581 lines
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581 lines
15 KiB
# spinbox.tcl --
# This file defines the default bindings for Tk spinbox widgets and provides
# procedures that help in implementing those bindings. The spinbox builds
# off the entry widget, so it can reuse Entry bindings and procedures.
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Jeffrey Hobbs
# Copyright (c) 2000 Ajuba Solutions
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# Elements of tk::Priv that are used in this file:
# afterId - If non-null, it means that auto-scanning is underway
# and it gives the "after" id for the next auto-scan
# command to be executed.
# mouseMoved - Non-zero means the mouse has moved a significant
# amount since the button went down (so, for example,
# start dragging out a selection).
# pressX - X-coordinate at which the mouse button was pressed.
# selectMode - The style of selection currently underway:
# char, word, or line.
# x, y - Last known mouse coordinates for scanning
# and auto-scanning.
# data - Used for Cut and Copy
# Initialize namespace
namespace eval ::tk::spinbox {}
# The code below creates the default class bindings for entries.
bind Spinbox <<Cut>> {
if {![catch {::tk::spinbox::GetSelection %W} tk::Priv(data)]} {
clipboard clear -displayof %W
clipboard append -displayof %W $tk::Priv(data)
%W delete sel.first sel.last
unset tk::Priv(data)
bind Spinbox <<Copy>> {
if {![catch {::tk::spinbox::GetSelection %W} tk::Priv(data)]} {
clipboard clear -displayof %W
clipboard append -displayof %W $tk::Priv(data)
unset tk::Priv(data)
bind Spinbox <<Paste>> {
catch {
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "x11"} {
catch {
%W delete sel.first sel.last
%W insert insert [::tk::GetSelection %W CLIPBOARD]
::tk::EntrySeeInsert %W
bind Spinbox <<Clear>> {
%W delete sel.first sel.last
bind Spinbox <<PasteSelection>> {
if {$tk_strictMotif || ![info exists tk::Priv(mouseMoved)]
|| !$tk::Priv(mouseMoved)} {
::tk::spinbox::Paste %W %x
bind Spinbox <<TraverseIn>> {
%W selection range 0 end
%W icursor end
# Standard Motif bindings:
bind Spinbox <1> {
::tk::spinbox::ButtonDown %W %x %y
bind Spinbox <B1-Motion> {
::tk::spinbox::Motion %W %x %y
bind Spinbox <Double-1> {
::tk::spinbox::ArrowPress %W %x %y
set tk::Priv(selectMode) word
::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect %W %x sel.first
bind Spinbox <Triple-1> {
::tk::spinbox::ArrowPress %W %x %y
set tk::Priv(selectMode) line
::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect %W %x 0
bind Spinbox <Shift-1> {
set tk::Priv(selectMode) char
%W selection adjust @%x
bind Spinbox <Double-Shift-1> {
set tk::Priv(selectMode) word
::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect %W %x
bind Spinbox <Triple-Shift-1> {
set tk::Priv(selectMode) line
::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect %W %x
bind Spinbox <B1-Leave> {
set tk::Priv(x) %x
::tk::spinbox::AutoScan %W
bind Spinbox <B1-Enter> {
bind Spinbox <ButtonRelease-1> {
::tk::spinbox::ButtonUp %W %x %y
bind Spinbox <Control-1> {
%W icursor @%x
bind Spinbox <<PrevLine>> {
%W invoke buttonup
bind Spinbox <<NextLine>> {
%W invoke buttondown
bind Spinbox <<PrevChar>> {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W [expr {[%W index insert] - 1}]
bind Spinbox <<NextChar>> {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W [expr {[%W index insert] + 1}]
bind Spinbox <<SelectPrevChar>> {
::tk::EntryKeySelect %W [expr {[%W index insert] - 1}]
::tk::EntrySeeInsert %W
bind Spinbox <<SelectNextChar>> {
::tk::EntryKeySelect %W [expr {[%W index insert] + 1}]
::tk::EntrySeeInsert %W
bind Spinbox <<PrevWord>> {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W [::tk::EntryPreviousWord %W insert]
bind Spinbox <<NextWord>> {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W [::tk::EntryNextWord %W insert]
bind Spinbox <<SelectPrevWord>> {
::tk::EntryKeySelect %W [::tk::EntryPreviousWord %W insert]
::tk::EntrySeeInsert %W
bind Spinbox <<SelectNextWord>> {
::tk::EntryKeySelect %W [::tk::EntryNextWord %W insert]
::tk::EntrySeeInsert %W
bind Spinbox <<LineStart>> {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W 0
bind Spinbox <<SelectLineStart>> {
::tk::EntryKeySelect %W 0
::tk::EntrySeeInsert %W
bind Spinbox <<LineEnd>> {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W end
bind Spinbox <<SelectLineEnd>> {
::tk::EntryKeySelect %W end
::tk::EntrySeeInsert %W
bind Spinbox <Delete> {
if {[%W selection present]} {
%W delete sel.first sel.last
} else {
%W delete insert
bind Spinbox <BackSpace> {
::tk::EntryBackspace %W
bind Spinbox <Control-space> {
%W selection from insert
bind Spinbox <Select> {
%W selection from insert
bind Spinbox <Control-Shift-space> {
%W selection adjust insert
bind Spinbox <Shift-Select> {
%W selection adjust insert
bind Spinbox <<SelectAll>> {
%W selection range 0 end
bind Spinbox <<SelectNone>> {
%W selection clear
bind Spinbox <KeyPress> {
::tk::EntryInsert %W %A
# Ignore all Alt, Meta, and Control keypresses unless explicitly bound.
# Otherwise, if a widget binding for one of these is defined, the
# <KeyPress> class binding will also fire and insert the character,
# which is wrong. Ditto for Escape, Return, and Tab.
bind Spinbox <Alt-KeyPress> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <Meta-KeyPress> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <Control-KeyPress> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <Escape> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <Return> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <KP_Enter> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <Tab> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <Prior> {# nothing}
bind Spinbox <Next> {# nothing}
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
bind Spinbox <Command-KeyPress> {# nothing}
# On Windows, paste is done using Shift-Insert. Shift-Insert already
# generates the <<Paste>> event, so we don't need to do anything here.
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "win32"} {
bind Spinbox <Insert> {
catch {::tk::EntryInsert %W [::tk::GetSelection %W PRIMARY]}
# Additional emacs-like bindings:
bind Spinbox <Control-d> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W delete insert
bind Spinbox <Control-h> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
::tk::EntryBackspace %W
bind Spinbox <Control-k> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W delete insert end
bind Spinbox <Control-t> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
::tk::EntryTranspose %W
bind Spinbox <Meta-b> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W [::tk::EntryPreviousWord %W insert]
bind Spinbox <Meta-d> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W delete insert [::tk::EntryNextWord %W insert]
bind Spinbox <Meta-f> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
::tk::EntrySetCursor %W [::tk::EntryNextWord %W insert]
bind Spinbox <Meta-BackSpace> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W delete [::tk::EntryPreviousWord %W insert] insert
bind Spinbox <Meta-Delete> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W delete [::tk::EntryPreviousWord %W insert] insert
# A few additional bindings of my own.
bind Spinbox <2> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
::tk::EntryScanMark %W %x
bind Spinbox <B2-Motion> {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
::tk::EntryScanDrag %W %x
# ::tk::spinbox::Invoke --
# Invoke an element of the spinbox
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window.
# elem - Element to invoke
proc ::tk::spinbox::Invoke {w elem} {
variable ::tk::Priv
if {![winfo exists $w]} {
if {![info exists Priv(outsideElement)]} {
$w invoke $elem
incr Priv(repeated)
set delay [$w cget -repeatinterval]
if {$delay > 0} {
set Priv(afterId) [after $delay \
[list ::tk::spinbox::Invoke $w $elem]]
# ::tk::spinbox::ClosestGap --
# Given x and y coordinates, this procedure finds the closest boundary
# between characters to the given coordinates and returns the index
# of the character just after the boundary.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window.
# x - X-coordinate within the window.
proc ::tk::spinbox::ClosestGap {w x} {
set pos [$w index @$x]
set bbox [$w bbox $pos]
if {($x - [lindex $bbox 0]) < ([lindex $bbox 2]/2)} {
return $pos
incr pos
# ::tk::spinbox::ArrowPress --
# This procedure is invoked to handle button-1 presses in buttonup
# or buttondown elements of spinbox widgets.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window in which the button was pressed.
# x - The x-coordinate of the button press.
# y - The y-coordinate of the button press.
proc ::tk::spinbox::ArrowPress {w x y} {
variable ::tk::Priv
if {[$w cget -state] ne "disabled" && \
[string match "button*" $Priv(element)]} {
$w selection element $Priv(element)
set Priv(repeated) 0
set Priv(relief) [$w cget -$Priv(element)relief]
catch {after cancel $Priv(afterId)}
set delay [$w cget -repeatdelay]
if {$delay > 0} {
set Priv(afterId) [after $delay \
[list ::tk::spinbox::Invoke $w $Priv(element)]]
if {[info exists Priv(outsideElement)]} {
unset Priv(outsideElement)
# ::tk::spinbox::ButtonDown --
# This procedure is invoked to handle button-1 presses in spinbox
# widgets. It moves the insertion cursor, sets the selection anchor,
# and claims the input focus.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window in which the button was pressed.
# x - The x-coordinate of the button press.
# y - The y-coordinate of the button press.
proc ::tk::spinbox::ButtonDown {w x y} {
variable ::tk::Priv
# Get the element that was clicked in. If we are not directly over
# the spinbox, default to entry. This is necessary for spinbox grabs.
set Priv(element) [$w identify $x $y]
if {$Priv(element) eq ""} {
set Priv(element) "entry"
switch -exact $Priv(element) {
"buttonup" - "buttondown" {
::tk::spinbox::ArrowPress $w $x $y
"entry" {
set Priv(selectMode) char
set Priv(mouseMoved) 0
set Priv(pressX) $x
$w icursor [::tk::spinbox::ClosestGap $w $x]
$w selection from insert
if {"disabled" ne [$w cget -state]} {focus $w}
$w selection clear
default {
return -code error -errorcode {TK SPINBOX UNKNOWN_ELEMENT} \
"unknown spinbox element \"$Priv(element)\""
# ::tk::spinbox::ButtonUp --
# This procedure is invoked to handle button-1 releases in spinbox
# widgets.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window in which the button was pressed.
# x - The x-coordinate of the button press.
# y - The y-coordinate of the button press.
proc ::tk::spinbox::ButtonUp {w x y} {
variable ::tk::Priv
# Priv(relief) may not exist if the ButtonUp is not paired with
# a preceding ButtonDown
if {[info exists Priv(element)] && [info exists Priv(relief)] && \
[string match "button*" $Priv(element)]} {
if {[info exists Priv(repeated)] && !$Priv(repeated)} {
$w invoke $Priv(element)
$w configure -$Priv(element)relief $Priv(relief)
$w selection element none
# ::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect --
# This procedure is invoked when dragging out a selection with
# the mouse. Depending on the selection mode (character, word,
# line) it selects in different-sized units. This procedure
# ignores mouse motions initially until the mouse has moved from
# one character to another or until there have been multiple clicks.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window in which the button was pressed.
# x - The x-coordinate of the mouse.
# cursor - optional place to set cursor.
proc ::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect {w x {cursor {}}} {
variable ::tk::Priv
if {$Priv(element) ne "entry"} {
# The ButtonUp command triggered by ButtonRelease-1 handles
# invoking one of the spinbuttons.
set cur [::tk::spinbox::ClosestGap $w $x]
set anchor [$w index anchor]
if {($cur ne $anchor) || (abs($Priv(pressX) - $x) >= 3)} {
set Priv(mouseMoved) 1
switch $Priv(selectMode) {
char {
if {$Priv(mouseMoved)} {
if {$cur < $anchor} {
$w selection range $cur $anchor
} elseif {$cur > $anchor} {
$w selection range $anchor $cur
} else {
$w selection clear
word {
if {$cur < [$w index anchor]} {
set before [tcl_wordBreakBefore [$w get] $cur]
set after [tcl_wordBreakAfter [$w get] [expr {$anchor-1}]]
} else {
set before [tcl_wordBreakBefore [$w get] $anchor]
set after [tcl_wordBreakAfter [$w get] [expr {$cur - 1}]]
if {$before < 0} {
set before 0
if {$after < 0} {
set after end
$w selection range $before $after
line {
$w selection range 0 end
if {$cursor ne {} && $cursor ne "ignore"} {
catch {$w icursor $cursor}
update idletasks
# ::tk::spinbox::Paste --
# This procedure sets the insertion cursor to the current mouse position,
# pastes the selection there, and sets the focus to the window.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window.
# x - X position of the mouse.
proc ::tk::spinbox::Paste {w x} {
$w icursor [::tk::spinbox::ClosestGap $w $x]
catch {$w insert insert [::tk::GetSelection $w PRIMARY]}
if {"disabled" eq [$w cget -state]} {
focus $w
# ::tk::spinbox::Motion --
# This procedure is invoked when the mouse moves in a spinbox window
# with button 1 down.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window.
# x - The x-coordinate of the mouse.
# y - The y-coordinate of the mouse.
proc ::tk::spinbox::Motion {w x y} {
variable ::tk::Priv
if {![info exists Priv(element)]} {
set Priv(element) [$w identify $x $y]
set Priv(x) $x
if {"entry" eq $Priv(element)} {
::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect $w $x ignore
} elseif {[$w identify $x $y] ne $Priv(element)} {
if {![info exists Priv(outsideElement)]} {
# We've wandered out of the spin button
# setting outside element will cause ::tk::spinbox::Invoke to
# loop without doing anything
set Priv(outsideElement) ""
$w selection element none
} elseif {[info exists Priv(outsideElement)]} {
unset Priv(outsideElement)
$w selection element $Priv(element)
# ::tk::spinbox::AutoScan --
# This procedure is invoked when the mouse leaves an spinbox window
# with button 1 down. It scrolls the window left or right,
# depending on where the mouse is, and reschedules itself as an
# "after" command so that the window continues to scroll until the
# mouse moves back into the window or the mouse button is released.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window.
proc ::tk::spinbox::AutoScan {w} {
variable ::tk::Priv
set x $Priv(x)
if {$x >= [winfo width $w]} {
$w xview scroll 2 units
::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect $w $x ignore
} elseif {$x < 0} {
$w xview scroll -2 units
::tk::spinbox::MouseSelect $w $x ignore
set Priv(afterId) [after 50 [list ::tk::spinbox::AutoScan $w]]
# ::tk::spinbox::GetSelection --
# Returns the selected text of the spinbox. Differs from entry in that
# a spinbox has no -show option to obscure contents.
# Arguments:
# w - The spinbox window from which the text to get
proc ::tk::spinbox::GetSelection {w} {
return [string range [$w get] [$w index sel.first] \
[expr {[$w index sel.last] - 1}]]