. """ def GetPage(self, n): """ GetPage(n) -> RibbonPage Get a page by index. """ def GetPageCount(self): """ GetPageCount() -> size_t Get the number of pages in this bar. """ def DismissExpandedPanel(self): """ DismissExpandedPanel() -> bool Dismiss the expanded panel of the currently active page. """ def GetPageNumber(self, page): """ GetPageNumber(page) -> int Returns the number for a given ribbon bar page. """ def DeletePage(self, n): """ DeletePage(n) Delete a single page from this ribbon bar. """ def ClearPages(self): """ ClearPages() Delete all pages from the ribbon bar. """ def IsPageShown(self, page): """ IsPageShown(page) -> bool Indicates whether the tab for the given page is shown to the user or not. """ def ShowPage(self, page, show_tab=True): """ ShowPage(page, show_tab=True) Show or hide the tab for a given page. """ def HidePage(self, page): """ HidePage(page) Hides the tab for a given page. """ def IsPageHighlighted(self, page): """ IsPageHighlighted(page) -> bool Indicates whether a tab is currently highlighted. """ def AddPageHighlight(self, page, highlight=True): """ AddPageHighlight(page, highlight=True) Highlight the specified tab. """ def RemovePageHighlight(self, page): """ RemovePageHighlight(page) Changes a tab to not be highlighted. """ def ShowPanels(self, *args, **kw): """ ShowPanels(mode) ShowPanels(show=True) Shows or hide the panel area of the ribbon bar according to the given display mode. """ def HidePanels(self): """ HidePanels() Hides the panel area of the ribbon bar. """ def ArePanelsShown(self): """ ArePanelsShown() -> bool Indicates whether the panel area of the ribbon bar is shown. """ def GetDisplayMode(self): """ GetDisplayMode() -> RibbonDisplayMode Returns the current display mode of the panel area. """ def Realize(self): """ Realize() -> bool Perform initial layout and size calculations of the bar and its children. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ActivePage = property(None, None) DisplayMode = property(None, None) PageCount = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonBar EVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED, 1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGING = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGING,1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN, 1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_UP = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_UP, 1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN, 1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_UP = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_UP, 1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_LEFT_DCLICK = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_LEFT_DCLICK, 1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_TOGGLED = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_TOGGLED, 1) EVT_RIBBONBAR_HELP_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_RIBBONBAR_HELP_CLICK, 1) #-- end-ribbon_bar --# #-- begin-ribbon_art --# RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATION_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_LEFT_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_TOP_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_RIGHT_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_BOTTOM_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_X_SEPARATION_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_Y_SEPARATION_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_GROUP_SEPARATION_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_LEFT_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_RIGHT_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_TOP_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BITMAP_PADDING_BOTTOM_SIZE = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_FONT = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_FONT = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_LABEL_FONT = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_DISABLED_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_FACE_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVER_FACE_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE_FACE_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED_FACE_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_GALLERY_ITEM_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_LABEL_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_LABEL_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_LABEL_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATOR_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_SEPARATOR_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_CTRL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_CTRL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TAB_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_BORDER_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_BORDER_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_LABEL_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_HOVER_LABEL_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_MINIMISED_LABEL_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PANEL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_PAGE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_HOVER_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOLBAR_FACE_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_HOVER_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_HOVER_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_TOP_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_TOOL_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_HIGHLIGHT_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_HIGHLIGHT_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_ART_BUTTON_BAR_LABEL_HIGHLIGHT_GRADIENT_TOP_COLOUR = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_LEFT = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_RIGHT = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_UP = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DOWN = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DIRECTION_MASK = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_NORMAL = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_HOVERED = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_STATE_MASK = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_FOR_OTHER = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_FOR_TABS = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_FOR_PAGE = 0 RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_FOR_MASK = 0 RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL = 0 RIBBON_BUTTON_DROPDOWN = 0 RIBBON_BUTTON_HYBRID = 0 RIBBON_BUTTON_TOGGLE = 0 class RibbonArtProvider(object): """ RibbonArtProvider() wxRibbonArtProvider is responsible for drawing all the components of the ribbon interface. """ def __init__(self): """ RibbonArtProvider() wxRibbonArtProvider is responsible for drawing all the components of the ribbon interface. """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> RibbonArtProvider Create a new art provider which is a clone of this one. """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) Set the style flags. """ def GetFlags(self): """ GetFlags() -> long Get the previously set style flags. """ def GetMetric(self, id): """ GetMetric(id) -> int Get the value of a certain integer setting. """ def SetMetric(self, id, new_val): """ SetMetric(id, new_val) Set the value of a certain integer setting to the value new_val. """ def SetFont(self, id, font): """ SetFont(id, font) Set the value of a certain font setting to the value font. """ def GetFont(self, id): """ GetFont(id) -> wx.Font Get the value of a certain font setting. """ def GetColour(self, id): """ GetColour(id) -> wx.Colour Get the value of a certain colour setting. """ def SetColour(self, id, colour): """ SetColour(id, colour) Set the value of a certain colour setting to the value colour. """ def GetColor(self, id): """ GetColor(id) -> wx.Colour """ def SetColor(self, id, color): """ SetColor(id, color) """ def GetColourScheme(self): """ GetColourScheme() -> (primary, secondary, tertiary) Get the current colour scheme. """ def SetColourScheme(self, primary, secondary, tertiary): """ SetColourScheme(primary, secondary, tertiary) Set all applicable colour settings from a few base colours. """ def DrawTabCtrlBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawTabCtrlBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background of the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, tab): """ DrawTab(dc, wnd, tab) Draw a single tab in the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def DrawTabSeparator(self, dc, wnd, rect, visibility): """ DrawTabSeparator(dc, wnd, rect, visibility) Draw a separator between two tabs in a ribbon bar. """ def DrawPageBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background of a ribbon page. """ def DrawScrollButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, style): """ DrawScrollButton(dc, wnd, rect, style) Draw a ribbon-style scroll button. """ def DrawPanelBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPanelBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background and chrome for a ribbon panel. """ def DrawGalleryBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawGalleryBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background and chrome for a wxRibbonGallery control. """ def DrawGalleryItemBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect, item): """ DrawGalleryItemBackground(dc, wnd, rect, item) Draw the background of a single item in a wxRibbonGallery control. """ def DrawMinimisedPanel(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap): """ DrawMinimisedPanel(dc, wnd, rect, bitmap) Draw a minimised ribbon panel. """ def DrawButtonBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawButtonBarBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a wxRibbonButtonBar control. """ def DrawButtonBarButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small): """ DrawButtonBarButton(dc, wnd, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small) Draw a single button for a wxRibbonButtonBar control. """ def DrawToolBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawToolBarBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a wxRibbonToolBar control. """ def DrawToolGroupBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawToolGroupBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a group of tools on a wxRibbonToolBar control. """ def DrawTool(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap, kind, state): """ DrawTool(dc, wnd, rect, bitmap, kind, state) Draw a single tool (for a wxRibbonToolBar control). """ def DrawToggleButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, mode): """ DrawToggleButton(dc, wnd, rect, mode) Draw toggle button on wxRibbonBar. """ def DrawHelpButton(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawHelpButton(dc, wnd, rect) Draw help button on wxRibbonBar. """ def GetBarTabWidth(self, dc, wnd, label, bitmap, ideal, small_begin_need_separator, small_must_have_separator, minimum): """ GetBarTabWidth(dc, wnd, label, bitmap, ideal, small_begin_need_separator, small_must_have_separator, minimum) Calculate the ideal and minimum width (in pixels) of a tab in a ribbon bar. """ def GetTabCtrlHeight(self, dc, wnd, pages): """ GetTabCtrlHeight(dc, wnd, pages) -> int Calculate the height (in pixels) of the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(self, dc, wnd, style): """ GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(dc, wnd, style) -> wx.Size Calculate the minimum size (in pixels) of a scroll button. """ def GetPanelSize(self, dc, wnd, client_size, client_offset): """ GetPanelSize(dc, wnd, client_size, client_offset) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a panel for a given client size. """ def GetPanelClientSize(self, dc, wnd, size, client_offset): """ GetPanelClientSize(dc, wnd, size, client_offset) -> wx.Size Calculate the client size of a panel for a given overall size. """ def GetPanelExtButtonArea(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ GetPanelExtButtonArea(dc, wnd, rect) -> wx.Rect Calculate the position and size of the panel extension button. """ def GetGallerySize(self, dc, wnd, client_size): """ GetGallerySize(dc, wnd, client_size) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a wxRibbonGallery control for a given client size. """ def GetGalleryClientSize(self, dc, wnd, size, client_offset, scroll_up_button, scroll_down_button, extension_button): """ GetGalleryClientSize(dc, wnd, size, client_offset, scroll_up_button, scroll_down_button, extension_button) -> wx.Size Calculate the client size of a wxRibbonGallery control for a given size. """ def GetPageBackgroundRedrawArea(self, dc, wnd, page_old_size, page_new_size): """ GetPageBackgroundRedrawArea(dc, wnd, page_old_size, page_new_size) -> wx.Rect Calculate the portion of a page background which needs to be redrawn when a page is resized. """ def GetButtonBarButtonSize(self, dc, wnd, kind, size, label, text_min_width, bitmap_size_large, bitmap_size_small, button_size, normal_region, dropdown_region): """ GetButtonBarButtonSize(dc, wnd, kind, size, label, text_min_width, bitmap_size_large, bitmap_size_small, button_size, normal_region, dropdown_region) -> bool Calculate the size of a button within a wxRibbonButtonBar. """ def GetButtonBarButtonTextWidth(self, dc, label, kind, size): """ GetButtonBarButtonTextWidth(dc, label, kind, size) -> Coord Gets the width of the string if it is used as a wxRibbonButtonBar button label. """ def GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize(self, dc, wnd, desired_bitmap_size, expanded_panel_direction): """ GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize(dc, wnd, desired_bitmap_size, expanded_panel_direction) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a minimised ribbon panel. """ def GetToolSize(self, dc, wnd, bitmap_size, kind, is_first, is_last, dropdown_region): """ GetToolSize(dc, wnd, bitmap_size, kind, is_first, is_last, dropdown_region) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a tool within a wxRibbonToolBar. """ def GetBarToggleButtonArea(self, rect): """ GetBarToggleButtonArea(rect) -> wx.Rect Calculate the position and size of the ribbon's toggle button. """ def GetRibbonHelpButtonArea(self, rect): """ GetRibbonHelpButtonArea(rect) -> wx.Rect Calculate the position and size of the ribbon's help button. """ Flags = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonArtProvider class RibbonMSWArtProvider(RibbonArtProvider): """ RibbonMSWArtProvider(set_colour_scheme=True) """ def __init__(self, set_colour_scheme=True): """ RibbonMSWArtProvider(set_colour_scheme=True) """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> RibbonArtProvider Create a new art provider which is a clone of this one. """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) Set the style flags. """ def GetFlags(self): """ GetFlags() -> long Get the previously set style flags. """ def GetMetric(self, id): """ GetMetric(id) -> int Get the value of a certain integer setting. """ def SetMetric(self, id, new_val): """ SetMetric(id, new_val) Set the value of a certain integer setting to the value new_val. """ def SetFont(self, id, font): """ SetFont(id, font) Set the value of a certain font setting to the value font. """ def GetFont(self, id): """ GetFont(id) -> wx.Font Get the value of a certain font setting. """ def GetColour(self, id): """ GetColour(id) -> wx.Colour Get the value of a certain colour setting. """ def SetColour(self, id, colour): """ SetColour(id, colour) Set the value of a certain colour setting to the value colour. """ def GetColourScheme(self): """ GetColourScheme() -> (primary, secondary, tertiary) Get the current colour scheme. """ def SetColourScheme(self, primary, secondary, tertiary): """ SetColourScheme(primary, secondary, tertiary) Set all applicable colour settings from a few base colours. """ def GetTabCtrlHeight(self, dc, wnd, pages): """ GetTabCtrlHeight(dc, wnd, pages) -> int Calculate the height (in pixels) of the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def DrawTabCtrlBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawTabCtrlBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background of the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, tab): """ DrawTab(dc, wnd, tab) Draw a single tab in the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def DrawTabSeparator(self, dc, wnd, rect, visibility): """ DrawTabSeparator(dc, wnd, rect, visibility) Draw a separator between two tabs in a ribbon bar. """ def DrawPageBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background of a ribbon page. """ def DrawScrollButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, style): """ DrawScrollButton(dc, wnd, rect, style) Draw a ribbon-style scroll button. """ def DrawPanelBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPanelBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background and chrome for a ribbon panel. """ def DrawGalleryBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawGalleryBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background and chrome for a wxRibbonGallery control. """ def DrawGalleryItemBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect, item): """ DrawGalleryItemBackground(dc, wnd, rect, item) Draw the background of a single item in a wxRibbonGallery control. """ def DrawMinimisedPanel(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap): """ DrawMinimisedPanel(dc, wnd, rect, bitmap) Draw a minimised ribbon panel. """ def DrawButtonBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawButtonBarBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a wxRibbonButtonBar control. """ def DrawButtonBarButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small): """ DrawButtonBarButton(dc, wnd, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small) Draw a single button for a wxRibbonButtonBar control. """ def DrawToolBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawToolBarBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a wxRibbonToolBar control. """ def DrawToolGroupBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawToolGroupBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a group of tools on a wxRibbonToolBar control. """ def DrawTool(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap, kind, state): """ DrawTool(dc, wnd, rect, bitmap, kind, state) Draw a single tool (for a wxRibbonToolBar control). """ def DrawToggleButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, mode): """ DrawToggleButton(dc, wnd, rect, mode) Draw toggle button on wxRibbonBar. """ def DrawHelpButton(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawHelpButton(dc, wnd, rect) Draw help button on wxRibbonBar. """ def GetBarTabWidth(self, dc, wnd, label, bitmap, ideal, small_begin_need_separator, small_must_have_separator, minimum): """ GetBarTabWidth(dc, wnd, label, bitmap, ideal, small_begin_need_separator, small_must_have_separator, minimum) Calculate the ideal and minimum width (in pixels) of a tab in a ribbon bar. """ def GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(self, dc, wnd, style): """ GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(dc, wnd, style) -> wx.Size Calculate the minimum size (in pixels) of a scroll button. """ def GetPanelSize(self, dc, wnd, client_size, client_offset): """ GetPanelSize(dc, wnd, client_size, client_offset) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a panel for a given client size. """ def GetPanelClientSize(self, dc, wnd, size, client_offset): """ GetPanelClientSize(dc, wnd, size, client_offset) -> wx.Size Calculate the client size of a panel for a given overall size. """ def GetPanelExtButtonArea(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ GetPanelExtButtonArea(dc, wnd, rect) -> wx.Rect Calculate the position and size of the panel extension button. """ def GetGallerySize(self, dc, wnd, client_size): """ GetGallerySize(dc, wnd, client_size) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a wxRibbonGallery control for a given client size. """ def GetGalleryClientSize(self, dc, wnd, size, client_offset, scroll_up_button, scroll_down_button, extension_button): """ GetGalleryClientSize(dc, wnd, size, client_offset, scroll_up_button, scroll_down_button, extension_button) -> wx.Size Calculate the client size of a wxRibbonGallery control for a given size. """ def GetPageBackgroundRedrawArea(self, dc, wnd, page_old_size, page_new_size): """ GetPageBackgroundRedrawArea(dc, wnd, page_old_size, page_new_size) -> wx.Rect Calculate the portion of a page background which needs to be redrawn when a page is resized. """ def GetButtonBarButtonSize(self, dc, wnd, kind, size, label, text_min_width, bitmap_size_large, bitmap_size_small, button_size, normal_region, dropdown_region): """ GetButtonBarButtonSize(dc, wnd, kind, size, label, text_min_width, bitmap_size_large, bitmap_size_small, button_size, normal_region, dropdown_region) -> bool Calculate the size of a button within a wxRibbonButtonBar. """ def GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize(self, dc, wnd, desired_bitmap_size, expanded_panel_direction): """ GetMinimisedPanelMinimumSize(dc, wnd, desired_bitmap_size, expanded_panel_direction) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a minimised ribbon panel. """ def GetToolSize(self, dc, wnd, bitmap_size, kind, is_first, is_last, dropdown_region): """ GetToolSize(dc, wnd, bitmap_size, kind, is_first, is_last, dropdown_region) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a tool within a wxRibbonToolBar. """ def GetBarToggleButtonArea(self, rect): """ GetBarToggleButtonArea(rect) -> wx.Rect Calculate the position and size of the ribbon's toggle button. """ def GetRibbonHelpButtonArea(self, rect): """ GetRibbonHelpButtonArea(rect) -> wx.Rect Calculate the position and size of the ribbon's help button. """ Flags = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonMSWArtProvider class RibbonAUIArtProvider(RibbonMSWArtProvider): """ RibbonAUIArtProvider() """ def __init__(self): """ RibbonAUIArtProvider() """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> RibbonArtProvider Create a new art provider which is a clone of this one. """ def GetColour(self, id): """ GetColour(id) -> wx.Colour Get the value of a certain colour setting. """ def SetColour(self, id, colour): """ SetColour(id, colour) Set the value of a certain colour setting to the value colour. """ def SetColourScheme(self, primary, secondary, tertiary): """ SetColourScheme(primary, secondary, tertiary) Set all applicable colour settings from a few base colours. """ def SetFont(self, id, font): """ SetFont(id, font) Set the value of a certain font setting to the value font. """ def GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(self, dc, wnd, style): """ GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(dc, wnd, style) -> wx.Size Calculate the minimum size (in pixels) of a scroll button. """ def DrawScrollButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, style): """ DrawScrollButton(dc, wnd, rect, style) Draw a ribbon-style scroll button. """ def GetPanelSize(self, dc, wnd, client_size, client_offset): """ GetPanelSize(dc, wnd, client_size, client_offset) -> wx.Size Calculate the size of a panel for a given client size. """ def GetPanelClientSize(self, dc, wnd, size, client_offset): """ GetPanelClientSize(dc, wnd, size, client_offset) -> wx.Size Calculate the client size of a panel for a given overall size. """ def GetPanelExtButtonArea(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ GetPanelExtButtonArea(dc, wnd, rect) -> wx.Rect Calculate the position and size of the panel extension button. """ def DrawTabCtrlBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawTabCtrlBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background of the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def GetTabCtrlHeight(self, dc, wnd, pages): """ GetTabCtrlHeight(dc, wnd, pages) -> int Calculate the height (in pixels) of the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def GetBarTabWidth(self, dc, wnd, label, bitmap, ideal, small_begin_need_separator, small_must_have_separator, minimum): """ GetBarTabWidth(dc, wnd, label, bitmap, ideal, small_begin_need_separator, small_must_have_separator, minimum) Calculate the ideal and minimum width (in pixels) of a tab in a ribbon bar. """ def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, tab): """ DrawTab(dc, wnd, tab) Draw a single tab in the tab region of a ribbon bar. """ def DrawTabSeparator(self, dc, wnd, rect, visibility): """ DrawTabSeparator(dc, wnd, rect, visibility) Draw a separator between two tabs in a ribbon bar. """ def DrawPageBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPageBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background of a ribbon page. """ def DrawPanelBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPanelBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background and chrome for a ribbon panel. """ def DrawMinimisedPanel(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap): """ DrawMinimisedPanel(dc, wnd, rect, bitmap) Draw a minimised ribbon panel. """ def DrawGalleryBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawGalleryBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background and chrome for a wxRibbonGallery control. """ def DrawGalleryItemBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect, item): """ DrawGalleryItemBackground(dc, wnd, rect, item) Draw the background of a single item in a wxRibbonGallery control. """ def DrawButtonBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawButtonBarBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a wxRibbonButtonBar control. """ def DrawButtonBarButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small): """ DrawButtonBarButton(dc, wnd, rect, kind, state, label, bitmap_large, bitmap_small) Draw a single button for a wxRibbonButtonBar control. """ def DrawToolBarBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawToolBarBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a wxRibbonToolBar control. """ def DrawToolGroupBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawToolGroupBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draw the background for a group of tools on a wxRibbonToolBar control. """ def DrawTool(self, dc, wnd, rect, bitmap, kind, state): """ DrawTool(dc, wnd, rect, bitmap, kind, state) Draw a single tool (for a wxRibbonToolBar control). """ # end of class RibbonAUIArtProvider if 'wxMSW' in wx.PlatformInfo: RibbonDefaultArtProvider = RibbonMSWArtProvider else: RibbonDefaultArtProvider = RibbonAUIArtProvider #-- end-ribbon_art --# #-- begin-ribbon_buttonbar --# RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SIZE_MASK = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL_HOVERED = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DROPDOWN_HOVERED = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_MASK = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL_ACTIVE = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_ACTIVE_MASK = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_DISABLED = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_TOGGLED = 0 RIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_STATE_MASK = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_CLICKED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED = 0 class RibbonButtonBar(RibbonControl): """ RibbonButtonBar() RibbonButtonBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) A ribbon button bar is similar to a traditional toolbar. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ RibbonButtonBar() RibbonButtonBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) A ribbon button bar is similar to a traditional toolbar. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) -> bool Create a button bar in two-step button bar construction. """ def AddButton(self, *args, **kw): """ AddButton(button_id, label, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase AddButton(button_id, label, bitmap, bitmap_small=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_small_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Add a button to the button bar (simple version). """ def AddDropdownButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ AddDropdownButton(button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Add a dropdown button to the button bar (simple version). """ def AddHybridButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ AddHybridButton(button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Add a hybrid button to the button bar (simple version). """ def AddToggleButton(self, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ AddToggleButton(button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Add a toggle button to the button bar (simple version). """ def InsertButton(self, *args, **kw): """ InsertButton(pos, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase InsertButton(pos, button_id, label, bitmap, bitmap_small=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_small_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Inserts a button to the button bar (simple version) at the given position. """ def InsertDropdownButton(self, pos, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ InsertDropdownButton(pos, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Inserts a dropdown button to the button bar (simple version) at the given position. """ def InsertHybridButton(self, pos, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ InsertHybridButton(pos, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Inserts a hybrid button to the button bar (simple version) at the given position. """ def InsertToggleButton(self, pos, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ InsertToggleButton(pos, button_id, label, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Inserts a toggle button to the button bar (simple version) at the given position. """ def GetButtonCount(self): """ GetButtonCount() -> size_t Returns the number of buttons in this button bar. """ def SetItemClientData(self, item, data): """ SetItemClientData(item, data) Set the client object associated with a button. """ def GetItemClientData(self, item): """ GetItemClientData(item) -> ClientData Get the client object associated with a button. """ def GetItem(self, n): """ GetItem(n) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Returns the N-th button of the bar. """ def GetItemById(self, id): """ GetItemById(id) -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Returns the first button having a given id or NULL if none matches. """ def GetItemId(self, item): """ GetItemId(item) -> int Returns the id of a button. """ def Realize(self): """ Realize() -> bool Calculate button layouts and positions. """ def ClearButtons(self): """ ClearButtons() Delete all buttons from the button bar. """ def DeleteButton(self, button_id): """ DeleteButton(button_id) -> bool Delete a single button from the button bar. """ def EnableButton(self, button_id, enable=True): """ EnableButton(button_id, enable=True) Enable or disable a single button on the bar. """ def ToggleButton(self, button_id, checked): """ ToggleButton(button_id, checked) Set a toggle button to the checked or unchecked state. """ def SetButtonIcon(self, button_id, bitmap, bitmap_small=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_small_disabled=wx.NullBitmap): """ SetButtonIcon(button_id, bitmap, bitmap_small=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, bitmap_small_disabled=wx.NullBitmap) Changes the bitmap of an existing button. """ def SetButtonText(self, button_id, label): """ SetButtonText(button_id, label) Changes the label text of an existing button. """ def SetButtonTextMinWidth(self, *args, **kw): """ SetButtonTextMinWidth(button_id, min_width_medium, min_width_large) SetButtonTextMinWidth(button_id, label) Sets the minimum width of the button label, to indicate to the wxRibbonArtProvider layout mechanism that this is the minimum required size. """ def SetButtonMinSizeClass(self, button_id, min_size_class): """ SetButtonMinSizeClass(button_id, min_size_class) Sets the minimum size class of a ribbon button. """ def SetButtonMaxSizeClass(self, button_id, max_size_class): """ SetButtonMaxSizeClass(button_id, max_size_class) Sets the maximum size class of a ribbon button. """ def GetActiveItem(self): """ GetActiveItem() -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Returns the active item of the button bar or NULL if there is none. """ def GetHoveredItem(self): """ GetHoveredItem() -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Returns the hovered item of the button bar or NULL if there is none. """ def SetShowToolTipsForDisabled(self, show): """ SetShowToolTipsForDisabled(show) Indicates whether tooltips are shown for disabled buttons. """ def GetShowToolTipsForDisabled(self): """ GetShowToolTipsForDisabled() -> bool Sets whether tooltips should be shown for disabled buttons or not. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ActiveItem = property(None, None) ButtonCount = property(None, None) HoveredItem = property(None, None) ShowToolTipsForDisabled = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonButtonBar class RibbonButtonBarEvent(wx.CommandEvent): """ RibbonButtonBarEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, bar=None, button=None) Event used to indicate various actions relating to a button on a wxRibbonButtonBar. """ def __init__(self, command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, bar=None, button=None): """ RibbonButtonBarEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, bar=None, button=None) Event used to indicate various actions relating to a button on a wxRibbonButtonBar. """ def GetBar(self): """ GetBar() -> RibbonButtonBar Returns the bar which contains the button which the event relates to. """ def SetBar(self, bar): """ SetBar(bar) Sets the button bar relating to this event. """ def GetButton(self): """ GetButton() -> RibbonButtonBarButtonBase Returns the button which the event relates to. """ def SetButton(self, bar): """ SetButton(bar) Sets the button relating to this event. """ def PopupMenu(self, menu): """ PopupMenu(menu) -> bool Display a popup menu as a result of this (dropdown clicked) event. """ Bar = property(None, None) Button = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonButtonBarEvent EVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_CLICKED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_CLICKED, 1 ) EVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED, 1 ) #-- end-ribbon_buttonbar --# #-- begin-ribbon_gallery --# RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_NORMAL = 0 RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_HOVERED = 0 RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_ACTIVE = 0 RIBBON_GALLERY_BUTTON_DISABLED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONGALLERY_HOVER_CHANGED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONGALLERY_SELECTED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONGALLERY_CLICKED = 0 class RibbonGallery(RibbonControl): """ RibbonGallery() RibbonGallery(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) A ribbon gallery is like a wxListBox, but for bitmaps rather than strings. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ RibbonGallery() RibbonGallery(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) A ribbon gallery is like a wxListBox, but for bitmaps rather than strings. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) -> bool Create a gallery in two-step gallery construction. """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() Remove all items from the gallery. """ def IsEmpty(self): """ IsEmpty() -> bool Query if the gallery has no items in it. """ def GetCount(self): """ GetCount() -> unsignedint Get the number of items in the gallery. """ def GetItem(self, n): """ GetItem(n) -> RibbonGalleryItem Get an item by index. """ def Append(self, *args, **kw): """ Append(bitmap, id) -> RibbonGalleryItem Append(bitmap, id, clientData) -> RibbonGalleryItem Add an item to the gallery (with no client data). """ def SetItemClientData(self, item, data): """ SetItemClientData(item, data) Set the client object associated with a gallery item. """ def GetItemClientData(self, item): """ GetItemClientData(item) -> ClientData Get the client object associated with a gallery item. """ def SetSelection(self, item): """ SetSelection(item) Set the selection to the given item, or removes the selection if item == NULL. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> RibbonGalleryItem Get the currently selected item, or NULL if there is none. """ def GetHoveredItem(self): """ GetHoveredItem() -> RibbonGalleryItem Get the currently hovered item, or NULL if there is none. """ def GetActiveItem(self): """ GetActiveItem() -> RibbonGalleryItem Get the currently active item, or NULL if there is none. """ def GetUpButtonState(self): """ GetUpButtonState() -> RibbonGalleryButtonState Get the state of the scroll up button. """ def GetDownButtonState(self): """ GetDownButtonState() -> RibbonGalleryButtonState Get the state of the scroll down button. """ def GetExtensionButtonState(self): """ GetExtensionButtonState() -> RibbonGalleryButtonState Get the state of the "extension" button. """ def IsHovered(self): """ IsHovered() -> bool Query is the mouse is currently hovered over the gallery. """ def ScrollLines(self, lines): """ ScrollLines(lines) -> bool Scroll the gallery contents by some amount. """ def ScrollPixels(self, pixels): """ ScrollPixels(pixels) -> bool Scroll the gallery contents by some fine-grained amount. """ def EnsureVisible(self, item): """ EnsureVisible(item) Scroll the gallery to ensure that the given item is visible. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ActiveItem = property(None, None) Count = property(None, None) DownButtonState = property(None, None) ExtensionButtonState = property(None, None) HoveredItem = property(None, None) Selection = property(None, None) UpButtonState = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonGallery class RibbonGalleryEvent(wx.CommandEvent): """ RibbonGalleryEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, gallery=None, item=None) """ def __init__(self, command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, gallery=None, item=None): """ RibbonGalleryEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, gallery=None, item=None) """ def GetGallery(self): """ GetGallery() -> RibbonGallery Returns the gallery which the event relates to. """ def GetGalleryItem(self): """ GetGalleryItem() -> RibbonGalleryItem Returns the gallery item which the event relates to, or NULL if it does not relate to an item. """ def SetGallery(self, gallery): """ SetGallery(gallery) Sets the gallery relating to this event. """ def SetGalleryItem(self, item): """ SetGalleryItem(item) Sets the gallery item relating to this event. """ Gallery = property(None, None) GalleryItem = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonGalleryEvent EVT_RIBBONGALLERY_HOVER_CHANGED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_RIBBONGALLERY_HOVER_CHANGED, 1 ) EVT_RIBBONGALLERY_SELECTED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_RIBBONGALLERY_SELECTED, 1 ) EVT_RIBBONGALLERY_CLICKED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_RIBBONGALLERY_CLICKED, 1 ) #-- end-ribbon_gallery --# #-- begin-ribbon_toolbar --# wxEVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_CLICKED = 0 wxEVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED = 0 class RibbonToolBar(RibbonControl): """ RibbonToolBar() RibbonToolBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) A ribbon tool bar is similar to a traditional toolbar which has no labels. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ RibbonToolBar() RibbonToolBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) A ribbon tool bar is similar to a traditional toolbar which has no labels. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) -> bool Create a tool bar in two-step tool bar construction. """ def AddTool(self, *args, **kw): """ AddTool(tool_id, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase AddTool(tool_id, bitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, client_data=None) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Add a tool to the tool bar (simple version). """ def AddDropdownTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ AddDropdownTool(tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Add a dropdown tool to the tool bar (simple version). """ def AddHybridTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ AddHybridTool(tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Add a hybrid tool to the tool bar (simple version). """ def AddToggleTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string): """ AddToggleTool(tool_id, bitmap, help_string) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Add a toggle tool to the tool bar (simple version). """ def AddSeparator(self): """ AddSeparator() -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Add a separator to the tool bar. """ def InsertTool(self, *args, **kw): """ InsertTool(pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase InsertTool(pos, tool_id, bitmap, bitmap_disabled=wx.NullBitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, client_data=None) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Insert a tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position. """ def InsertDropdownTool(self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ InsertDropdownTool(pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Insert a dropdown tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position. """ def InsertHybridTool(self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ InsertHybridTool(pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Insert a hybrid tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position. """ def InsertToggleTool(self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString): """ InsertToggleTool(pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Insert a toggle tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position. """ def InsertSeparator(self, pos): """ InsertSeparator(pos) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Insert a separator to the tool bar at the specified position. """ def ClearTools(self): """ ClearTools() Deletes all the tools in the toolbar. """ def DeleteTool(self, tool_id): """ DeleteTool(tool_id) -> bool Removes the specified tool from the toolbar and deletes it. """ def DeleteToolByPos(self, pos): """ DeleteToolByPos(pos) -> bool This function behaves like DeleteTool() but it deletes the tool at the specified position and not the one with the given id. """ def FindById(self, tool_id): """ FindById(tool_id) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Returns a pointer to the tool opaque structure by id or NULL if no corresponding tool is found. """ def GetToolByPos(self, pos): """ GetToolByPos(pos) -> RibbonToolBarToolBase Return the opaque pointer corresponding to the given tool. """ def GetToolId(self, tool): """ GetToolId(tool) -> int Return the id assciated to the tool opaque structure. """ def GetToolClientData(self, tool_id): """ GetToolClientData(tool_id) -> PyUserData Get any client data associated with the tool. """ def GetToolEnabled(self, tool_id): """ GetToolEnabled(tool_id) -> bool Called to determine whether a tool is enabled (responds to user input). """ def GetToolHelpString(self, tool_id): """ GetToolHelpString(tool_id) -> String Returns the help string for the given tool. """ def GetToolKind(self, tool_id): """ GetToolKind(tool_id) -> RibbonButtonKind Return the kind of the given tool. """ def GetToolPos(self, tool_id): """ GetToolPos(tool_id) -> int Returns the tool position in the toolbar, or wxNOT_FOUND if the tool is not found. """ def GetToolState(self, tool_id): """ GetToolState(tool_id) -> bool Gets the on/off state of a toggle tool. """ def Realize(self): """ Realize() -> bool Calculate tool layouts and positions. """ def SetRows(self, nMin, nMax=-1): """ SetRows(nMin, nMax=-1) Set the number of rows to distribute tool groups over. """ def SetToolClientData(self, tool_id, clientData): """ SetToolClientData(tool_id, clientData) Sets the client data associated with the tool. """ def SetToolDisabledBitmap(self, tool_id, bitmap): """ SetToolDisabledBitmap(tool_id, bitmap) Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID when the tool is in a disabled state. """ def SetToolHelpString(self, tool_id, helpString): """ SetToolHelpString(tool_id, helpString) Sets the help string shown in tooltip for the given tool. """ def SetToolNormalBitmap(self, tool_id, bitmap): """ SetToolNormalBitmap(tool_id, bitmap) Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID. """ def EnableTool(self, tool_id, enable=True): """ EnableTool(tool_id, enable=True) Enable or disable a single tool on the bar. """ def ToggleTool(self, tool_id, checked): """ ToggleTool(tool_id, checked) Set a toggle tool to the checked or unchecked state. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ # end of class RibbonToolBar class RibbonToolBarEvent(wx.CommandEvent): """ RibbonToolBarEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, bar=None) """ def __init__(self, command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, bar=None): """ RibbonToolBarEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0, bar=None) """ def GetBar(self): """ GetBar() -> RibbonToolBar """ def SetBar(self, bar): """ SetBar(bar) """ def PopupMenu(self, menu): """ PopupMenu(menu) -> bool """ Bar = property(None, None) # end of class RibbonToolBarEvent EVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_CLICKED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_CLICKED, 1 ) EVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED, 1 ) #-- end-ribbon_toolbar --#