# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is generated by wxPython's PI generator. Do not edit by hand. # # The *.pyi files are used by PyCharm and other development tools to provide # more information, such as PEP 484 type hints, than it is able to glean from # introspection of extension types and methods. They are not intended to be # imported, executed or used for any other purpose other than providing info # to the tools. If you don't use use a tool that makes use of .pyi files then # you can safely ignore this file. # # See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/ # https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html # # Copyright: (c) 2020 by Total Control Software # License: wxWindows License #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ `wx.aui` provides a set of classes for implementing an "Advanced User Interface". More specifically, these classes enable to you present some of your application in floating or dockable panels, notebooks with floatable tabs, etc. There is also a pure-python implementation of these classes available in the `wx.lib.agw.aui` package. """ #-- begin-_aui --# import wx #-- end-_aui --# #-- begin-auiframemanager --# AUI_DOCK_NONE = 0 AUI_DOCK_TOP = 0 AUI_DOCK_RIGHT = 0 AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM = 0 AUI_DOCK_LEFT = 0 AUI_DOCK_CENTER = 0 AUI_DOCK_CENTRE = 0 AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING = 0 AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE = 0 AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG = 0 AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT = 0 AUI_MGR_VENETIAN_BLINDS_HINT = 0 AUI_MGR_RECTANGLE_HINT = 0 AUI_MGR_HINT_FADE = 0 AUI_MGR_NO_VENETIAN_BLINDS_FADE = 0 AUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE = 0 AUI_MGR_DEFAULT = 0 wxEVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON = 0 wxEVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE = 0 wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MAXIMIZE = 0 wxEVT_AUI_PANE_RESTORE = 0 wxEVT_AUI_PANE_ACTIVATED = 0 wxEVT_AUI_RENDER = 0 wxEVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER = 0 class AuiManager(wx.EvtHandler): """ AuiManager(managed_wnd=None, flags=AUI_MGR_DEFAULT) wxAuiManager is the central class of the wxAUI class framework. """ def __init__(self, managed_wnd=None, flags=AUI_MGR_DEFAULT): """ AuiManager(managed_wnd=None, flags=AUI_MGR_DEFAULT) wxAuiManager is the central class of the wxAUI class framework. """ def AddPane(self, *args, **kw): """ AddPane(window, pane_info) -> bool AddPane(window, direction=wx.LEFT, caption=wx.EmptyString) -> bool AddPane(window, pane_info, drop_pos) -> bool AddPane() tells the frame manager to start managing a child window. """ def GetPane(self, *args, **kw): """ GetPane(window) -> AuiPaneInfo GetPane(name) -> AuiPaneInfo GetPane() is used to lookup a wxAuiPaneInfo object either by window pointer or by pane name, which acts as a unique id for a window pane. """ def CalculateHintRect(self, paneWindow, pt, offset): """ CalculateHintRect(paneWindow, pt, offset) -> wx.Rect This function is used by controls to calculate the drop hint rectangle. """ def CanDockPanel(self, p): """ CanDockPanel(p) -> bool Check if a key modifier is pressed (actually WXK_CONTROL or WXK_ALT) while dragging the frame to not dock the window. """ def ClosePane(self, paneInfo): """ ClosePane(paneInfo) Destroys or hides the given pane depending on its flags. """ def CreateFloatingFrame(self, parent, p): """ CreateFloatingFrame(parent, p) -> AuiFloatingFrame Creates a floating frame in this wxAuiManager with the given parent and wxAuiPaneInfo. """ def DetachPane(self, window): """ DetachPane(window) -> bool Tells the wxAuiManager to stop managing the pane specified by window. """ def DrawHintRect(self, paneWindow, pt, offset): """ DrawHintRect(paneWindow, pt, offset) This function is used by controls to draw the hint window. """ def GetAllPanes(self): """ GetAllPanes() -> AuiPaneInfoArray Returns an array of all panes managed by the frame manager. """ def GetArtProvider(self): """ GetArtProvider() -> AuiDockArt Returns the current art provider being used. """ def GetDockSizeConstraint(self, widthpct, heightpct): """ GetDockSizeConstraint(widthpct, heightpct) Returns the current dock constraint values. """ def GetFlags(self): """ GetFlags() -> unsignedint Returns the current wxAuiManagerOption's flags. """ def GetManagedWindow(self): """ GetManagedWindow() -> wx.Window Returns the frame currently being managed by wxAuiManager. """ def HideHint(self): """ HideHint() HideHint() hides any docking hint that may be visible. """ def InsertPane(self, window, insert_location, insert_level=AUI_INSERT_PANE): """ InsertPane(window, insert_location, insert_level=AUI_INSERT_PANE) -> bool This method is used to insert either a previously unmanaged pane window into the frame manager, or to insert a currently managed pane somewhere else. """ def LoadPaneInfo(self, pane_part, pane): """ LoadPaneInfo(pane_part, pane) LoadPaneInfo() is similar to LoadPerspective, with the exception that it only loads information about a single pane. """ def LoadPerspective(self, perspective, update=True): """ LoadPerspective(perspective, update=True) -> bool Loads a saved perspective. """ def MaximizePane(self, paneInfo): """ MaximizePane(paneInfo) Maximize the given pane. """ def RestorePane(self, paneInfo): """ RestorePane(paneInfo) Restore the last state of the given pane. """ def RestoreMaximizedPane(self): """ RestoreMaximizedPane() Restore the previously maximized pane. """ def SavePaneInfo(self, pane): """ SavePaneInfo(pane) -> String SavePaneInfo() is similar to SavePerspective, with the exception that it only saves information about a single pane. """ def SavePerspective(self): """ SavePerspective() -> String Saves the entire user interface layout into an encoded wxString, which can then be stored by the application (probably using wxConfig). """ def SetArtProvider(self, art_provider): """ SetArtProvider(art_provider) Instructs wxAuiManager to use art provider specified by parameter art_provider for all drawing calls. """ def SetDockSizeConstraint(self, widthpct, heightpct): """ SetDockSizeConstraint(widthpct, heightpct) When a user creates a new dock by dragging a window into a docked position, often times the large size of the window will create a dock that is unwieldy large. """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) This method is used to specify wxAuiManagerOption's flags. """ def SetManagedWindow(self, managed_wnd): """ SetManagedWindow(managed_wnd) Called to specify the frame or window which is to be managed by wxAuiManager. """ def ShowHint(self, rect): """ ShowHint(rect) This function is used by controls to explicitly show a hint window at the specified rectangle. """ def StartPaneDrag(self, paneWindow, offset): """ StartPaneDrag(paneWindow, offset) Mostly used internally to define the drag action parameters. """ def UnInit(self): """ UnInit() Uninitializes the framework and should be called before a managed frame or window is destroyed. """ def Update(self): """ Update() This method is called after any number of changes are made to any of the managed panes. """ @staticmethod def GetManager(window): """ GetManager(window) -> AuiManager Calling this method will return the wxAuiManager for a given window. """ AllPanes = property(None, None) ArtProvider = property(None, None) Flags = property(None, None) ManagedWindow = property(None, None) def ProcessDockResult(self, target, new_pos): """ ProcessDockResult(target, new_pos) -> bool ProcessDockResult() is a protected member of the wxAUI layout manager. """ # end of class AuiManager class AuiPaneInfo(object): """ AuiPaneInfo() AuiPaneInfo(c) wxAuiPaneInfo is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiPaneInfo() AuiPaneInfo(c) wxAuiPaneInfo is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def BestSize(self, *args, **kw): """ BestSize(size) -> AuiPaneInfo BestSize(x, y) -> AuiPaneInfo BestSize() sets the ideal size for the pane. """ def Centre(self): """ Centre() -> AuiPaneInfo Center() sets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame. """ def Center(self): """ Center() -> AuiPaneInfo Center() sets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame. """ def CentrePane(self): """ CentrePane() -> AuiPaneInfo CentrePane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings. """ def CenterPane(self): """ CenterPane() -> AuiPaneInfo CentrePane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings. """ def FloatingPosition(self, *args, **kw): """ FloatingPosition(pos) -> AuiPaneInfo FloatingPosition(x, y) -> AuiPaneInfo FloatingPosition() sets the position of the floating pane. """ def FloatingSize(self, *args, **kw): """ FloatingSize(size) -> AuiPaneInfo FloatingSize(x, y) -> AuiPaneInfo FloatingSize() sets the size of the floating pane. """ def MaxSize(self, *args, **kw): """ MaxSize(size) -> AuiPaneInfo MaxSize(x, y) -> AuiPaneInfo MaxSize() sets the maximum size of the pane. """ def MinSize(self, *args, **kw): """ MinSize(size) -> AuiPaneInfo MinSize(x, y) -> AuiPaneInfo MinSize() sets the minimum size of the pane. """ name = property(None, None) caption = property(None, None) icon = property(None, None) window = property(None, None) frame = property(None, None) state = property(None, None) dock_direction = property(None, None) dock_layer = property(None, None) dock_row = property(None, None) dock_pos = property(None, None) best_size = property(None, None) min_size = property(None, None) max_size = property(None, None) floating_pos = property(None, None) floating_size = property(None, None) dock_proportion = property(None, None) rect = property(None, None) def Bottom(self): """ Bottom() -> AuiPaneInfo Bottom() sets the pane dock position to the bottom side of the frame. """ def BottomDockable(self, b=True): """ BottomDockable(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo BottomDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked at the bottom of the frame. """ def Caption(self, c): """ Caption(c) -> AuiPaneInfo Caption() sets the caption of the pane. """ def CaptionVisible(self, visible=True): """ CaptionVisible(visible=True) -> AuiPaneInfo CaptionVisible indicates that a pane caption should be visible. """ def CloseButton(self, visible=True): """ CloseButton(visible=True) -> AuiPaneInfo CloseButton() indicates that a close button should be drawn for the pane. """ def DefaultPane(self): """ DefaultPane() -> AuiPaneInfo DefaultPane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default pane settings. """ def DestroyOnClose(self, b=True): """ DestroyOnClose(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo DestroyOnClose() indicates whether a pane should be destroyed when it is closed. """ def Direction(self, direction): """ Direction(direction) -> AuiPaneInfo Direction() determines the direction of the docked pane. """ def Dock(self): """ Dock() -> AuiPaneInfo Dock() indicates that a pane should be docked. """ def DockFixed(self, b=True): """ DockFixed(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo DockFixed() causes the containing dock to have no resize sash. """ def Dockable(self, b=True): """ Dockable(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo Dockable() specifies whether a frame can be docked or not. """ def Fixed(self): """ Fixed() -> AuiPaneInfo Fixed() forces a pane to be fixed size so that it cannot be resized. """ def Float(self): """ Float() -> AuiPaneInfo Float() indicates that a pane should be floated. """ def Floatable(self, b=True): """ Floatable(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo Floatable() sets whether the user will be able to undock a pane and turn it into a floating window. """ def Gripper(self, visible=True): """ Gripper(visible=True) -> AuiPaneInfo Gripper() indicates that a gripper should be drawn for the pane. """ def GripperTop(self, attop=True): """ GripperTop(attop=True) -> AuiPaneInfo GripperTop() indicates that a gripper should be drawn at the top of the pane. """ def HasBorder(self): """ HasBorder() -> bool HasBorder() returns true if the pane displays a border. """ def HasCaption(self): """ HasCaption() -> bool HasCaption() returns true if the pane displays a caption. """ def HasCloseButton(self): """ HasCloseButton() -> bool HasCloseButton() returns true if the pane displays a button to close the pane. """ def HasFlag(self, flag): """ HasFlag(flag) -> bool HasFlag() returns true if the property specified by flag is active for the pane. """ def HasGripper(self): """ HasGripper() -> bool HasGripper() returns true if the pane displays a gripper. """ def HasGripperTop(self): """ HasGripperTop() -> bool HasGripper() returns true if the pane displays a gripper at the top. """ def HasMaximizeButton(self): """ HasMaximizeButton() -> bool HasMaximizeButton() returns true if the pane displays a button to maximize the pane. """ def HasMinimizeButton(self): """ HasMinimizeButton() -> bool HasMinimizeButton() returns true if the pane displays a button to minimize the pane. """ def HasPinButton(self): """ HasPinButton() -> bool HasPinButton() returns true if the pane displays a button to float the pane. """ def Hide(self): """ Hide() -> AuiPaneInfo Hide() indicates that a pane should be hidden. """ def Icon(self, b): """ Icon(b) -> AuiPaneInfo Icon() sets the icon of the pane. """ def IsBottomDockable(self): """ IsBottomDockable() -> bool IsBottomDockable() returns true if the pane can be docked at the bottom of the managed frame. """ def IsDockable(self): """ IsDockable() -> bool Returns true if the pane can be docked at any side. """ def IsDocked(self): """ IsDocked() -> bool IsDocked() returns true if the pane is currently docked. """ def IsFixed(self): """ IsFixed() -> bool IsFixed() returns true if the pane cannot be resized. """ def IsFloatable(self): """ IsFloatable() -> bool IsFloatable() returns true if the pane can be undocked and displayed as a floating window. """ def IsFloating(self): """ IsFloating() -> bool IsFloating() returns true if the pane is floating. """ def IsLeftDockable(self): """ IsLeftDockable() -> bool IsLeftDockable() returns true if the pane can be docked on the left of the managed frame. """ def IsMovable(self): """ IsMovable() -> bool IsMoveable() returns true if the docked frame can be undocked or moved to another dock position. """ def IsOk(self): """ IsOk() -> bool IsOk() returns true if the wxAuiPaneInfo structure is valid. """ def IsResizable(self): """ IsResizable() -> bool IsResizable() returns true if the pane can be resized. """ def IsRightDockable(self): """ IsRightDockable() -> bool IsRightDockable() returns true if the pane can be docked on the right of the managed frame. """ def IsShown(self): """ IsShown() -> bool IsShown() returns true if the pane is currently shown. """ def IsToolbar(self): """ IsToolbar() -> bool IsToolbar() returns true if the pane contains a toolbar. """ def IsTopDockable(self): """ IsTopDockable() -> bool IsTopDockable() returns true if the pane can be docked at the top of the managed frame. """ def Layer(self, layer): """ Layer(layer) -> AuiPaneInfo Layer() determines the layer of the docked pane. """ def Left(self): """ Left() -> AuiPaneInfo Left() sets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame. """ def LeftDockable(self, b=True): """ LeftDockable(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo LeftDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked on the left of the frame. """ def MaximizeButton(self, visible=True): """ MaximizeButton(visible=True) -> AuiPaneInfo MaximizeButton() indicates that a maximize button should be drawn for the pane. """ def MinimizeButton(self, visible=True): """ MinimizeButton(visible=True) -> AuiPaneInfo MinimizeButton() indicates that a minimize button should be drawn for the pane. """ def Movable(self, b=True): """ Movable(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo Movable indicates whether a frame can be moved. """ def Name(self, n): """ Name(n) -> AuiPaneInfo Name() sets the name of the pane so it can be referenced in lookup functions. """ def PaneBorder(self, visible=True): """ PaneBorder(visible=True) -> AuiPaneInfo PaneBorder indicates that a border should be drawn for the pane. """ def PinButton(self, visible=True): """ PinButton(visible=True) -> AuiPaneInfo PinButton() indicates that a pin button should be drawn for the pane. """ def Position(self, pos): """ Position(pos) -> AuiPaneInfo Position() determines the position of the docked pane. """ def Resizable(self, resizable=True): """ Resizable(resizable=True) -> AuiPaneInfo Resizable() allows a pane to be resized if the parameter is true, and forces it to be a fixed size if the parameter is false. """ def Right(self): """ Right() -> AuiPaneInfo Right() sets the pane dock position to the right side of the frame. """ def RightDockable(self, b=True): """ RightDockable(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo RightDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked on the right of the frame. """ def Row(self, row): """ Row(row) -> AuiPaneInfo Row() determines the row of the docked pane. """ def SafeSet(self, source): """ SafeSet(source) Write the safe parts of a PaneInfo object "source" into "this". """ def SetFlag(self, flag, option_state): """ SetFlag(flag, option_state) -> AuiPaneInfo SetFlag() turns the property given by flag on or off with the option_state parameter. """ def Show(self, show=True): """ Show(show=True) -> AuiPaneInfo Show() indicates that a pane should be shown. """ def ToolbarPane(self): """ ToolbarPane() -> AuiPaneInfo ToolbarPane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default toolbar pane settings. """ def Top(self): """ Top() -> AuiPaneInfo Top() sets the pane dock position to the top of the frame. """ def TopDockable(self, b=True): """ TopDockable(b=True) -> AuiPaneInfo TopDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked at the top of the frame. """ def Window(self, w): """ Window(w) -> AuiPaneInfo Window() assigns the window pointer that the wxAuiPaneInfo should use. """ def IsValid(self): """ IsValid() -> bool """ # end of class AuiPaneInfo class AuiManagerEvent(wx.Event): """ AuiManagerEvent(type=wx.wxEVT_NULL) Event used to indicate various actions taken with wxAuiManager. """ def __init__(self, type=wx.wxEVT_NULL): """ AuiManagerEvent(type=wx.wxEVT_NULL) Event used to indicate various actions taken with wxAuiManager. """ def CanVeto(self): """ CanVeto() -> bool """ def GetButton(self): """ GetButton() -> int """ def GetDC(self): """ GetDC() -> wx.DC """ def GetVeto(self): """ GetVeto() -> bool """ def GetManager(self): """ GetManager() -> AuiManager """ def GetPane(self): """ GetPane() -> AuiPaneInfo """ def SetButton(self, button): """ SetButton(button) Sets the ID of the button clicked that triggered this event. """ def SetCanVeto(self, can_veto): """ SetCanVeto(can_veto) Sets whether or not this event can be vetoed. """ def SetDC(self, pdc): """ SetDC(pdc) """ def SetManager(self, manager): """ SetManager(manager) Sets the wxAuiManager this event is associated with. """ def SetPane(self, pane): """ SetPane(pane) Sets the pane this event is associated with. """ def Veto(self, veto=True): """ Veto(veto=True) Cancels the action indicated by this event if CanVeto() is true. """ Button = property(None, None) DC = property(None, None) Manager = property(None, None) Pane = property(None, None) # end of class AuiManagerEvent class AuiDockInfo(object): """ AuiDockInfo() AuiDockInfo(c) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiDockInfo() AuiDockInfo(c) """ panes = property(None, None) rect = property(None, None) dock_direction = property(None, None) dock_layer = property(None, None) dock_row = property(None, None) size = property(None, None) min_size = property(None, None) resizable = property(None, None) toolbar = property(None, None) fixed = property(None, None) reserved1 = property(None, None) def IsOk(self): """ IsOk() -> bool """ def IsHorizontal(self): """ IsHorizontal() -> bool """ def IsVertical(self): """ IsVertical() -> bool """ # end of class AuiDockInfo class AuiDockUIPart(object): """ """ typeCaption = 0 typeGripper = 0 typeDock = 0 typeDockSizer = 0 typePane = 0 typePaneSizer = 0 typeBackground = 0 typePaneBorder = 0 typePaneButton = 0 type = property(None, None) orientation = property(None, None) dock = property(None, None) pane = property(None, None) button = property(None, None) cont_sizer = property(None, None) sizer_item = property(None, None) rect = property(None, None) # end of class AuiDockUIPart class AuiFloatingFrame(wx.Frame): """ AuiFloatingFrame(parent, ownerMgr, pane, id=wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CAPTION|wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR|wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT|wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) """ def __init__(self, parent, ownerMgr, pane, id=wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CAPTION|wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR|wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT|wx.CLIP_CHILDREN): """ AuiFloatingFrame(parent, ownerMgr, pane, id=wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CAPTION|wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR|wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT|wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) """ def SetPaneWindow(self, pane): """ SetPaneWindow(pane) """ def GetOwnerManager(self): """ GetOwnerManager() -> AuiManager """ OwnerManager = property(None, None) # end of class AuiFloatingFrame EVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON ) EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE ) EVT_AUI_PANE_MAXIMIZE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MAXIMIZE ) EVT_AUI_PANE_RESTORE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUI_PANE_RESTORE ) EVT_AUI_PANE_ACTIVATED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUI_PANE_ACTIVATED ) EVT_AUI_RENDER = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUI_RENDER ) EVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER ) #-- end-auiframemanager --# #-- begin-auidockart --# AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE = 0 AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE = 0 AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE = 0 AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE = 0 AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE = 0 AUI_DOCKART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_SASH_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_INACTIVE_CAPTION_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_INACTIVE_CAPTION_GRADIENT_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_BORDER_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_COLOUR = 0 AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_FONT = 0 AUI_DOCKART_GRADIENT_TYPE = 0 AUI_GRADIENT_NONE = 0 AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL = 0 AUI_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL = 0 AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL = 0 AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER = 0 AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED = 0 AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED = 0 AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN = 0 AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED = 0 AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE = 0 AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE = 0 AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE = 0 AUI_BUTTON_PIN = 0 AUI_BUTTON_OPTIONS = 0 AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST = 0 AUI_BUTTON_LEFT = 0 AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT = 0 AUI_BUTTON_UP = 0 AUI_BUTTON_DOWN = 0 AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM1 = 0 AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM2 = 0 AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM3 = 0 class AuiDockArt(object): """ AuiDockArt() wxAuiDockArt is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiDockArt() wxAuiDockArt is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def DrawBackground(self, dc, window, orientation, rect): """ DrawBackground(dc, window, orientation, rect) Draws a background. """ def DrawBorder(self, dc, window, rect, pane): """ DrawBorder(dc, window, rect, pane) Draws a border. """ def DrawCaption(self, dc, window, text, rect, pane): """ DrawCaption(dc, window, text, rect, pane) Draws a caption. """ def DrawGripper(self, dc, window, rect, pane): """ DrawGripper(dc, window, rect, pane) Draws a gripper. """ def DrawPaneButton(self, dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane): """ DrawPaneButton(dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane) Draws a button in the pane's title bar. """ def DrawSash(self, dc, window, orientation, rect): """ DrawSash(dc, window, orientation, rect) Draws a sash between two windows. """ def GetColour(self, id): """ GetColour(id) -> wx.Colour Get the colour of a certain setting. """ def GetFont(self, id): """ GetFont(id) -> wx.Font Get a font setting. """ def GetMetric(self, id): """ GetMetric(id) -> int Get the value of a certain setting. """ def SetColour(self, id, colour): """ SetColour(id, colour) Set a certain setting with the value colour. """ def SetFont(self, id, font): """ SetFont(id, font) Set a font setting. """ def SetMetric(self, id, new_val): """ SetMetric(id, new_val) Set a certain setting with the value new_val. """ # end of class AuiDockArt class AuiDefaultDockArt(AuiDockArt): """ AuiDefaultDockArt() This is the default art provider for wxAuiManager. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiDefaultDockArt() This is the default art provider for wxAuiManager. """ def GetMetric(self, id): """ GetMetric(id) -> int Get the value of a certain setting. """ def SetMetric(self, id, new_val): """ SetMetric(id, new_val) Set a certain setting with the value new_val. """ def GetColour(self, id): """ GetColour(id) -> wx.Colour Get the colour of a certain setting. """ def SetColour(self, id, colour): """ SetColour(id, colour) Set a certain setting with the value colour. """ def SetFont(self, id, font): """ SetFont(id, font) Set a font setting. """ def GetFont(self, id): """ GetFont(id) -> wx.Font Get a font setting. """ def DrawSash(self, dc, window, orientation, rect): """ DrawSash(dc, window, orientation, rect) Draws a sash between two windows. """ def DrawBackground(self, dc, window, orientation, rect): """ DrawBackground(dc, window, orientation, rect) Draws a background. """ def DrawCaption(self, dc, window, text, rect, pane): """ DrawCaption(dc, window, text, rect, pane) Draws a caption. """ def DrawGripper(self, dc, window, rect, pane): """ DrawGripper(dc, window, rect, pane) Draws a gripper. """ def DrawBorder(self, dc, window, rect, pane): """ DrawBorder(dc, window, rect, pane) Draws a border. """ def DrawPaneButton(self, dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane): """ DrawPaneButton(dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane) Draws a button in the pane's title bar. """ def DrawIcon(self, dc, rect, pane): """ DrawIcon(dc, rect, pane) """ # end of class AuiDefaultDockArt #-- end-auidockart --# #-- begin-auibar --# AUI_TB_TEXT = 0 AUI_TB_NO_TOOLTIPS = 0 AUI_TB_NO_AUTORESIZE = 0 AUI_TB_GRIPPER = 0 AUI_TB_OVERFLOW = 0 AUI_TB_VERTICAL = 0 AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT = 0 AUI_TB_HORIZONTAL = 0 AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND = 0 AUI_TB_HORZ_TEXT = 0 AUI_ORIENTATION_MASK = 0 AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE = 0 AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE = 0 AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE = 0 AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_LEFT = 0 AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT = 0 AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_TOP = 0 AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM = 0 wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN = 0 wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_OVERFLOW_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_RIGHT_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_MIDDLE_CLICK = 0 wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_BEGIN_DRAG = 0 class AuiToolBarItem(object): """ AuiToolBarItem() AuiToolBarItem(c) wxAuiToolBarItem is part of the wxAUI class framework, representing a toolbar element. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiToolBarItem() AuiToolBarItem(c) wxAuiToolBarItem is part of the wxAUI class framework, representing a toolbar element. """ def Assign(self, c): """ Assign(c) Assigns the properties of the wxAuiToolBarItem "c" to this. """ def SetWindow(self, w): """ SetWindow(w) Assigns a window to the toolbar item. """ def GetWindow(self): """ GetWindow() -> wx.Window Returns the wxWindow* associated to the toolbar item. """ def SetId(self, new_id): """ SetId(new_id) Sets the toolbar item identifier. """ def GetId(self): """ GetId() -> int Returns the toolbar item identifier. """ def SetKind(self, new_kind): """ SetKind(new_kind) Sets the wxAuiToolBarItem kind. """ def GetKind(self): """ GetKind() -> int Returns the toolbar item kind. """ def SetState(self, new_state): """ SetState(new_state) """ def GetState(self): """ GetState() -> int """ def SetSizerItem(self, s): """ SetSizerItem(s) """ def GetSizerItem(self): """ GetSizerItem() -> wx.SizerItem """ def SetLabel(self, s): """ SetLabel(s) """ def GetLabel(self): """ GetLabel() -> String """ def SetBitmap(self, bmp): """ SetBitmap(bmp) """ def GetBitmap(self): """ GetBitmap() -> wx.Bitmap """ def SetDisabledBitmap(self, bmp): """ SetDisabledBitmap(bmp) """ def GetDisabledBitmap(self): """ GetDisabledBitmap() -> wx.Bitmap """ def SetHoverBitmap(self, bmp): """ SetHoverBitmap(bmp) """ def GetHoverBitmap(self): """ GetHoverBitmap() -> wx.Bitmap """ def SetShortHelp(self, s): """ SetShortHelp(s) """ def GetShortHelp(self): """ GetShortHelp() -> String """ def SetLongHelp(self, s): """ SetLongHelp(s) """ def GetLongHelp(self): """ GetLongHelp() -> String """ def SetMinSize(self, s): """ SetMinSize(s) """ def GetMinSize(self): """ GetMinSize() -> wx.Size """ def SetSpacerPixels(self, s): """ SetSpacerPixels(s) """ def GetSpacerPixels(self): """ GetSpacerPixels() -> int """ def SetProportion(self, p): """ SetProportion(p) """ def GetProportion(self): """ GetProportion() -> int """ def SetActive(self, b): """ SetActive(b) """ def IsActive(self): """ IsActive() -> bool """ def SetHasDropDown(self, b): """ SetHasDropDown(b) Set whether this tool has a drop down button. """ def HasDropDown(self): """ HasDropDown() -> bool Returns whether the toolbar item has an associated drop down button. """ def SetSticky(self, b): """ SetSticky(b) """ def IsSticky(self): """ IsSticky() -> bool """ def SetUserData(self, l): """ SetUserData(l) """ def GetUserData(self): """ GetUserData() -> long """ def SetAlignment(self, l): """ SetAlignment(l) """ def GetAlignment(self): """ GetAlignment() -> int """ Alignment = property(None, None) Bitmap = property(None, None) DisabledBitmap = property(None, None) HoverBitmap = property(None, None) Id = property(None, None) Kind = property(None, None) Label = property(None, None) LongHelp = property(None, None) MinSize = property(None, None) Proportion = property(None, None) ShortHelp = property(None, None) SizerItem = property(None, None) SpacerPixels = property(None, None) State = property(None, None) UserData = property(None, None) Window = property(None, None) # end of class AuiToolBarItem class AuiToolBarArt(object): """ AuiToolBarArt() wxAuiToolBarArt is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiToolBarArt() wxAuiToolBarArt is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> AuiToolBarArt """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) """ def GetFlags(self): """ GetFlags() -> unsignedint """ def SetFont(self, font): """ SetFont(font) """ def GetFont(self): """ GetFont() -> wx.Font """ def SetTextOrientation(self, orientation): """ SetTextOrientation(orientation) """ def GetTextOrientation(self): """ GetTextOrientation() -> int """ def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawBackground(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawPlainBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPlainBackground(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawLabel(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawButton(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawDropDownButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawDropDownButton(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawControlLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawControlLabel(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawSeparator(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawSeparator(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawGripper(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawGripper(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawOverflowButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, state): """ DrawOverflowButton(dc, wnd, rect, state) """ def GetLabelSize(self, dc, wnd, item): """ GetLabelSize(dc, wnd, item) -> wx.Size """ def GetToolSize(self, dc, wnd, item): """ GetToolSize(dc, wnd, item) -> wx.Size """ def GetElementSize(self, element_id): """ GetElementSize(element_id) -> int """ def SetElementSize(self, element_id, size): """ SetElementSize(element_id, size) """ def ShowDropDown(self, wnd, items): """ ShowDropDown(wnd, items) -> int """ Flags = property(None, None) Font = property(None, None) TextOrientation = property(None, None) # end of class AuiToolBarArt class AuiDefaultToolBarArt(AuiToolBarArt): """ AuiDefaultToolBarArt() wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiDefaultToolBarArt() wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt is part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> AuiToolBarArt """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) """ def GetFlags(self): """ GetFlags() -> unsignedint """ def SetFont(self, font): """ SetFont(font) """ def GetFont(self): """ GetFont() -> wx.Font """ def SetTextOrientation(self, orientation): """ SetTextOrientation(orientation) """ def GetTextOrientation(self): """ GetTextOrientation() -> int """ def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawBackground(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawPlainBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawPlainBackground(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawLabel(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawButton(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawDropDownButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawDropDownButton(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawControlLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect): """ DrawControlLabel(dc, wnd, item, rect) """ def DrawSeparator(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawSeparator(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawGripper(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawGripper(dc, wnd, rect) """ def DrawOverflowButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, state): """ DrawOverflowButton(dc, wnd, rect, state) """ def GetLabelSize(self, dc, wnd, item): """ GetLabelSize(dc, wnd, item) -> wx.Size """ def GetToolSize(self, dc, wnd, item): """ GetToolSize(dc, wnd, item) -> wx.Size """ def GetElementSize(self, element): """ GetElementSize(element) -> int """ def SetElementSize(self, element_id, size): """ SetElementSize(element_id, size) """ def ShowDropDown(self, wnd, items): """ ShowDropDown(wnd, items) -> int """ Flags = property(None, None) Font = property(None, None) TextOrientation = property(None, None) # end of class AuiDefaultToolBarArt class AuiToolBar(wx.Control): """ AuiToolBar() AuiToolBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, position=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE) wxAuiToolBar is a dockable toolbar, part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiToolBar() AuiToolBar(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, position=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE) wxAuiToolBar is a dockable toolbar, part of the wxAUI class framework. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE) -> bool Really create wxAuiToolBar created using default constructor. """ def SetWindowStyleFlag(self, style): """ SetWindowStyleFlag(style) Sets the style of the window. """ def GetWindowStyleFlag(self): """ GetWindowStyleFlag() -> long Gets the window style that was passed to the constructor or Create() method. """ def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ SetArtProvider(art) """ def GetArtProvider(self): """ GetArtProvider() -> AuiToolBarArt """ def SetFont(self, font): """ SetFont(font) -> bool Sets the font for this window. """ def AddTool(self, *args, **kw): """ AddTool(toolId, label, bitmap, short_help_string=wx.EmptyString, kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL) -> AuiToolBarItem AddTool(toolId, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, kind, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data) -> AuiToolBarItem AddTool(toolId, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, toggle=False, client_data=None, short_help_string=wx.EmptyString, long_help_string=wx.EmptyString) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def AddLabel(self, toolId, label=wx.EmptyString, width=-1): """ AddLabel(toolId, label=wx.EmptyString, width=-1) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def AddControl(self, control, label=wx.EmptyString): """ AddControl(control, label=wx.EmptyString) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def AddSeparator(self): """ AddSeparator() -> AuiToolBarItem """ def AddSpacer(self, pixels): """ AddSpacer(pixels) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def AddStretchSpacer(self, proportion=1): """ AddStretchSpacer(proportion=1) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def Realize(self): """ Realize() -> bool """ def FindControl(self, window_id): """ FindControl(window_id) -> wx.Control """ def FindToolByPosition(self, x, y): """ FindToolByPosition(x, y) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def FindToolByIndex(self, idx): """ FindToolByIndex(idx) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def FindTool(self, toolId): """ FindTool(toolId) -> AuiToolBarItem """ def ClearTools(self): """ ClearTools() """ def Clear(self): """ Clear() """ def DestroyTool(self, toolId): """ DestroyTool(toolId) -> bool Destroys the tool with the given ID and its associated window, if any. """ def DestroyToolByIndex(self, idx): """ DestroyToolByIndex(idx) -> bool Destroys the tool at the given position and its associated window, if any. """ def DeleteTool(self, toolId): """ DeleteTool(toolId) -> bool Removes the tool with the given ID from the toolbar. """ def DeleteByIndex(self, idx): """ DeleteByIndex(idx) -> bool Removes the tool at the given position from the toolbar. """ def GetToolCount(self): """ GetToolCount() -> size_t """ def GetToolPos(self, toolId): """ GetToolPos(toolId) -> int """ def GetToolIndex(self, toolId): """ GetToolIndex(toolId) -> int """ def GetToolFits(self, toolId): """ GetToolFits(toolId) -> bool """ def GetToolRect(self, toolId): """ GetToolRect(toolId) -> wx.Rect """ def GetToolFitsByIndex(self, toolId): """ GetToolFitsByIndex(toolId) -> bool """ def GetToolBarFits(self): """ GetToolBarFits() -> bool """ def SetMargins(self, *args, **kw): """ SetMargins(size) SetMargins(x, y) SetMargins(left, right, top, bottom) """ def SetToolBitmapSize(self, size): """ SetToolBitmapSize(size) """ def GetToolBitmapSize(self): """ GetToolBitmapSize() -> wx.Size """ def GetOverflowVisible(self): """ GetOverflowVisible() -> bool """ def SetOverflowVisible(self, visible): """ SetOverflowVisible(visible) """ def GetGripperVisible(self): """ GetGripperVisible() -> bool """ def SetGripperVisible(self, visible): """ SetGripperVisible(visible) """ def ToggleTool(self, toolId, state): """ ToggleTool(toolId, state) """ def GetToolToggled(self, toolId): """ GetToolToggled(toolId) -> bool """ def EnableTool(self, toolId, state): """ EnableTool(toolId, state) """ def GetToolEnabled(self, toolId): """ GetToolEnabled(toolId) -> bool """ def SetToolDropDown(self, toolId, dropdown): """ SetToolDropDown(toolId, dropdown) Set whether the specified toolbar item has a drop down button. """ def GetToolDropDown(self, toolId): """ GetToolDropDown(toolId) -> bool Returns whether the specified toolbar item has an associated drop down button. """ def SetToolBorderPadding(self, padding): """ SetToolBorderPadding(padding) """ def GetToolBorderPadding(self): """ GetToolBorderPadding() -> int """ def SetToolTextOrientation(self, orientation): """ SetToolTextOrientation(orientation) """ def GetToolTextOrientation(self): """ GetToolTextOrientation() -> int """ def SetToolPacking(self, packing): """ SetToolPacking(packing) """ def GetToolPacking(self): """ GetToolPacking() -> int """ def SetToolProportion(self, toolId, proportion): """ SetToolProportion(toolId, proportion) """ def GetToolProportion(self, toolId): """ GetToolProportion(toolId) -> int """ def SetToolSeparation(self, separation): """ SetToolSeparation(separation) """ def GetToolSeparation(self): """ GetToolSeparation() -> int """ def SetToolSticky(self, toolId, sticky): """ SetToolSticky(toolId, sticky) """ def GetToolSticky(self, toolId): """ GetToolSticky(toolId) -> bool """ def GetToolLabel(self, toolId): """ GetToolLabel(toolId) -> String """ def SetToolLabel(self, toolId, label): """ SetToolLabel(toolId, label) """ def GetToolBitmap(self, toolId): """ GetToolBitmap(toolId) -> wx.Bitmap """ def SetToolBitmap(self, toolId, bitmap): """ SetToolBitmap(toolId, bitmap) """ def GetToolShortHelp(self, toolId): """ GetToolShortHelp(toolId) -> String """ def SetToolShortHelp(self, toolId, help_string): """ SetToolShortHelp(toolId, help_string) """ def GetToolLongHelp(self, toolId): """ GetToolLongHelp(toolId) -> String """ def SetToolLongHelp(self, toolId, help_string): """ SetToolLongHelp(toolId, help_string) """ def SetCustomOverflowItems(self, prepend, append): """ SetCustomOverflowItems(prepend, append) """ def GetHintSize(self, dock_direction): """ GetHintSize(dock_direction) -> wx.Size get size of hint rectangle for a particular dock location """ def IsPaneValid(self, pane): """ IsPaneValid(pane) -> bool """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ArtProvider = property(None, None) GripperVisible = property(None, None) OverflowVisible = property(None, None) ToolBarFits = property(None, None) ToolBitmapSize = property(None, None) ToolBorderPadding = property(None, None) ToolCount = property(None, None) ToolPacking = property(None, None) ToolSeparation = property(None, None) ToolTextOrientation = property(None, None) WindowStyleFlag = property(None, None) # end of class AuiToolBar class AuiToolBarEvent(wx.NotifyEvent): """ AuiToolBarEvent(commandType=wx.wxEVT_NULL, winId=0) AuiToolBarEvent(c) wxAuiToolBarEvent is used for the events generated by wxAuiToolBar. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiToolBarEvent(commandType=wx.wxEVT_NULL, winId=0) AuiToolBarEvent(c) wxAuiToolBarEvent is used for the events generated by wxAuiToolBar. """ def IsDropDownClicked(self): """ IsDropDownClicked() -> bool Returns whether the drop down menu has been clicked. """ def GetClickPoint(self): """ GetClickPoint() -> wx.Point Returns the point where the user clicked with the mouse. """ def GetItemRect(self): """ GetItemRect() -> wx.Rect Returns the wxAuiToolBarItem rectangle bounding the mouse click point. """ def GetToolId(self): """ GetToolId() -> int Returns the wxAuiToolBarItem identifier. """ def SetDropDownClicked(self, c): """ SetDropDownClicked(c) """ def SetClickPoint(self, p): """ SetClickPoint(p) """ def SetItemRect(self, r): """ SetItemRect(r) """ def SetToolId(self, toolId): """ SetToolId(toolId) """ ClickPoint = property(None, None) ItemRect = property(None, None) ToolId = property(None, None) # end of class AuiToolBarEvent EVT_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN, 1 ) EVT_AUITOOLBAR_OVERFLOW_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_OVERFLOW_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_AUITOOLBAR_RIGHT_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_RIGHT_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_AUITOOLBAR_MIDDLE_CLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_MIDDLE_CLICK, 1 ) EVT_AUITOOLBAR_BEGIN_DRAG = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUITOOLBAR_BEGIN_DRAG, 1 ) #-- end-auibar --# #-- begin-auibook --# AUI_NB_TOP = 0 AUI_NB_LEFT = 0 AUI_NB_RIGHT = 0 AUI_NB_BOTTOM = 0 AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT = 0 AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE = 0 AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE = 0 AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH = 0 AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS = 0 AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON = 0 AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON = 0 AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB = 0 AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS = 0 AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE = 0 AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE = 0 wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK = 0 class AuiNotebook(wx.BookCtrlBase): """ AuiNotebook() AuiNotebook(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE) wxAuiNotebook is part of the wxAUI class framework, which represents a notebook control, managing multiple windows with associated tabs. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiNotebook() AuiNotebook(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE) wxAuiNotebook is part of the wxAUI class framework, which represents a notebook control, managing multiple windows with associated tabs. """ def AddPage(self, *args, **kw): """ AddPage(page, caption, select=False, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap) -> bool AddPage(page, text, select, imageId) -> bool Adds a page. """ def AdvanceSelection(self, forward=True): """ AdvanceSelection(forward=True) Sets the selection to the next or previous page. """ def ChangeSelection(self, n): """ ChangeSelection(n) -> int Changes the selection for the given page, returning the previous selection. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) -> bool Creates the notebook window. """ def DeleteAllPages(self): """ DeleteAllPages() -> bool Deletes all pages. """ def DeletePage(self, page): """ DeletePage(page) -> bool Deletes a page at the given index. """ def GetArtProvider(self): """ GetArtProvider() -> AuiTabArt Returns the associated art provider. """ def GetCurrentPage(self): """ GetCurrentPage() -> wx.Window Returns the currently selected page or NULL. """ def GetHeightForPageHeight(self, pageHeight): """ GetHeightForPageHeight(pageHeight) -> int Returns the desired height of the notebook for the given page height. """ def GetPage(self, page_idx): """ GetPage(page_idx) -> wx.Window Returns the page specified by the given index. """ def GetPageBitmap(self, page): """ GetPageBitmap(page) -> wx.Bitmap Returns the tab bitmap for the page. """ def GetPageCount(self): """ GetPageCount() -> size_t Returns the number of pages in the notebook. """ def GetPageIndex(self, page_wnd): """ GetPageIndex(page_wnd) -> int Returns the page index for the specified window. """ def GetPageText(self, page): """ GetPageText(page) -> String Returns the tab label for the page. """ def GetPageToolTip(self, pageIdx): """ GetPageToolTip(pageIdx) -> String Returns the tooltip for the tab label of the page. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> int Returns the currently selected page. """ def GetTabCtrlHeight(self): """ GetTabCtrlHeight() -> int Returns the height of the tab control. """ def InsertPage(self, *args, **kw): """ InsertPage(page_idx, page, caption, select=False, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap) -> bool InsertPage(index, page, text, select, imageId) -> bool InsertPage() is similar to AddPage, but allows the ability to specify the insert location. """ def RemovePage(self, page): """ RemovePage(page) -> bool Removes a page, without deleting the window pointer. """ def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ SetArtProvider(art) Sets the art provider to be used by the notebook. """ def SetFont(self, font): """ SetFont(font) -> bool Sets the font for drawing the tab labels, using a bold version of the font for selected tab labels. """ def SetMeasuringFont(self, font): """ SetMeasuringFont(font) Sets the font for measuring tab labels. """ def SetNormalFont(self, font): """ SetNormalFont(font) Sets the font for drawing unselected tab labels. """ def SetPageBitmap(self, page, bitmap): """ SetPageBitmap(page, bitmap) -> bool Sets the bitmap for the page. """ def SetPageImage(self, n, imageId): """ SetPageImage(n, imageId) -> bool Sets the image index for the given page. """ def SetPageText(self, page, text): """ SetPageText(page, text) -> bool Sets the tab label for the page. """ def SetPageToolTip(self, page, text): """ SetPageToolTip(page, text) -> bool Sets the tooltip displayed when hovering over the tab label of the page. """ def SetSelectedFont(self, font): """ SetSelectedFont(font) Sets the font for drawing selected tab labels. """ def SetSelection(self, new_page): """ SetSelection(new_page) -> int Sets the page selection. """ def SetTabCtrlHeight(self, height): """ SetTabCtrlHeight(height) Sets the tab height. """ def SetUniformBitmapSize(self, size): """ SetUniformBitmapSize(size) Ensure that all tabs have the same height, even if some of them don't have bitmaps. """ def Split(self, page, direction): """ Split(page, direction) Split performs a split operation programmatically. """ def ShowWindowMenu(self): """ ShowWindowMenu() -> bool Shows the window menu for the active tab control associated with this notebook, and returns true if a selection was made. """ def GetPageImage(self, nPage): """ GetPageImage(nPage) -> int Returns the image index for the given page. """ def GetTabCtrlFromPoint(self, pt): """ GetTabCtrlFromPoint(pt) -> AuiTabCtrl Returns tab control based on point coordinates inside the tab frame. """ def GetActiveTabCtrl(self): """ GetActiveTabCtrl() -> AuiTabCtrl Returns active tab control for this notebook. """ def FindTab(self, page, ctrl, idx): """ FindTab(page, ctrl, idx) -> bool Finds tab control associated with a given window and its tab index. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ActiveTabCtrl = property(None, None) ArtProvider = property(None, None) CurrentPage = property(None, None) PageCount = property(None, None) Selection = property(None, None) TabCtrlHeight = property(None, None) # end of class AuiNotebook class AuiNotebookPage(object): """ A simple class which holds information about the notebook's pages and their state. """ window = property(None, None) caption = property(None, None) tooltip = property(None, None) bitmap = property(None, None) rect = property(None, None) active = property(None, None) # end of class AuiNotebookPage class AuiTabContainerButton(object): """ A simple class which holds information about wxAuiNotebook tab buttons and their state. """ id = property(None, None) curState = property(None, None) location = property(None, None) bitmap = property(None, None) disBitmap = property(None, None) rect = property(None, None) # end of class AuiTabContainerButton class AuiTabContainer(object): """ AuiTabContainer() wxAuiTabContainer is a class which contains information about each tab. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiTabContainer() wxAuiTabContainer is a class which contains information about each tab. """ def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ SetArtProvider(art) """ def GetArtProvider(self): """ GetArtProvider() -> AuiTabArt """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) """ def GetFlags(self): """ GetFlags() -> unsignedint """ def AddPage(self, page, info): """ AddPage(page, info) -> bool """ def InsertPage(self, page, info, idx): """ InsertPage(page, info, idx) -> bool """ def MovePage(self, page, newIdx): """ MovePage(page, newIdx) -> bool """ def RemovePage(self, page): """ RemovePage(page) -> bool """ def SetActivePage(self, *args, **kw): """ SetActivePage(page) -> bool SetActivePage(page) -> bool """ def SetNoneActive(self): """ SetNoneActive() """ def GetActivePage(self): """ GetActivePage() -> int """ def TabHitTest(self, x, y, hit): """ TabHitTest(x, y, hit) -> bool """ def ButtonHitTest(self, x, y, hit): """ ButtonHitTest(x, y, hit) -> bool """ def GetWindowFromIdx(self, idx): """ GetWindowFromIdx(idx) -> wx.Window """ def GetIdxFromWindow(self, page): """ GetIdxFromWindow(page) -> int """ def GetPageCount(self): """ GetPageCount() -> size_t """ def GetPage(self, idx): """ GetPage(idx) -> AuiNotebookPage """ def GetPages(self): """ GetPages() -> AuiNotebookPageArray """ def SetNormalFont(self, normalFont): """ SetNormalFont(normalFont) """ def SetSelectedFont(self, selectedFont): """ SetSelectedFont(selectedFont) """ def SetMeasuringFont(self, measuringFont): """ SetMeasuringFont(measuringFont) """ def SetColour(self, colour): """ SetColour(colour) """ def SetActiveColour(self, colour): """ SetActiveColour(colour) """ def DoShowHide(self): """ DoShowHide() """ def SetRect(self, rect): """ SetRect(rect) """ def RemoveButton(self, id): """ RemoveButton(id) """ def AddButton(self, id, location, normalBitmap=wx.NullBitmap, disabledBitmap=wx.NullBitmap): """ AddButton(id, location, normalBitmap=wx.NullBitmap, disabledBitmap=wx.NullBitmap) """ def GetTabOffset(self): """ GetTabOffset() -> size_t """ def SetTabOffset(self, offset): """ SetTabOffset(offset) """ def IsTabVisible(self, tabPage, tabOffset, dc, wnd): """ IsTabVisible(tabPage, tabOffset, dc, wnd) -> bool """ def MakeTabVisible(self, tabPage, win): """ MakeTabVisible(tabPage, win) """ ActivePage = property(None, None) ArtProvider = property(None, None) Flags = property(None, None) PageCount = property(None, None) Pages = property(None, None) TabOffset = property(None, None) # end of class AuiTabContainer class AuiTabArt(object): """ AuiTabArt() Tab art provider defines all the drawing functions used by wxAuiNotebook. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiTabArt() Tab art provider defines all the drawing functions used by wxAuiNotebook. """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> AuiTabArt Clones the art object. """ def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draws a background on the given area. """ def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, in_rect, bitmap_id, button_state, orientation, out_rect): """ DrawButton(dc, wnd, in_rect, bitmap_id, button_state, orientation, out_rect) Draws a button. """ def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, rect, close_button_state, out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent): """ DrawTab(dc, wnd, page, rect, close_button_state, out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent) Draws a tab. """ def GetBestTabCtrlSize(self, , , ): """ GetBestTabCtrlSize(, , ) -> int Returns the tab control size. """ def GetIndentSize(self): """ GetIndentSize() -> int Returns the indent size. """ def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, x_extent): """ GetTabSize(dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, x_extent) -> wx.Size Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and state. """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) Sets flags. """ def SetMeasuringFont(self, font): """ SetMeasuringFont(font) Sets the font used for calculating measurements. """ def SetNormalFont(self, font): """ SetNormalFont(font) Sets the normal font for drawing labels. """ def SetSelectedFont(self, font): """ SetSelectedFont(font) Sets the font for drawing text for selected UI elements. """ def SetColour(self, colour): """ SetColour(colour) Sets the colour of the inactive tabs. """ def SetActiveColour(self, colour): """ SetActiveColour(colour) Sets the colour of the selected tab. """ def SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count): """ SetSizingInfo(tab_ctrl_size, tab_count) Sets sizing information. """ IndentSize = property(None, None) # end of class AuiTabArt class AuiDefaultTabArt(AuiTabArt): """ AuiDefaultTabArt() Default art provider for wxAuiNotebook. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiDefaultTabArt() Default art provider for wxAuiNotebook. """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> AuiTabArt Clones the art object. """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) Sets flags. """ def SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count): """ SetSizingInfo(tab_ctrl_size, tab_count) Sets sizing information. """ def SetNormalFont(self, font): """ SetNormalFont(font) Sets the normal font for drawing labels. """ def SetSelectedFont(self, font): """ SetSelectedFont(font) Sets the font for drawing text for selected UI elements. """ def SetMeasuringFont(self, font): """ SetMeasuringFont(font) Sets the font used for calculating measurements. """ def SetColour(self, colour): """ SetColour(colour) Sets the colour of the inactive tabs. """ def SetActiveColour(self, colour): """ SetActiveColour(colour) Sets the colour of the selected tab. """ def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draws a background on the given area. """ def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, rect, close_button_state, out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent): """ DrawTab(dc, wnd, page, rect, close_button_state, out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent) Draws a tab. """ def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, in_rect, bitmap_id, button_state, orientation, out_rect): """ DrawButton(dc, wnd, in_rect, bitmap_id, button_state, orientation, out_rect) Draws a button. """ def GetIndentSize(self): """ GetIndentSize() -> int Returns the indent size. """ def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, x_extent): """ GetTabSize(dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, x_extent) -> wx.Size Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and state. """ def ShowDropDown(self, wnd, items, activeIdx): """ ShowDropDown(wnd, items, activeIdx) -> int """ def GetBestTabCtrlSize(self, , , ): """ GetBestTabCtrlSize(, , ) -> int Returns the tab control size. """ IndentSize = property(None, None) # end of class AuiDefaultTabArt class AuiSimpleTabArt(AuiTabArt): """ AuiSimpleTabArt() Another standard tab art provider for wxAuiNotebook. """ def __init__(self): """ AuiSimpleTabArt() Another standard tab art provider for wxAuiNotebook. """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> AuiTabArt Clones the art object. """ def SetFlags(self, flags): """ SetFlags(flags) Sets flags. """ def SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count): """ SetSizingInfo(tab_ctrl_size, tab_count) Sets sizing information. """ def SetNormalFont(self, font): """ SetNormalFont(font) Sets the normal font for drawing labels. """ def SetSelectedFont(self, font): """ SetSelectedFont(font) Sets the font for drawing text for selected UI elements. """ def SetMeasuringFont(self, font): """ SetMeasuringFont(font) Sets the font used for calculating measurements. """ def SetColour(self, colour): """ SetColour(colour) Sets the colour of the inactive tabs. """ def SetActiveColour(self, colour): """ SetActiveColour(colour) Sets the colour of the selected tab. """ def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect): """ DrawBackground(dc, wnd, rect) Draws a background on the given area. """ def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, rect, close_button_state, out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent): """ DrawTab(dc, wnd, page, rect, close_button_state, out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent) Draws a tab. """ def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, in_rect, bitmap_id, button_state, orientation, out_rect): """ DrawButton(dc, wnd, in_rect, bitmap_id, button_state, orientation, out_rect) Draws a button. """ def GetIndentSize(self): """ GetIndentSize() -> int Returns the indent size. """ def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, x_extent): """ GetTabSize(dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, x_extent) -> wx.Size Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and state. """ def ShowDropDown(self, wnd, items, activeIdx): """ ShowDropDown(wnd, items, activeIdx) -> int """ def GetBestTabCtrlSize(self, , , ): """ GetBestTabCtrlSize(, , ) -> int Returns the tab control size. """ IndentSize = property(None, None) # end of class AuiSimpleTabArt class AuiNotebookEvent(wx.BookCtrlEvent): """ AuiNotebookEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0) This class is used by the events generated by wxAuiNotebook. """ def __init__(self, command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0): """ AuiNotebookEvent(command_type=wx.wxEVT_NULL, win_id=0) This class is used by the events generated by wxAuiNotebook. """ def Clone(self): """ Clone() -> wx.Event """ # end of class AuiNotebookEvent EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP, 1 ) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK, 1 ) class AuiTabCtrl(wx.Control, AuiTabContainer): """ AuiTabCtrl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) """ def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0): """ AuiTabCtrl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) """ def IsDragging(self): """ IsDragging() -> bool """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ # end of class AuiTabCtrl #-- end-auibook --# #-- begin-auitabmdi --# class AuiMDIParentFrame(wx.Frame): """ AuiMDIParentFrame() AuiMDIParentFrame(parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL, name=wx.FrameNameStr) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiMDIParentFrame() AuiMDIParentFrame(parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL, name=wx.FrameNameStr) """ def Create(self, parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL, name=wx.FrameNameStr): """ Create(parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL, name=wx.FrameNameStr) -> bool """ def SetArtProvider(self, provider): """ SetArtProvider(provider) """ def GetArtProvider(self): """ GetArtProvider() -> AuiTabArt """ def GetNotebook(self): """ GetNotebook() -> AuiNotebook """ def GetWindowMenu(self): """ GetWindowMenu() -> wx.Menu """ def SetWindowMenu(self, pMenu): """ SetWindowMenu(pMenu) """ def SetMenuBar(self, menuBar): """ SetMenuBar(menuBar) Tells the frame to show the given menu bar. """ def SetChildMenuBar(self, pChild): """ SetChildMenuBar(pChild) """ def GetActiveChild(self): """ GetActiveChild() -> AuiMDIChildFrame """ def SetActiveChild(self, pChildFrame): """ SetActiveChild(pChildFrame) """ def GetClientWindow(self): """ GetClientWindow() -> AuiMDIClientWindow """ def OnCreateClient(self): """ OnCreateClient() -> AuiMDIClientWindow """ def Cascade(self): """ Cascade() """ def Tile(self, orient=wx.HORIZONTAL): """ Tile(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) """ def ArrangeIcons(self): """ ArrangeIcons() """ def ActivateNext(self): """ ActivateNext() """ def ActivatePrevious(self): """ ActivatePrevious() """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ActiveChild = property(None, None) ArtProvider = property(None, None) ClientWindow = property(None, None) Notebook = property(None, None) WindowMenu = property(None, None) # end of class AuiMDIParentFrame class AuiMDIChildFrame(TDIChildFrame): """ AuiMDIChildFrame() AuiMDIChildFrame(parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name=wx.FrameNameStr) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiMDIChildFrame() AuiMDIChildFrame(parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name=wx.FrameNameStr) """ def Create(self, parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name=wx.FrameNameStr): """ Create(parent, winid=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name=wx.FrameNameStr) -> bool """ def SetMenuBar(self, menuBar): """ SetMenuBar(menuBar) """ def GetMenuBar(self): """ GetMenuBar() -> wx.MenuBar """ def SetTitle(self, title): """ SetTitle(title) """ def GetTitle(self): """ GetTitle() -> String """ def SetIcons(self, icons): """ SetIcons(icons) """ def GetIcons(self): """ GetIcons() -> wx.IconBundle """ def SetIcon(self, icon): """ SetIcon(icon) """ def GetIcon(self): """ GetIcon() -> wx.Icon """ def Activate(self): """ Activate() """ def Destroy(self): """ Destroy() -> bool Destroys the window safely. """ def Show(self, show=True): """ Show(show=True) -> bool Shows or hides the window. """ def CreateStatusBar(self, number=1, style=1, winid=1, name=wx.EmptyString): """ CreateStatusBar(number=1, style=1, winid=1, name=wx.EmptyString) -> wx.StatusBar """ def GetStatusBar(self): """ GetStatusBar() -> wx.StatusBar """ def SetStatusText(self, text, number=0): """ SetStatusText(text, number=0) """ def SetStatusWidths(self, widths): """ SetStatusWidths(widths) """ def CreateToolBar(self, style, winid, name): """ CreateToolBar(style, winid, name) -> wx.ToolBar """ def GetToolBar(self): """ GetToolBar() -> wx.ToolBar """ def Maximize(self, maximize=True): """ Maximize(maximize=True) """ def Restore(self): """ Restore() """ def Iconize(self, iconize=True): """ Iconize(iconize=True) """ def IsMaximized(self): """ IsMaximized() -> bool """ def IsIconized(self): """ IsIconized() -> bool """ def ShowFullScreen(self, show, style): """ ShowFullScreen(show, style) -> bool """ def IsFullScreen(self): """ IsFullScreen() -> bool """ def IsTopLevel(self): """ IsTopLevel() -> bool Returns true if the given window is a top-level one. """ def SetMDIParentFrame(self, parent): """ SetMDIParentFrame(parent) """ def GetMDIParentFrame(self): """ GetMDIParentFrame() -> AuiMDIParentFrame """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ Icon = property(None, None) Icons = property(None, None) MDIParentFrame = property(None, None) MenuBar = property(None, None) StatusBar = property(None, None) Title = property(None, None) ToolBar = property(None, None) # end of class AuiMDIChildFrame class AuiMDIClientWindow(AuiNotebook): """ AuiMDIClientWindow() AuiMDIClientWindow(parent, style=0) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ AuiMDIClientWindow() AuiMDIClientWindow(parent, style=0) """ def CreateClient(self, parent, style=wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL): """ CreateClient(parent, style=wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL) -> bool """ def SetSelection(self, new_page): """ SetSelection(new_page) -> int Sets the page selection. """ def GetActiveChild(self): """ GetActiveChild() -> AuiMDIChildFrame """ def SetActiveChild(self, pChildFrame): """ SetActiveChild(pChildFrame) """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ ActiveChild = property(None, None) # end of class AuiMDIClientWindow #-- end-auitabmdi --#